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Twitter Erupts
Sparking a vicious and putridly ongoing nationwide twitter war, an unnamed news anchor indicated today in veiled terms, that the Gazette shooter was a Trump supporter. He made his fake news allege generally as follows; "The event that journalists have feared has today come to pass." And then went on to elaborate on how this was an attack by one of those weak minded deplorables, led astray by DJT's statements on fake news. In other words, said anchor claimed that the President's words caused a terrorist attack on innocent media.

These guys do lie, and the news anchor whom had the traitorously bad taste to jump to the conclusion mentioned above is just one more example. Meanwhile these same media have winked at the tons of inflammatory rhetoric which abounded throughout the Obama administration, as well as the calls to violence which have been laid between the lines by nearly every Dem from Nancy Pelosi to the Dem's congressional staffers.

Turns out the real shooter had a failed law suit against the Gazette back in 2012. He'd made a number of threats against the paper on social media, and today he carried them out.
It's the same stuff over and over. You can't trust what you read, hear or see anymore.

Prayers for those 5 families!

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