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12-08-2007, 10:47 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:What post?
I posted about that flyer...and its gone, lol.
12-08-2007, 11:59 PM
vundy33 Wrote:I posted about that flyer...and its gone, lol.
care to repost it? lol
12-09-2007, 01:00 AM
I watched a program on this. Based off of what the show explained, there were 2 gunmen, and the angles were physically impossible to have killed JFK, and wounded the other passenger. "The Grassy Knoll Killer", was the other believed person. I feel that there were 2 gunmen. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack Ruby had something to do with it. After all, he did kill Oswalt before they got to hear his side of the story. Maybe, just maybe, Ruby had something to do with the assassination and he knew that Oswalt would tell, and he wanted to keep the whole thing a secret?
I doubt it's true, I find that a possible explanation for it though. Just my opinion, not saying that its true.
I doubt it's true, I find that a possible explanation for it though. Just my opinion, not saying that its true.
12-09-2007, 01:26 AM
Pupaw Wrote:I watched a program on this. Based off of what the show explained, there were 2 gunmen, and the angles were physically impossible to have killed JFK, and wounded the other passenger. "The Grassy Knoll Killer", was the other believed person. I feel that there were 2 gunmen. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack Ruby had something to do with it. After all, he did kill Oswalt before they got to hear his side of the story. Maybe, just maybe, Ruby had something to do with the assassination and he knew that Oswalt would tell, and he wanted to keep the whole thing a secret?
I doubt it's true, I find that a possible explanation for it though. Just my opinion, not saying that its true.
The 'magic' bullet theory is what you speak of. It says that the angle aren't possible. This has been THOROUGHLY debunked time and time again by everyone from the Warren Commission, to the HSCOA, to Mythbusters.. in fact about the only person who believes it these days is Oliver Stone.

The problem with the grassy knoll theory is that there were TOO many people too close by that didn't see it or hear it.
Here are some facts to consider:
Howard Brennan, a 45-year-old steamfitter, while waiting across the street from the Texas School Book Depository for the presidential motorcade, noticed a man at the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Depository. Just after the President's car passed, he heard what he thought was a firecracker or an explosion. He looked up at the window again and saw the man with a gun, aiming and taking a final shot. Within minutes of the assassination, Brennan described the man to the police. He later testified that Lee Harvey Oswald, who he viewed in a police lineup on the night of the assassination, was the man he saw fire the shot.[3]
Bonnie Ray Williams and two co-workers watching the motorcade from fifth floor windows of the Depository heard three shots come from the floor above, and reverberations shook plaster from the ceiling onto his head.[4]
Governor John Connally and Mrs. Connally and the two Secret Service agents in the presidential limousine all testified that the shots came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository.[5]
Charles Hester, Emmett Hudson and Marilyn Sitzman, the only witnesses on the Grassy Knoll who gave testimony about the direction of the shots, all said the shots came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository.[6]
Marilyn Sitzman was standing on a 4-foot (1.2 m) high retaining wall 15 yards (14 m) east of the 5-foot (1.5 m) high picket fence on the grassy knoll.[7] (View from Sitzman's position.) She stated that she saw no gunman firing from behind the picket fence: "The blast of a high-powered rifle would have blown me off that wall."[8]
Of the earwitnesses, 99 believed that all the shots came from one direction, and only 5 believed they came from two directions.
The Warren Commission, and the HSCA both concluded that the shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally were fired from above and behind the Presidential limousine.[10]
Shortly after the assassination, a rifle was found partially-hidden between some boxes on the sixth floor of the Depository, and the improvised paper wrapper/bag that covered the rifle was found close to the window from which the shots were fired.[11]
Fiber analysis of President Kennedy's clothing showed that he was hit by a bullet from the rear, which passed out the front of his clothing.[12]
The Zapruder film shows two blood sprays moving forward from the front right-hand side of Kennedy's temple, but no blood spray from the back of his head. The motion of his head, first forward and then backward, has been mimicked in skull models hit by 6.5 mm 160 gr. military bullets.[13]
A rifle bullet from the grassy knoll, to President Kennedy's right, would presumably have exited the left side of his head, or at least penetrated to the left side of his brain. No wound was found on the left side of his skull, no damage was found to the left side of his brain (which was removed and examined), and X-rays found no metal fragments in the left side of the brain.
