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(10)Ohio State 62 (4)Michigan 39

Buckeyes get a clutch and convincing win over the Wolverines! Should make things very interesting when it comes to selecting the CFP teams.
This game made me really happy. I didn't see it coming, but its great to see Urban Meyer and Ohio State get another win over Meeeeechigan..
Well it saves Meyers from having to retire due to another fake illness. He has proven one thing and that’s he’s Harbaugh’s daddy.
Like to see an Ohio State vs Oklahoma game. Probably end up 80-77. It is 10:20 A.M. and Meechigan still sucks.
harbaugh is a disgrace. This season was a waste
Harbaugh has to be the most overpaid and overrated coach in CFB.
10-2 and he sucks. Both losses to top 6 teams
E's Army Wrote:10-2 and he sucks. Both losses to top 6 teams

I'm thinking a lot of Michigan fans are angry that Ohio State owns them as of late and Harbaugh keeps getting crushed by Meyer.
Not being able to beat Michigan cost John Cooper his job at Ohio State.
I don't think that Michigan fans are angry over " being owned " I think Michigan fans have a very unrealistic idea of what a successful season is and what the team is capable of.

saying that what frustrates me is Harbaughs arrogance. Becuase of my job I have to deal with him and the entire family off and on. He is a aweful person to deal with. I truly believe that he has a form of autism. I am being serious about that.

Michigan won't fire him. Hes here for as long as he wants to be. But it was nice to be on campus this morning and see all the liberal peace of crap momma boys with a sunk head.

I am more angry that this defense which has been so good all year just laid down and didn't fight. The offenese put enough numbers on the board to win. The defense just did jack crap.

So as far as Im concerned Im glad its over. But i do have to go back to work in a few days. And since I bet many people that OSU would win I have some money to collect.

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