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Germany Sentences An Associate of 9/11 Hijackers

He aided the men who killed thousands of people, and only gets 15 years. I'm convinced that this wasn't a conspiracy.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Assisting in Murder doesn't get you as many years.
This doesn't interest anyone else?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I would like to see him charge in the US as well.
as much as people will jump to disagree with me on this, Ill break the ice...I think that ANYONE that had ANYTHING to do with 9/11, either helping plot, or having anything to do with with-holding information that could have helped prevent any of it...if you are convicted, then you should be cuffed, strapped to the floor, put on some kind of remote controlled plane, and flown into the side of a mountain at the highest available speed. And blare "Highway to Hell" as loud as the on plane stereo system will go while showing footage of President Bush doing the DX "suck it" with his arms and going "I got your 70 virgins right here".
Although funny (and deserved), this guy got the Max penalty possible under German Law.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:as much as people will jump to disagree with me on this, Ill break the ice...I think that ANYONE that had ANYTHING to do with 9/11, either helping plot, or having anything to do with with-holding information that could have helped prevent any of it...if you are convicted, then you should be cuffed, strapped to the floor, put on some kind of remote controlled plane, and flown into the side of a mountain at the highest available speed. And blare "Highway to Hell" as loud as the on plane stereo system will go while showing footage of President Bush doing the DX "suck it" with his arms and going "I got your 70 virgins right here".

While that would be hilarious, I disagree......... He killed thousands of people, tie ropes to his arms and legs and let two elephants walk inch by inch apart, while having people give him thousands of paper cuts, while burning him with hot rods, and breaking every bone in his body....... call me cruel, call me inhumane, but I didn't kill thousands of people, so who would be the cruel and inhumane one of us two??
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
thats not cruel or inhumane in my book, brother..i agree totally with you...that was actually #2 on my list, lol..
BFritz Wrote:While that would be hilarious, I disagree......... He killed thousands of people, tie ropes to his arms and legs and let two elephants walk inch by inch apart, while having people give him thousands of paper cuts, while burning him with hot rods, and breaking every bone in his body....... call me cruel, call me inhumane, but I didn't kill thousands of people, so who would be the cruel and inhumane one of us two??
Make him listen to white rap music and watch jim carrey movies non stop for 6 months.

Then to lighten the pain.
Have him cruise around with dodi fouads personal driver, golf with OJ, swim with Natalie Wood, picked up by Susan Smith for a relaxing ride around a lake or two, go hunting with **** Cheyney, then have dinner with Robert Blake, let him chauffeur jayson williams around town in Biggies Escalade then go clubing with ray Lewis then a private jet ride on Payne Stewarts airline.

That is a day that would get his attention.

Then again I wonder if there are any Neo Nazis in that German prison, that could be worse than death.
Doc Holliday Wrote:Make him listen to white rap music and watch jim carrey movies non stop for 6 months.
Wats wrong with doin that. I do it all the time J/K

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