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How long before Pitino gets an NCAA Title at U of L?
Louisville's program had dropped to a low level from what it used to be before Rick was hired. But Pitino has been at U of L for a long time now and still no Title. Since he had great success at getting the right players at UK, winning 2 titles, and having the chance to have possibly won 4 Titles while there and who knows how many had he stayed, why is he having such difficulty at Louisville? How long before he gets one? Thoughts.
He only has one tittle
He has a great recruiting class coming in next year, but I don't see a title anywhere in sight.
I believe if Pitino went back to his style of play like he is notorious for he'd win a title. To me it seems Pitino's teams aren't high scoring like they were when he was at Kentucky; but he doesn't have some of the players he has that he had back then either. I don't know when but I'd say a few years because Louisville isn't a small time basketball school.
He will get one sooner or later. He did make it to the final four not to long ago.
Horse Head Wrote:He only has one tittle

You are right, my bad. He still could have had 3-4 though.
blackcat_mvp6 Wrote:He will get one sooner or later. He did make it to the final four not to long ago.

Yeah, you are right! Maybe he'll get back there again. I think they just didn't have the depth that year to win it, but making it to the final 4 is more than UK can say under Tubby (1st season excluded).
EKY Sportster Wrote:Yeah, you are right! Maybe he'll get back there again. I think they just didn't have the depth that year to win it, but making it to the final 4 is more than UK can say under Tubby (1st season excluded).
Well if you exclude a season from a lot of people's resumes it changes some things. You can't just exclude a year.
Hopefully No Titles and they will end up in Lexington. lol
Panther Thunder Wrote:Well if you exclude a season from a lot of people's resumes it changes some things. You can't just exclude a year.

Well I'm doing so because Pitino won the Title with his players and Tubby won the Title with Pitino's players. But I don't want this thread to get off topic and turn into a Tubby v. Pitino thread. I was just making a comparison to UK and UL's last few years seasons.
He wont get one, least not with Louisville. He has not had the success ther because U of L is UK. Plus UK will be be back to its glory days under Gillespie, so that means Pitino wont even have the best team in his state. I dont ever see them being a top contender for the Big East.
Patino is just too good of a coach to not be a contender even in his conference.
Pitino will not win anymore titles.
I wouldnt say never, Pitino can recuit at UL and can get 4 and 5 star players. I think this years team could make a lot of noise in the tourament in March.imo
I dont think he ever will.
RavenBoy Wrote:I dont think he ever will.

after uk showing tonite I don't know about them either
I think he has a great group to do it this year... and if all the boys stay next year they will be a force to be dealt with... They lose Padgett and Palacios, but hopefully DC and E-5 come into there own, Jerry Smith is amazing, Sosa can improve and with the recruits he has coming I would watch out for Louisville in the next few years... The Big East has become the premier conference in basketball and Louisville is almost to the top of it... unranked, yet 3rd in the Big East.

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