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Best Place To Sell Back Your Books?
I know that several universities have numerous locations at which you can sell back your books. UK has the University Bookstore, Kennedy's, eCampus, and many more.

EKU has the university bookstore which I believe is run by Barnes and Noble and UBS.

I'm trying to decide which is the best place to sell my books back. UBS gave me a quote of $81, and that's missing a few books. However, the university bookstore will not give me a quote until I go in the store.

When I was at UK, the eCampus booths were the best place to go for me. Anyone here know which is the best location to sell them back at EKU?
The bookstore on campus at EKU usually gives more than UBS ... I use Amazon quiet often to sell mine
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

Well I went to the Bookstore on campus today and they only took back 1 book and like 2 novels. UBS wouldn't take any of mine either. I ended up having to keep two of my books. What sucks is I have to use the money I get out of selling my books back and use them to buy my biology books for this summer and those are around $100 for both and I only got back like $25 from selling my books back.
I decided to go to UBS since I had a coupon to get $5 more dollars when selling them back. I didn't sell all of them yet, just some. They didn't take my economics books back because they're getting a new edition next semester :/

But, I was able to get $74 out of what I sold today, which is a lot more than I thought I would get. I think that she said the highest priced were my Sociology book and one of my Music history books.

I'm going to go back on Wednesday and sell the rest once I'm done with finals. I went to and got a quote from there, I should get a pretty good price on one of the books I have left.
It's better to sell them back sooner, from what I understand, it's about supply and demand. They are going to give more money for the books they don't have a lot of at the moment. As an example, if the math test is on tuesday and everyone sells it back then you may get $15 for it, but if you had sold it back on Monday, before they had any of the books in stock, you might have gotten $30 for it.

I know that UBS doesn't have ANY of the books for my Music Industry classes, so I should be able to get those at a pretty decent price.
Back in the old days (the 1990's) I would post an index card on the bulletin board advertising my books for sale. Worked like a charm. I was always just a little cheaper than the book store. Sold every one I wanted at the price I wanted.
Sell it the day your done with it in case the newer edition comes out and your book becomes useless.

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