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Its a Great Day To Be Alive
I wont say I told you so, hell, I've stayed away from this forum while I've watched the repeated claims of a Hillary landslide.

Its a great day to be alive. Not only have we elected a President who will do so much for our country and reverse the poor decisions of Obama, but we also kept the house and senate. This means we will OWN SCOTUS, which is why I never understood the non sense of the never trump movement.

Also, today, we finally ditched Stumbo and took over the Ky house. Now Gov. Bevin is free to completely deploy his full agenda and turn this state around while Trump will undo the regulation killing our EKY economy.

God bless this state. God bless this country. Its time to Make America Great Again.
Even in this crazy state of Florida the people have spoken and Trump has prevailed. Now let's all stand together and make America Great again.

Living The Dream!!
Fell asleep around midnight.... just couldn't hold my eyes opened.

Trump was in the lead and a few states were still "Too close to call...."

I just had a feeling some time during the night that a few of states were gonna flip and be awarded to Hillary.

Couldn't believe what I saw when I woke up around 5:15 this morning and saw Trump had won.
Check out my YouTube channel.
The Republicans have control of the House and the Senate....

The Republicans can grow their majority in both IF Mr. Trump can deliver on some (not all) of his campaign promises.

It's not a surprise that Trump won almost every battle ground state and his numbers were greater than Romney's 2012 numbers.

The American people have spoken.... they've had enough of the last 7+ years.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Hillary still has a double digit lead in the polls.
Granny Bear Wrote:Hillary still has a double digit lead in the polls.

According to FoxNews...

Trump has 274 EC votes.
Clinton has 218 EC votes.

There are only 46 EC votes still too close to call.

T: 274+46=320
C: 218+46=264

Clinton cannot get to the magic number of 270.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Somebody needs to check on 64SUR!!
Granny Bear Wrote:Somebody needs to check on 64SUR!!

64SUR is alive and well.... Vote democrat in 2020 :Cheerlead
64SUR Wrote:64SUR is alive and well.... Vote democrat in 2020 :Cheerlead
64 will become a Trump fan and change his registration to Republican by 2020!:notworthy
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I wont say I told you so, hell, I've stayed away from this forum while I've watched the repeated claims of a Hillary landslide.

Its a great day to be alive. Not only have we elected a President who will do so much for our country and reverse the poor decisions of Obama, but we also kept the house and senate. This means we will OWN SCOTUS, which is why I never understood the non sense of the never trump movement.

Also, today, we finally ditched Stumbo and took over the Ky house. Now Gov. Bevin is free to completely deploy his full agenda and turn this state around while Trump will undo the regulation killing our EKY economy.

God bless this state. God bless this country. Its time to Make America Great Again.

What a breath of fresh air. The thick fog of media distortions and back door machinations meant to manipulate the masses has been blown away by the newly awakened electorate. Who as I have said, always were the only ones who held the power to control the direction taken by this nation.

The crowd will always be there to mock and berate those who think for themselves. That being said, I would like to commend you for having the strength of character to stand your ground about what you believe and the leaning of your own conscience. :Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:What a breath of fresh air. The thick fog of media distortions and back door machinations meant to manipulate the masses has been blown away by the newly awakened electorate. Who as I have said, always were the only ones who held the power to control the direction taken by this nation.

The crowd will always be there to mock and berate those who think for themselves. That being said, I would like to commend you for having the strength of character to stand your ground about what you believe and the leaning of your own conscience. :Thumbs:

How do you explain that PE Trump received less votes than Romney and McCain? My view? Per usual, results these days are about turnout and a small % of "first this one then that one" voters in pivotal states. It is about who shows up at the polls and who stays home.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:How do you explain that PE Trump received less votes than Romney and McCain? My view? Per usual, results these days are about turnout and a small % of "first this one then that one" voters in pivotal states. It is about who shows up at the polls and who stays home.

Well now see Granny just tried to explain this to you in the other thread. Your opinion affords you the option to cast one vote. The election is a matter of record and a part, at this point, of world history.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well now see Granny just tried to explain this to you in the other thread. Your opinion affords you the option to cast one vote. The election is a matter of record and a part, at this point, of world history.

Of course the election is a matter of record and history. How much straw could you possibly have in that debate toolbox?

PE Trump received less votes than did McCain and Romney. This is a matter of interest for political junkies, not some sort of invalidation of last night's historically significant election.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course the election is a matter of record and history. How much straw could you possibly have in that debate toolbox?

PE Trump received less votes than did McCain and Romney. This is a matter of interest for political junkies, not some sort of invalidation of last night's historically significant election.

Both candidates got fewer votes. You asked a question that was profoundly nonspecific, and to me came from an angle which seemed all too familiar. People are tired of equivocations and slogging around in sticky relativity, at least I know I am.

