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02-26-2007, 10:59 PM
X-TREME Wrote:NO! cheerleading is not a SPORT IM SORRY
Please explain why that you do not think that it is a sport??
03-06-2007, 11:53 PM
IMO Cheerleading is a sport and a very tough one at that. The girls and boys that devote their time and effort to it I know would agree. They work hard everyday, and they have no off season!! The things that most Cheerleaders can do is amazing. So I would just like to say that I love watching the Cheerleaders at games I think that they all deserve our respect and support!
03-07-2007, 07:15 PM
Hey SportsFan I really like your icon and I am going to use it to make my post lol. I would like everyone who has never been a cheerleader, but is a player for Basketball, football, tennis, baseball, softball...etc to get a really good look at sportsfan picture icon, then when you have looked at it really good, get a group of your other basketball, football, tennis, basebal, softball(etc) players all together and do what you see in that picture. Also you can throw in a few round-off backhandspring lay-outs, a twist or two, maybe even a double. When you are finished come back on here, let us know how it went and then make your comments about cheeleading not being a sport. THANKS!!!!
03-07-2007, 09:15 PM
breakingankles Wrote:Yea just b/c you get hurt doesnt mean its a sport lol .. when you start throwing girls 20-25 feet in the air and miss them then your prolly going to break ur leg .. but that shows heart that they get back up and compete .. cheerleading is a sport in a way, but at our school our girls hate our football team so that in the definition of a cheerleader makes them not a cheerleader .. everyone is proud of ur efforts and accomplishments but when you say that cheerleading is more physical and takes more than football and basketball ur wrong .. there is no judges in other sports to decide who was prettier or who didnt mess up .. u win by playing hard .. this is what classifies cheerleading as not a sport .. they dont go hard or hustle .. they work on looking good and not messing up .. dont take up for cheerleading b/c u are one .. get over the fact that ur not a sport but you are the biggest fans and are greatly appreciated for supporting ur team
In basketball/football, you may not have judges, but you have referees, which in fact do what judges do...judge the way the players are playing or in for the case of cheerleading, judging the way they cheer. There is a penalty if a ball player steps out of bounds, commits a foul just as there are penalties if a cheerleader/team does an illegal stunt, steps out of bounds, touches down on their gymnastics, etc. And as far as winning by playing hard...well, these girls/boys play hard at every game, they play hard at every practice, they play hard at tumbling clinics, stunt clinics. Football players and basketball players throw around a piece of leather weighing at the most 5 lbs...these girls are throwing around, holding, and balancing human beings weighing at least 100 lbs. So again, where is the sport of throwing around a piece of leather. Do not get me wrong....I love baseball, basketball, football. It takes great people with determination etc., to play these sports, but I was just pointing out that your statement is totally ridiculous and not substantuated.
03-07-2007, 09:18 PM
Thank you cheerdad, wonderful posts, love your comparisons!!!!!
03-09-2007, 08:26 PM
Do they have to abide by KHSAA regulations? If so, they must think they're atheletes. Last time I heard, atheletes play sports while others watch.
03-10-2007, 12:24 PM
I might get bashed for saying this. But I think that cheerleaders are just as athletic as the athletes that play any other sport. They depend on the other people on their squad more than football players and basketball players do. I dont know of any athlete that plays football, baseball, golf, football, soccer or any other sport that would let their team mates throw them up in the air and depend on them to catch them before they hit the ground.
On the other hand. I think if cheerleaders and squads want to really be recognized as a true sport, they should be some way of measuring how they are doing DURING the contests. I know they have competitions in the regions, districts, state, and they even have their own nationals. If they want to be considered as a true sport, their should be some kind of board or something to see where each squad is standing in relationship to other squads. I cant think of any other sport where the contestants are in the dark as to how they are doing until the event is over. Then they get a score sheet.
I am not taking anything away from the cheerleaders in this post, so dont think I am. I dont have the nerve to do some of the things that they do on the court and fields. Some things they do I dont see how a person could get their body to do it over and over. Shoot, sometimes I get a head rush from standing to fast. How can they do those things where they are going from one end of the court to the other end without forgetting which way is up or down. Hats off to them for the job they do.
