Poll: Who will Win?
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14th Region Tourny
At the end of the Season, Who will be the one on top?
I know its gonna be tough between JBS, Breathitt, and Hazard. What do you think?
Your predictions are for the most part accurate. But you have left off two very promising teams, Powell and Lee.
TheRev Wrote:Your predictions are for the most part accurate. But you have left off two very promising teams, Powell and Lee.
Well I havent got to see them play yet. I was just going by what people has been saying.
Powell is on there.
powell, jbs, and hazard look to be the front runners by what i can see on the poll
Didn't powell lose by 20+ to a mediocre KCC team?
if you saw the game you would understand why powell lost by that margini, if they played agian the score would be the other way around.
well judging by powells schedule on khsaa and seeing some of their scores, they honestly dont look to good just by looking at their schedule. They have had whole bunch of weak teams play them right down to the wire!
stroked Wrote:if you saw the game you would understand why powell lost by that margini, if they played agian the score would be the other way around.

i saw the game powell lost get over it. But i think that the top teams would be between hazard and jbs.
just to put this out there, but Lee beat powell by almost 20 and beat kcc by at least 10+...i think they should be on the poll IMO...lol
I'm suprised not seeing Breathitt co. mentioned alot in this. I see them making it to the Championship game. They are good. Either Haz. vs Breathitt or JBS vs Breathitt.
I think the 14th is wide open and cant really make a prediction till it starts bc right now it dont matter who beat who it matters when district and region time comes.
King Wrote:I'm suprised not seeing Breathitt co. mentioned alot in this. I see them making it to the Championship game. They are good. Either Haz. vs Breathitt or JBS vs Breathitt.
You are right Breathitt should not be left out of this.
I agree with you benchwarmer, if breathitt continues to play like they have been, their shot at a regional title is as good as any other team on the list
SportsKrazee Wrote:I agree with you benchwarmer, if breathitt continues to play like they have been, their shot at a regional title is as good as any other team on the list
I know Breathitt is 17-1 or something like that but look at thier schedule, The only Team they have played is Hazard as of now. I think there good but you gotta look at that also.
toss a coin up. because it is anybodys chance at this point. 14th region will be tough to win this year regardless of who comes out on top. the team that wins will earn it.
qb destroyer Wrote:toss a coin up. because it is anybodys chance at this point. 14th region will be tough to win this year regardless of who comes out on top. the team that wins will earn it.
Hazard all the way
14th is wide open as you seen this week with some good games and upsets..but Hazard is looking very good right now to repeat and go back to Rupp.
Hazard and JBS are deff the favorites but Im goin to say PCC they may not be as tanleted as the past few Perry Central teams but Al Holland knows how to win and having a 1st round exit last year in the district play.I think coach Holland will have his troops ready and will surpise a few ppl.
I think the beatdown that Hazard gave JBS is the best thing that could have happened to JBS!
This region is wide open. I don't think June Buchanan will win because not many one man shows win tournaments, a good example is Hazard and Clark Stepp in the 14th Region All A Championship. I have a funny feeling that PCC will pull it off because they have been underrated most of the year, which is strange but true and could suprisingly win the 14th region as an underdog like they did in 2004 when they knocked off Hazard in the first game of the district and beat Breathitt when they had a monster team for the championship at Breathitt.
thie region is a toss up between hazard,breathitt,pcc,jbs,powell and lee mostly
Better not forget about PCC!!

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