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Okay Well
Here i am again... veterans to the board will know me as theswag...

and i am back again... living in Morehead.
Welcome back
TheyKnowMe Wrote:Welcome back

yea this is my third time on the board....

first i was theswag, then i was c0ch[hxc]

i forgot both passwords... so here i am,

and i hope i can keep up with this one....

i was actually one of the first members on the BGR board.
Need to write these things down lol
TheyKnowMe Wrote:Need to write these things down lol

thats the thing.... the passwords for both accounts were the same as all my other passwords at the time... i eventually got new passwords, and i forgot my old ones.....

but yea, i should write them down.
Well, nice to have ya back.
OH No...the site goes to hell again!!!

Just kidding...welcome back sawg
c0ch Wrote:thats the thing.... the passwords for both accounts were the same as all my other passwords at the time... i eventually got new passwords, and i forgot my old ones.....

but yea, i should write them down.

The old timers always told me that your.......................... was the first thing to go!

Dang, I wish I could remember what the first thing to go'll come to me in a minute......

...........................oh yeah MEMORY :biggrin:

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