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15th Region Tournament Poll
Pick the champion!!!
I'm going to pick Prestonsburg. The way they have been playing lately, I don't see too many people stopping them. If P-burg doesn't win then I say Shelby Valley.
This tourney is wide open!
I agree.. any team could win this's who plays good that night.. but I'm going with Pburg!
It is just according to what team is hot at the right time and i wouldn't put Pburg as a hot team right now after the loss to SF they are the hot team but Pburg still has a very good chance at winning the region. If I was a betting man i would say PC though.
Come on basketball fans...make your picks!!!
I want P-burg to win, but if they play like they did against SF they may not make it pass the first round. It will be one of these 3, JC, SV, or
I'll have to go with the Blackcats to make their 2nd trip to Rupp!
I;m goin to say P.C. gets hot and makes a trip to Rupp for the first time in years, if ever.
Ill have to go with the Raiders. Last time they played the region there they went to state..
Valley,ER, Or Belfry
I'm going to go with P.C.
I would love to see them go to rupp.
I'm personally for Belfry...but my educated guess would be Shelby Valley. If Valley doesn't win then anybody could..Shelby Valley has been the only consistent team in the 15th this season.
"PHS_Moose" Wrote:I'm going to go with P.C.
I would love to see them go to rupp.
I believe you're still asleep my man. PC lost last night so no way will they make it to Rupp. LOL
Yeah, I have to agree with BCF4L if P.C. goes to Rupp after last night, I'm motioning for a recount, or something... lol.
If Valley will shape up and play like I know they can then they'll win it!

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