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A little MORE conversation..
There is like 3 inches or more snow on the ground at my house, I'm sitting here putting off my homework in order to be on BGR, Myspace, MSN and eat chocolate Hershey's heart.

What are you guys into tonight?

I'm bored, so talk to me.

Go to bed. Smile
I got board so I went out and built a mini Snowman.
How much snow do you have Warrior?

not really a lot about an 1-2 inches
Wow, I figured that you would have more than I do.

well it probally will come down later tonight.

hopefully my snowman fell over lol.
Anyone up?
I'm still here.

Tribe go to bed
I caaaaaaan't.

hello guys
Wow. Hello there, stranger.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
We went to eat last night at O'Charley's then came back and me and three others went sledding on campus. We couldn't find sleds anywhere in Richmond so we used cookie pans. They worked...I'm so sore this morning and I'm bruised up from trying to 'snowboard' down a hill on a cookie pan.
Hey DT... that sounds like fun!!!! LOLOL....
That sounds like so much fun!
Yeah it seemed like a good idea at the time...we all had fun...we have pictures but you can't tell who is who in them...we slid down the hill here at Telford (our dorm) then we went to the Ravine where everyone else was sledding. We got this one blacktop path really really slick so we could go faster. It was funny watching passerby's try to walk on that path...hehe...
Basketballer, you are alive!

And DT, that does sound like an awesome time, minus the beating you take and the windburn.

Yeah Im alive
So this thread is about conversation anybody got anything to talk about?

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