Everything is not relative and truth cannot therefore be mitigated by circumstance or ideology. Therefore, because you lacked the wherewithal to come out and state your case, you tried to troll for mine. Spit it out and if I want to debate the point I will. If I seemed less than gracious I apologize, but after reading and making thousands of posts regarding the recently past election season I could be getting a bit threadbare. Past that, there did seem to be a phenomena Obama was complaining about to his base over the weekend. They did not seem motivated enough to come out and vote. Maybe they thought they had established an unbeatable socio-political structure with the elections of 08 and 12 and were just too bummed out to vote when they saw that was not the case. I mean, political coroners did issue the GOP's death certificate during that period, ballyhooing their good fortunes and celebrating a victory they saw as much longer lasting. That in and of itself should be taken as a lesson by the rest of us.

Self governance is a lifelong national responsibility, not some kind of knockout punch delivered by adherents of social justice or any other light or transient cause. Like border guards, we the people must remain vigilant if sovereignty is to survive. If Trump was flawed, Hillary was a disaster area. Many felt compassion for her today as she, to her credit, delivered a very reasonable concession, even if said concession was full of lamentation and vows to persevere to achieve her vision of a government imposed progressive utopia. Which BTW, was to me evidence enough that compassion was not the right response. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:Both candidates got fewer votes. You asked a question that was profoundly nonspecific, and to me came from an angle which seemed all too familiar. People are tired of equivocations and slogging around in sticky relativity, at least I know I am.

Everything is not relative and truth cannot therefore be mitigated by circumstance or ideology. Therefore, because you lacked the wherewithal to come out and state your case, you tried to troll for mine. Spit it out and if I want to debate the point I will. If I seemed less than gracious I apologize, but after reading and making thousands of posts regarding the recently past election season I could be getting a bit threadbare. Past that, there did seem to be a phenomena Obama was complaining about to his base over the weekend. They did not seem motivated enough to come out and vote. Maybe they thought they had established an unbeatable socio-political structure with the elections of 08 and 12 and were just too bummed out to vote when they saw that was not the case. I mean, political coroners did issue the GOP's death certificate during that period, ballyhooing their good fortunes and celebrating a victory they saw as much longer lasting. That in and of itself should be taken as a lesson by the rest of us.

Self governance is a lifelong national responsibility, not some kind of knockout punch delivered by adherents of social justice or any other light or transient cause. Like border guards, we the people must remain vigilant if sovereignty is to survive. If Trump was flawed, Hillary was a disaster area. Many felt compassion for her today as she, to her credit, delivered a very reasonable concession, even if said concession was full of lamentation and vows to persevere to achieve her vision of a government imposed progressive utopia. Which BTW, was to me evidence enough that compassion was not the right response. :biggrin:

The Clinton era is over. The Bush era is over. The next few years will be extremely interesting at home and abroad. I'm all in on upgrading infrastructure, more favorable trade deals, reinvigorating our inner cities Jack Kemp style, and tackling immigration-run-amok.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The Clinton era is over. The Bush era is over. The next few years will be extremely interesting at home and abroad. I'm all in on upgrading infrastructure, more favorable trade deals, reinvigorating our inner cities Jack Kemp style, and tackling immigration-run-amok.

One can only hope.
Yes it is a great day to be alive. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Trump walks into the oval office Thursday with his chest stuck out in the air. I hope Obama is very very uncomfortable lol. This man in my opinion is the definition of weak and has no moral compass or backbone. I have never been so happy to see a president go and that has nothing to do with the color of his skin either. I was flicking through FOX, CNN, ABC and NBC today and it sickens me to see how people are still trying to sell all the racist bull. Their is absolutely no proof that this man has a racist bone in his body. Yes the the man has a hard time of saying what he is thinking and things come out wrong sometimes but do you really think he believes that every single Mexican is a rapist, killer or drug dealer, but that is how the people on the left try to spin it. Every election now the Dem party tries to play the race card and it makes me want to vomit. Some of the most racist people in politics are on the left but that gets lost on people. I don't think the black community fell for it this time because deep down they know that Hilary is more white then Trump. I am also sick of how the left leaning celebrity people are acting like all the people who voted Trump are somehow racist and woman bashers. It makes me feel very very good inside to know that the American people last night sent a loud and clear message to liberal media and music and movie stars. A message that said kiss my ass and no one cares what you think and say lol. I also think that the news media community as a whole should be ashamed of themselves for how they handled this thing. The news should be fair and balanced for both candidates but it's come to a point where all they do is bash the one their against and prais the other and it's hard to watch. FOX don't get a pass in this either. They in my opinion aren't as bad as an NBC or CNN but still bad. You should be able to turn on the news during an election and not be able to tell who they are for. All in all I feel very good today and the faster that everything Obama did is reversed the better. Have a good night, God bless you and God bless America!
Do-double-gg Wrote:Yes it is a great day to be alive. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Trump walks into the oval office Thursday with his chest stuck out in the air. I hope Obama is very very uncomfortable lol. This man in my opinion is the definition of weak and has no moral compass or backbone. I have never been so happy to see a president go and that has nothing to do with the color of his skin either. I was flicking through FOX, CNN, ABC and NBC today and it sickens me to see how people are still trying to sell all the racist bull. Their is absolutely no proof that this man has a racist bone in his body. Yes the the man has a hard time of saying what he is thinking and things come out wrong sometimes but do you really think he believes that every single Mexican is a rapist, killer or drug dealer, but that is how the people on the left try to spin it. Every election now the Dem party tries to play the race card and it makes me want to vomit. Some of the most racist people in politics are on the left but that gets lost on people. I don't think the black community fell for it this time because deep down they know that Hilary is more white then Trump. I am also sick of how the left leaning celebrity people are acting like all the people who voted Trump are somehow racist and woman bashers. It makes me feel very very good inside to know that the American people last night sent a loud and clear message to liberal media and music and movie stars. A message that said kiss my ass and no one cares what you think and say lol. I also think that the news media community as a whole should be ashamed of themselves for how they handled this thing. The news should be fair and balanced for both candidates but it's come to a point where all they do is bash the one their against and prais the other and it's hard to watch. FOX don't get a pass in this either. They in my opinion aren't as bad as an NBC or CNN but still bad. You should be able to turn on the news during an election and not be able to tell who they are for. All in all I feel very good today and the faster that everything Obama did is reversed the better. Have a good night, God bless you and God bless America!

