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Transformers the movie
Has anyone else seen this movie yet? I watched it tonight and it was one the best movies i've ever seen. Its got action, comedy, and romance it's great i recommend it to anybody.
I liked the toys, but I don't know about the movie. It hasn't been getting good reviews.
I am thinking of going tomarrow and watch it.
I saw this movie on Thursday and loved it!
I will probably check it out sometime next week.
I thought it was pretty good as well. Nice special FX.
Overall great movie. I loved the Transformers cartoon when I was a kid, and I thought this movie was awesome. It was a PG-13 movie and had some sexual overtone in it, but still a movie I would go see again
The Long haired guy with glasses that is talking to the girl, when they are having the news conference at the pentagon.... he is a 1999 graduate of Johnson Central highschool. Just alittle info for ya.
I had thought the movie would be really stupid, but I read a couple good reviews, and have talked to several people who saw it and liked it. Maybe I will go see it after all, I can only hope that Megatron and Starscream are still bickering with each other, just the way I remember from my childhood!


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