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Knott County Central BB the King

Bruthas bruthas ole Fatpat never seen a beat bolz! Pat Nation has learned of espionage within the ranks! The jesters have come out to try to dethrone the King! Quadruple negative wowza! Called Killer B and TV 24 and the media and said bolz wez got a enemy spy among us! Scared ole Fatpat but King said big guy wez cut down more nets in my time than all the years of Knott being consolidated!Let ole Fatpat break this mutha down Fatpat style! King is like King Midas and everything he touches turn to gold on and off the court! The man is a freaking legend producing quality bruhs, Mr Basketball, ranked in state multiple times, hardware collections, raised Pat Nation to royalty like a mutha, and there for every player bolz! SMH. There is a fungus among us as ole grammy used to say! Few rotten taters will destroy the whole bin bruthas!Pat Nation knows nobody bigger than the name on the uniforms baby! #standbehindroyalty #entouragewillsurvive  #kingbuiltdifferent  #biga$$fansblowbanners  #knottcountypatnatiostandsbehindtheking  More mash taters please!!!
Someone told me they were gonna hire Shawn Damron and Dewayne Napier. Not sure how true that is.
Nonsensical that the administrations or other overseeing body would permit others to persuade them to relieve a coach if that is the case. However, if the above has committed actions unsatisfactory then it is understandable. I have heard the rumors of disgruntled parents at Knott and at Breathitt as well. King brings class every game and it is very passionate about the game. Same for Noble. Both programs should be thankful for their respective coaches. Kids play ball and coaches coach. Parents today and children today think they are entitled but that is not the case. Work hard to get better, be coachable, and drama brings nothing but more dilemmas down the road.
Amen to that
(03-15-2022, 02:39 PM)DukeBoy Wrote: Someone told me they were gonna hire Shawn Damron and Dewayne Napier.  Not sure how true that is.

#nothappeningbruthas  #insidetheboemafia More mash taters please!!!
I heard it from BBS own mouth that this was his last season. He said he was retiring.
Fatpat hearing you guys have a new variant of Covid called Daddyball 19 spreading over there. Even had some players talk with our program about if we had room for them. Perry will be tough next year but we will see what Shannon does if they come or if they come. What I have gathered is certain parents went to the board and demanded him to retire or be fired. If that's true, then that doesn't look good. Potential names for the position have an interest because they have kids playing or coming up so they want to control things for their children. What I'm hearing is you don't have to look far, it is right from your own people looks like. I always enjoy your posts for a good laugh but hate seeing Knott struggling as they were usually good competitive games when the Dores met with them. I'll say this, they played us pretty well and we had an off night but BB had a good game plan for us. It sure was sweet though to beat Knott, always is but that's out of respect.
Same old same old. Politics is big time in Knott no matter the sport. It is in other counties but Knott sure seems to have tons of it. Knott struggled though, was it the players or the coaching? Lost to Cordia and Letcher swept them. When's the last time Knott was swept by Letcher? Been a long time and they were in several games but turnovers hurt them all year. They pound the air out of the ball and offense was flat or fell apart. Without Shepherd, they would have barely won a few games and that's a fact. Poor shooting too but Knott looked smaller this year than years past. Speed and size made Knott dominant for years. Too much me ball this year. Just my two cents for what it's worth.

Bruthas bruthas wez in lockdown mode as we speak bolz!LT said big guy let me teach you a lil lesson out at one of the local schools.Wowza lil feller trusted to be caught and LT said big guy trust freaking nobody baby outside of the entourage baby! Negative wowza! #patriotrevolutionhasbegun  #paulreverebaby #headspinning More mash taters please!!!

Bolz Pats be back as hot as a mutha before long!The ship sinking faster than ole Fatpat at the public pool on the slide bruthas!Butz wez pick ourselves up and climb to the top again before long baby!The enemies are slicker than sh*t on a hoe handle!Wowza! #groovyhoovywillsettlethis  #buildbackbetterwontwork  More mash taters please!!!
A coach can only do some much with what he has everyone got used to golden days of knott with Cameron justice Evan hall Austin combs issac Caudill and everyone else those teams don’t come around very much the 14th region ain’t like it used to be that level of talent ain’t here no more can’t blame that on coach king he’s arguable the best coach or one of the best to ever be in the mountains
Having gathered these facts, Roy, I smoked several pipes over them, trying to separate those which were crucial from others which were merely incidental.  I find it without incident that the attempted slaying of the King comes with a high price.  Those that whine like spoiled children have brought together a firing squad with no mercy or credentials.  My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built.  I have found that these imposters of Patriot Nation have evoked a civil war like no other man has witnessed.  I think there are certain crimes which the law cannot touch, and which therefore, to some extent, justify private revenge for the King and his court.  In the end, I listen to their story, they listen to my comments, and then I pocket my fee.  However, I never make exceptions.  An exception disproves the rule.  Therefore, no exceptions shall be rendered for the BOE, daddy coaches, selfish parents, or other deviant soles that attempts assassination upon the throne.  I ought to know by this time that when a fact appears to be opposed to a long train of deductions it invariably proves to be capable of bearing some other interpretations.  Let me be frank Roy, facts will prevail and the truth will come to light.  I am the last and highest court of appeal in detection.  It is my business to know what other people don't know.
How many State Championships does the King have?
(03-17-2022, 10:42 AM)Sherlock Wrote: Having gathered these facts, Roy, I smoked several pipes over them, trying to separate those which were crucial from others which were merely incidental.  I find it without incident that the attempted slaying of the King comes with a high price.  Those that whine like spoiled children have brought together a firing squad with no mercy or credentials.  My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built.  I have found that these imposters of Patriot Nation have evoked a civil war like no other man has witnessed.  I think there are certain crimes which the law cannot touch, and which therefore, to some extent, justify private revenge for the King and his court.  In the end, I listen to their story, they listen to my comments, and then I pocket my fee.  However, I never make exceptions.  An exception disproves the rule.  Therefore, no exceptions shall be rendered for the BOE, daddy coaches, selfish parents, or other deviant soles that attempts assassination upon the throne.  I ought to know by this time that when a fact appears to be opposed to a long train of deductions it invariably proves to be capable of bearing some other interpretations.  Let me be frank Roy, facts will prevail and the truth will come to light.  I am the last and highest court of appeal in detection.  It is my business to know what other people don't know.

Brutha ole Fatpat not sure what you said but think wez like it!Pat Nation is pumped up like a freaking mutha!The revolt has begun and ole Fatpat like to give a shoutout to all the bruthas that messaged and been in touch for supporting the king!Appetite increased and the blood pressure and cholesterol at an all time high baby!Wowza!BoPo said big guy gather names of the trickery starters and went into a Patriot tater fit aint seen since JPC left and scared ole Fatpat!   #timetorise  #stillsmokin  More mash taters please!!!
(03-17-2022, 10:47 AM)DukeBoy Wrote: How many State Championships does the King have?

Dukes brother ole Fatpat worries about you baby!Whatever you smoking give ole Fatpat about 8!Not sure how big boy you are but wez thinking thats an insult smh!How many titles does any coach in the 14th have a state title???Mortys and Carr Creek and Hazard won titles and thats a lil history lesson as Hightide Hays says baby!Not one since but King has smoked more cigars in one day your age baby!Hang around and ole Fatpat teach youz a few things about 14th regional basketball and eating like a freaking beast boi!Perry got spanked like a mutha from a protege of the King Josh Cook and that was an a## whooping!Cook called the entourage and said how bad do wez beat em and Roy said have no freaking mercy!  #startingtorain  #dontbiteoffthehandthatfeedsya   #spieslies  More mash taters please!!!

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