Barack Obama and Donald Trump will be gracious to each other. The transition will be hard work, but smooth. Donald Trump gleaned tremendous benefit from his celebrity, as the media gave him tons of free advertising, so to speak.

President Obama is, by all accounts, a good father and husband. I don't mind folks disagreeing at a policy level. But, the "weak" and "no moral compass" stuff? You don't get where Barack Obama got from where he began if those characterizations strike home.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Barack Obama and Donald Trump will be gracious to each other. The transition will be hard work, but smooth. Donald Trump gleaned tremendous benefit from his celebrity, as the media gave him tons of free advertising, so to speak.

President Obama is, by all accounts, a good father and husband. I don't mind folks disagreeing at a policy level. But, the "weak" and "no moral compass" stuff? You don't get where Barack Obama got from where he began if those characterizations strike home.

Ah yes, up jumps relativity. And where relativity is found wanting, there is always compromise.
TheRealThing Wrote:Ah yes, up jumps relativity. And where relativity is found wanting, there is always compromise.

Ah, yes, up jumps the Preening Peacock spirit. If relativity is found wanting, your if/then doesn't work. I think you should carry around a fire extinguisher, and every time you see a lit cancer stick, give it a douse. That way, you won't be responsible for a smoker's emphysema. Or, better yet, advocate that the SCOTUS take up a case whereby smoking is outlawed, as nicotine is addicting, and hooks folks before they know it, so they are somewhat innocent. No, no, you say. Smoking is a personal choice and hurts only the chooser. Relativity is an interesting concept.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, yes, up jumps the Preening Peacock spirit. If relativity is found wanting, your if/then doesn't work. I think you should carry around a fire extinguisher, and every time you see a lit cancer stick, give it a douse. That way, you won't be responsible for a smoker's emphysema. Or, better yet, advocate that the SCOTUS take up a case whereby smoking is outlawed, as nicotine is addicting, and hooks folks before they know it, so they are somewhat innocent. No, no, you say. Smoking is a personal choice and hurts only the chooser. Relativity is an interesting concept. .

It is the liberal's stock-in-trade and you bob up and down in it like so much flotsam, as the detour into La-La Land above clearly demonstrates. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:It is the liberal's stock-in-trade and you bob up and down in it like so much flotsam, as the detour into La-La Land above clearly demonstrates. :biggrin:

And, you are blinded by your own smugness, prove my point without a whit of sense that you did, and sing merrily along, the Pied Piper of all things partisan.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, you are blinded by your own smugness, prove my point without a whit of sense that you did, and sing merrily along, the Pied Piper of all things partisan.

The Pied Piper did not sing. He blew hot air into a flute, a practice at which you seem to excel.

You got up on your high horse again when your secular humanistic and preachy defense of Barack Obama fell on unsympathetic ears. The man has a weaker chin than Neville Chamberlain and has ceded for the first time in history, more US interests than we at this point can even comprehend. We the victors, inexplicably up and walked away from hard won Iraq and Afghanistan sand, soaked with the American blood of those who sacrificed all for country BTW, and for what?

In the cruelest of ironies, the populace of those lands who thought they'd been delivered, discovered they were to once again become the victims of butchers, and Obama got to crow about meeting an artificial and detrimental troop withdrawal deadline. And you want to tell us all about how he isn't weak? :please:
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course the election is a matter of record and history. How much straw could you possibly have in that debate toolbox?

PE Trump received less votes than did McCain and Romney. This is a matter of interest for political junkies, not some sort of invalidation of last night's historically significant election.
It's a good thing that Trump was not running against McCain or Romney. He had the good fortune of running against a criminal who had the support of all of the Democratic hierarchy and most of the media.

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