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Joe Biden Admits to Elite Donors: ‘We’re Gonna Live with This Inflation for a While’
When are Joe Biden and the sick, twisted liberals who still support him going to apologize to patriotic Americans for destroying this nation's economic security? Remember the lies of the administration when they insisted that inflation was "transitory?" Now, instead of attacking the very real problems that Biden and the dishonest politicians who support him in Congress created, they are busy trying to prevent Donald Trump from running from a second term. The real threats to democracy are those who are intentionally driving up the cost of gasoline, food, and housing to impose a socialist agenda that has failed everywhere it has been adopted.

Joe Biden Admits to Elite Donors: ‘We’re Gonna Live with This Inflation for a While’
A Democrat president has to be really awful for CNN to turn on him. CNN has started to turn. I don't expect that the network will endorse a Republican presidential candidate in my lifetime, but simply beginning to cover the news instead of covering up every mistake and act of malfeasance by Democrats is progress.

CNN reporter says Biden 'worse than Jimmy Carter' on inflation, Americans 'holding him responsible'

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