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Leslie County at Perry Central (54th District Championship)
Who comes out with a victory??
Perry by 12


Ole fatpat believes the Commodores ship will sink on Thursday night baby. The Eaglets are a little too much for the commodes. I'm sure my ballerbuddymegget fromtheholler thinkinghe'sadoctor thatcarriesabighammer will disagree, but that boi needs to get him some fried taters and chill, quadruple wowza!!!!

#eagleswillbeflyinghigh More mash taters please!!!
I think it's a toss up.. if Leslie shoots the ball well from the 3 they will be hard to beat.
Should be a good one with some pride on the line. Can't take anything for granted this time of year one slip and it's over. With both being in the region it should take the pressure off so they can just go out and play
Leslie by 8. The Mullins combo will be to much for PCC.
This one could be a warm up game for the finals of the region
Leslie was twice the team that Pcc had last year! But managed to lose to Pcc at home for the district, so these teams r pretty equal ,so it's at Pcc i'am going with Pcc by 5! I don't see leslie shooting 30 free throws at the ship!
I checked the stats leslie shot 40 freethrows! Come on guys thats terrible!! Leslie wins the region if they shoot that many freethrows!! The refs put the screws to hazard!!!! Pcc fans will riot if they call it like that Thursday night ! Let the girls play ! Just because the little Mullins girl is tiny an looks like she's 8 shouldn't make alright for the refs to call if she gets touched!!!
I remember a Leslie team getting those kind of calls awhile back an going undefeated in the 14th!! Averaging over 30 freethows a game! Went into region, the 15th officials let the teams play an Leslie went home!!! It's a disservice to those girls calling that way! They shot 33 against north laurel, that's the only reason they won!!!
Leslie has 5 seniors with playing experience. That makes a difference come tourney time.
Pcc with the win.. it'll be a good test of heart and legs.
BallerFromTheHoller Wrote:This one could be a warm up game for the finals of the region
Would say Knott Central may have a little something to say about that. :Cheerlead
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Would say Knott Central may have a little something to say about that. :Cheerlead

I think knott and Leslie are the favorites in the region but I just said it COULD be a warm up game!!
Guys u maybe right, but never count out Pcc it's in Hazard an Randy is coaching! They lost 11 games last year, an was not even a favorite in the district an still beat Leslie an knott, an this team is a lot better team,so I'd say it's a toss up between knott ,Leslie an Pcc!
From an OLD Bulldog, Leslie played a smarter game with their attack on offense. We were too worried about Griffith and the Mayer kid shooting 3's and let Mullins shoot, it cost us. I have a lot of respect for the Leslie and their program. I would have loved to seen our girls advance to the region, but I've said it all year, not enough age and experience to go with Caudill. I checked on the free throws, 12 or 14 came in the fourth after we were in a position that we had to foul.
It's going to be a game that I'm going to go watch. Hope it's a good one. Is this Friday?
Going with PCC in this one, by 4
PCC by 10
I'm going with my Commodores in this one 68-61.
Snow Wrote:It's going to be a game that I'm going to go watch. Hope it's a good one. Is this Friday?

Thur at 7 on hindman cable channel I think??
Leslie by 5. Leslie is playing well.
Half time 38 - 25 PCC

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