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Casino Now Available, Gamble some of those points
You can visit the little casino at this link.. Will be adding more games later on.. Especially Texas Hold Em.. Where 10 of us can meet up on one table and gamble our bgrpoints..

Theres a few games in there to play.. Have fun!

Heres the link!

Blackjack is the only game you can bet and win money or lose money right now...The rest should be working after while..
Im allready in
Thanks QQ.
Blackjack is the only game working right now!!

Posted Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:44 pm:

ChanceAce and Slots now working also

Posted Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:47 am:

Lucky Dice now working( warning you can win really big on this game or your can really lose big)
wow this is so cool
Can't wait for the hold em to be up.. WOO
I challenge you all to a game of blackjack NOW!
Why do I sometimes get an error, and a message box saying refreshing is cheap?

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