The bullet found on Governor Connally's stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital and the two bullet fragments found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine were matched to the same lot of ammunition. The bullet found on the stretcher was a ballistic match to the 6.5-millimeter Mannlicher-Carcano rifle that was found in the 6th floor of the Depository. No other bullet fragments from any other rifle were found.[14]
The windshield in the Presidential limousine was struck by a bullet fragment on the inside surface of the glass, meaning that these fragments came from behind, and not in front, of the President.[15]
The Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5-millimeter Italian rifle â from which the shots were fired â was ordered in the name of A. Hidell and sent to Oswald's P.O. Box in Dallas. Alek was the name Oswald used in the Soviet Union, and Alek James Hidell was the name on the false I.D. Oswald was carrying when arrested on the day of the assassination. The FBI found Oswald's palm print on the rifle barrel between the barrel and the stock, which could have been put there only when the rifle was disassembled.[16]
Oswald was seen with a paper bag/wrapper in a car on the way to the Depository. He said, when he was asked, that it was full of "curtain-rods". He said they were for the rooming-house he was living in (while he was living away from his wife) although his rooming house already had curtains and rods, and Oswald had never discussed the matter with his landlady. The paper bag was found on the sixth floor, near the rifle, but the "curtain-rods" were never found at the Depository.[17]
Three separate photographs of Oswald holding a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and wearing a pistol are known.[18] His wife Marina Oswald testified in 1964 and 1978 that she took the photographs at his request.[19] Two were found at Oswald's residence when he was in custody, and a third later turned up from Dallas police officer Roscoe White's collection after he died.
Now as far as the magic bullet and its impossibility according to conspiracy theorists. First they say that angles don't match up, in an up and down viewpoint. (entrance exits). But this photo shows how much lower the Gov was sitting than Kennedy.
Then they look at the entrance wound on the jacket and say that it doesn't line up with autopsy results. Proving that it was manipulated to make it look like it came in a different direction. However Kennedy's jacket and shirt were bunched up terribly. This website will give you about 15 pictures from that day demonstrating exactly how bad it really was. As well as autoposy photos showing the exact location (graphic).
The also claim that the Gov was sitting directly in front of Kennedy. Thus the bullet would have to 'turn in mid-air' to his him. This also was not the case. The gov was sitting inboard. The seat was intentionally placed closer to the center to allow easy access to the back seat. These two photos show the error in that arguement.
12-10-2007, 12:34 AM
ronald_reagan Wrote:What do you mean?It was said when the body left TX it was in a different color casket than when it left the plane.
12-10-2007, 12:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2007, 12:44 AM by ronald_reagan.)
Panther Thunder Wrote:It was said when the body left TX it was in a different color casket than when it left the plane.
And if so? What does that prove?
The autopsy was peformed BEFORE his body was left and pictures were taken and are available on several sites.
If they changed from a blue one, to a pink one... what does that prove at all? Besides 'queeer eye for the straight guy' arranged his funeral....??
Jackie Kennedy was with the casket during the flight, do you think she'd not notice the color change, or the swap? or even question why? :confused:
12-10-2007, 09:01 AM
I agree with Jackie Kennedy... It is somewhat surreal that a "silly little Communist" killed the President. However, I think the preponderance of reliable evidence suggests that is exactly what happened.
12-11-2007, 01:25 AM
thecavemaster Wrote:I agree with Jackie Kennedy... It is somewhat surreal that a "silly little Communist" killed the President. However, I think the preponderance of reliable evidence suggests that is exactly what happened.
Cavemaster... stop this silly pandering. :p you got my vote already!
I hate agreeing with you..
12-11-2007, 05:42 PM
I saw a Panda once, lazily walking, just a pandaring down the trail...
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