On the other hand. I think if cheerleaders and squads want to really be recognized as a true sport, they should be some way of measuring how they are doing DURING the contests. I know they have competitions in the regions, districts, state, and they even have their own nationals. If they want to be considered as a true sport, their should be some kind of board or something to see where each squad is standing in relationship to other squads. I cant think of any other sport where the contestants are in the dark as to how they are doing until the event is over. Then they get a score sheet.
I am not taking anything away from the cheerleaders in this post, so dont think I am. I dont have the nerve to do some of the things that they do on the court and fields. Some things they do I dont see how a person could get their body to do it over and over. Shoot, sometimes I get a head rush from standing to fast. How can they do those things where they are going from one end of the court to the other end without forgetting which way is up or down. Hats off to them for the job they do.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
03-10-2007, 12:37 PM
Nice Post BasketBallonlyfan...
Cheerleaders work HARD to be able to do the type of tumbling that is expected out of them. Taking gymnastics as well as practicing around 8 to 10 hours per week and even more during KAPOS time is not as easy as some would think! True dedication and a love of what you do makes an outstanding cheerleader. IMO.... if KHSAA can dictate what cheerleading should do (Title IX) then they should consider it a sport!
Cheerleaders work HARD to be able to do the type of tumbling that is expected out of them. Taking gymnastics as well as practicing around 8 to 10 hours per week and even more during KAPOS time is not as easy as some would think! True dedication and a love of what you do makes an outstanding cheerleader. IMO.... if KHSAA can dictate what cheerleading should do (Title IX) then they should consider it a sport!
03-10-2007, 03:30 PM
Ok, I'm not a cheerleader but I do believe it should be classified as a sport. Cheerleading requires strength, concentration, and commitment, just like any other sport. The only difference is instead of a good play, a cheerleader relies on a good cheer to pump the crowd up.
Plus, they even compete just like in any other sport.
They also have there rivails too.
It's pretty much the same as basketball, football, or anything else, just a different aspect.
Does anyone get what i'm sayin?
Plus, they even compete just like in any other sport.
They also have there rivails too.
It's pretty much the same as basketball, football, or anything else, just a different aspect.
Does anyone get what i'm sayin?
03-10-2007, 04:49 PM
I fully understand what you said ibleedorange12.....

03-10-2007, 05:31 PM
i once thought cheerleading was a sport. after reading all of these posts, it's somewhat half&half of what people think..dancing is just like cheering, minus the tumbling. Cheerleader's tumbling is replaced with turns & leaps & jumps in dance. However, dancing isn't considered a sport..thus, i don't think cheering is either.
03-10-2007, 05:37 PM
and i just totally changed my mind. lol.
ignore that above post. ^^
cheerleading is totally a sport, if it includes tumbling & stunts.
ignore that above post. ^^
cheerleading is totally a sport, if it includes tumbling & stunts.
03-11-2007, 01:54 AM
I was once asked if I thought "wrasslin" as in WWE was a sport? I quoted a friendd of mine and replied...if it ain't on ESPN, it ain't a sport.
ESPN covers both Competitive Cheer and dance.
So.....I will go with ESPN and say yes....even if it isn't recognized by the KHSAA, besides....The KHSAA ain't always on top of things anyway!
ESPN covers both Competitive Cheer and dance.
So.....I will go with ESPN and say yes....even if it isn't recognized by the KHSAA, besides....The KHSAA ain't always on top of things anyway!
03-11-2007, 02:11 AM
There is more injuries in Cheerleading than any other sport.
04-06-2007, 07:52 PM
Cheerleading is definatly a sport. I know people say, well b-ball and f-ball players run their butts off, All I have to say is cheerleaders do run but, I would 10 times rather run 10 laps than fall out of a stunt and land on my head or better yet, have a girl fall on me and knock me and her both on our heads!!
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