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Phelps 52 Fairview 0
Nice win for the Mighty Hornets! Keep it going boys!
Congrats to Phelps.
Fairview has scored 28 points in 5 games. Hopefully the players stick with it and try to build for the future.
Wow...I feel so bad for the true Westwood people! All the trash was taken from the school and now the true Westwood people are punished for it.Its just not right! Keep your heads up boys and keep fighting!!
Saw this one coming. After that whole scandal with Fairview they went downhill.
Congratulations to Coach Jones and the Hornets
All i can say is wow. Phelps may not be world beaters but they have come a HUGE way from when they came to Raceland 2 years in a row and got beat by a combined score of around 100-14 or something like that. Glad to see them playing with fire and passion, only way to turn a program around. As fir Fairview. I hate to see whats going on down there. simply pitiful.
Great job hornets.
Unfortunately for the Eagles life doesn’t get any easier because they have Paintsville and Raceland in back to back weeks. As a Raceland fan I really hate seeing their program at this low point because this used to be a fun rivalry. Hopefully they can get things turned around in the next few years.
I just hate it for the boys at Fairview. Getting their butts handed to them by a lot of teams. I hate that these boys are paying for the sins of the past staff and administrators. Keep your heads up Eagles.
Fairview needs a coach.
I hate this for the Eagles things that was sit in motion a couple yrs ago the kids deserve better they are barely hanging on
T-CATS Wrote:Fairview needs a coach.

And about 20 more players. I think Ashland should loan them some
The one good thing out of this is that Fairview
Will return almost every starter the next 2yrs . So hopefully when they are seniors they can win a few games .
Fairview has fell back to where they were at pre scandal.
Way to go Phelps!
#55PirateFan Wrote:Nice win for the Mighty Hornets! Keep it going boys!

mighty? lol
E's Army Wrote:Fairview has fell back to where they were at pre scandal.
pre scandal fairview was just fine. Chad Tackett was coach good middle school and feeder program. (westwood Boys Club) and community support was high, football team was above average and had a run in 2002 to regions and lost to beechwood. so i dont know why you compare this lousy excuse for a team and coaches to pre scandal days? becuase this is unlike anything in westwood except for the years they did not even have a team 1999- 2000. maybe then this team compares. and as far as your sympathy from rivals such as raceland and how much fun you guys thought those days were, never once heard you say on BGR how you thought so. so we dont need it or want it. your day is coming:biglmao:
Nice job Coach Jones and Hornets.
scrappy coco Wrote:pre scandal fairview was just fine. Chad Tackett was coach good middle school and feeder program. (westwood Boys Club) and community support was high, football team was above average and had a run in 2002 to regions and lost to beechwood. so i dont know why you compare this lousy excuse for a team and coaches to pre scandal days? becuase this is unlike anything in westwood except for the years they did not even have a team 1999- 2000. maybe then this team compares. and as far as your sympathy from rivals such as raceland and how much fun you guys thought those days were, never once heard you say on BGR how you thought so. so we dont need it or want it. your day is coming:biglmao:

I played against some of the better Fairview teams and was on the losing end of some of those games. As a former player I really meant it when I said it was a fun rivalry. There was nothing like getting hyped up to play a game against a team that you didn’t like.
I hate seeing a once very tough opponent struggle as the Eagles are now and I sincerely hope that soon the day comes when Fairview is a serious contender in the district again.
scrappy coco Wrote:pre scandal fairview was just fine. Chad Tackett was coach good middle school and feeder program. (westwood Boys Club) and community support was high, football team was above average and had a run in 2002 to regions and lost to beechwood. so i dont know why you compare this lousy excuse for a team and coaches to pre scandal days? becuase this is unlike anything in westwood except for the years they did not even have a team 1999- 2000. maybe then this team compares. and as far as your sympathy from rivals such as raceland and how much fun you guys thought those days were, never once heard you say on BGR how you thought so. so we dont need it or want it. your day is coming:biglmao:
If you don’t want the sympathy you all sure as hell don’t deserve it! Close up shop in THE WOOD. BITW no more.
scrappy coco Wrote:pre scandal fairview was just fine. Chad Tackett was coach good middle school and feeder program. (westwood Boys Club) and community support was high, football team was above average and had a run in 2002 to regions and lost to beechwood. so i dont know why you compare this lousy excuse for a team and coaches to pre scandal days? becuase this is unlike anything in westwood except for the years they did not even have a team 1999- 2000. maybe then this team compares. and as far as your sympathy from rivals such as raceland and how much fun you guys thought those days were, never once heard you say on BGR how you thought so. so we dont need it or want it. your day is coming:biglmao:

This has nothing to do with you coco puffs....our sympathy is for the Westwood boys that are going through this. It’s best you just sit down and shut up!!
Raceland fans have not piled on. Good to see life in you Scrappy.
E's Army Wrote:Fairview has fell back to where they were at pre scandal.

They were actually not that bad before the scandal. Beat the rams a few times in big games.
Watch your mouth snappy blow hole! Before I kick you so hard you be wearing your ass for a hat!
i actually went back and looked. in 2013 Raceland beat Phelps 60-14 in the playoffs. In 14, Phelps made the trip back to Raceland and got beat 69-0. thats a combined score of 129-14. To see a team, that was not only about as far from competitive as they could be 4 years ago, make a turn around and start winning ball games and in some cases dominating them, especially in a small coal country town, is something i always like to see. its what makes HS football special. especially single A HS here in KY.
Jones and staff have done a wonderful job. Lynn Camp and Pineville loser should dread match up with a 3 seed Phelps in first round.

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