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Kentucky/Tennessee Updates
Kentucky 21
Tennessee 20

So if Tennessee is hot garbage like KSR says, what does that make Kentucky, at home, while playing a Tennessee team with about 5 players out?
On a side note, has there ever been a bigger horse shit call than the unsportsmanlike called on both teams?
I'm no rule book expert but unless there s a loophole, how is that possible?
There were players still on the bench?
Is that Higgins out there calling football now?
The reason you don't make a reject amateur call like that is because of exactly what happened before half. Now two guys are ejected (although the Tennessee thug should be) but now those players are gone and shouldn't be.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Halftime
Kentucky 21
Tennessee 20

So if Tennessee is hot garbage like KSR says, what does that make Kentucky, at home, while playing a Tennessee team with about 5 players out?

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:On a side note, has there ever been a bigger horse shit call than the unsportsmanlike called on both teams?
I'm no rule book expert but unless there s a loophole, how is that possible?
There were players still on the bench?
Is that Higgins out there calling football now?
The reason you don't make a reject amateur call like that is because of exactly what happened before half. Now two guys are ejected (although the Tennessee thug should be) but now those players are gone and shouldn't be. has never heard of it either.
I really think its something the SEC will come out and apologize for. You can't penalize players that weren't on the field.
And if were going to review every targeting call, then we should review every unsportsmanlike, because only that TN player should have been ejected on that play.
Kentucky with there 4th fumble of the night.

That's 4 big yahtzees!
Barker clutch as always
Big miss. No more fumbles
Tennessee is just trying to give this game away and Kentucky is to bad to take advantage of it.
Butch Jones just asking to be fired now.
Kentucky runs about 5 plays total. They just let them score on one of them Confusednicker:

Still 33 seconds left
Kentucky wins.

If Tennessee is hot garbage, Kentucky is as close as you can get Confusednicker:
I don’t care. We beat Tennessee. In football. I know they’re maybe the worst they’ve ever been and we are probably really not that much either, but I’ll not complain about a win over those guys, ever.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Halftime
Kentucky 21
Tennessee 20

So if Tennessee is hot garbage like KSR says, what does that make Kentucky, at home, while playing a Tennessee team with about 5 players out?

Didnt think you listened to that "Crap" show?

Tell us, How is Bobby doing with that Heisman winner?
Don't you think Matt Jones sounds like Gilbert Gottfried??

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