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Gas Prices Are..
predicted to drop down to nearly $1.50 a gallon due to oil prices dropping to around $20 a barrel.

I heard this on the news today. I really hope this happens, and the sooner the better.

Be nice to see a 1 as the frontrunner of a 3 digit gas price number, regardless of what the other two was...

Yeah really..Have alot of trips planned in the next 2 months..Concerts/games and Gatlinburg and such...PLEASE DROP!
Don't count on it. Oil is around $57 a barrel NOT $20. But you should still see a drop at the pump of five to 10 cents over the next couple of days from the sell-off that happened last week. (Although oil has rebounded some in trading last Friday and already this morning.)

And wouldn't a price drop of $1.50 put gas price at like $0.79? Wouldn't bet on anything much lower than maybe $1.79 ever again. If that.
Yea Beef way to dash all of our dreams. Good Job. lmao
I try, I try Smile Smile
Yea I know and you do a great job of it. lol
We can only hope and pray!
Beef Wrote:Oil is around $57 a barrel NOT $20.

And wouldn't a price drop of $1.50 put gas price at like $0.79? Wouldn't bet on anything much lower than maybe $1.79 ever again. If that.

Oil is supposd to drop down to around 20 dollars a barrel, not what it currently is.

And not a price drop OF 1.50, a price drop TO 1.50.

I doubt that it ever goes below $1.90 per gallon again.
thetribe Wrote:Oil is supposd to drop down to around 20 dollars a barrel, not what it currently is.

And not a price drop OF 1.50, a price drop TO 1.50.
Where did you hear this? I read the Wall Street Journal almost everyday and have yet to hear anything about this. This fall OPEC cut 1.2 million barrels a day and have already decided to cut an additional 500,000 next month and have already expressed interest in cutting more. It's supply and demand. OPEC wants prices to stay between $60-65 so they will cut supply until this happens. Not to mention all of the other problems with oil producing countries (Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, and now Russia cutting off exports to the EU).

The only chance of prices falling so low would be if a couple of OPEC countries decided to go against the agreement (which happened in the 1990s). This would flood the market with oil and cause OPEC to go away for the time being. That's what to hope for!!
Or we could just shake a nuke at them (OPEC), or convince Mexico to double their production join the US as the 51st state, then all the Illegals will try to get into Mexico, of course that would hurt the carport construction business.
I would love to see prices drop however I'm content with how they are...I can fill my car up right now with around $20-25.
^what do u drive a moped haha j/k

I just wish they would have one day were they dropped prices to 1.00/gal can you imagine how crazy that would be! But gas companies would make a KILLING!!
I drive a '03 Corolla Tomcat....It is great...I drove from Mud Creek to Prestonsburg and back and made 2 trips to fill up the pop machine at our store and my step-dad drove it to Paintsville and it never left to full mark... I love it!
Cant wait lol
Beef, I heard it on the news around 3pm on Sunday. Not sure which station but I'm looking for an article right now. I suppose it was CNN but I will see what I can find.

I would love to see this come true.
Meeeee too.

I'm like DT, I can fill up on like 25 bucks but cheaper is better in this case.

thetribe Wrote:Meeeee too.

I'm like DT, I can fill up on like 25 bucks but cheaper is better in this case.

Christ $25.00 would barely get mine out of the driveway. If it's empty it costs me 67.50. That's at $2.25 per gallon. When it was $3.00 it cost me $90.00.
Midee, perks of having a car with good gas mileage. I'm buying a new one next month and I must say that will be something to consider throughout the process.

thetribe Wrote:Midee, perks of having a car with good gas mileage. I'm buying a new one next month and I must say that will be something to consider throughout the process.

It's a trade off with me. Most of the cars that get great mileage are not big enough to accommodate all of my family and my work stuff as well. Now my wife on the other hand has a car that gets decent mileage but I would not even try to travel in it. We can barely get her and I in there with 2 of the boys. Forget getting our oldest son in the back seat. No room.

Here is a pictures of mommas car and my oldest is on the left. At 6' tall we would have to cut his legs off to get him in the back seat.
DTfan Wrote:I would love to see prices drop however I'm content with how they are...I can fill my car up right now with around $20-25.

Me Too...LOL
Midee1 Wrote:Christ $25.00 would barely get mine out of the driveway. If it's empty it costs me 67.50. That's at $2.25 per gallon. When it was $3.00 it cost me $90.00.
AAAAhhh....$90.00. Those were the glory days. Remember them well!
It get's back to $3.00, I will be riding my 4-wheeler to work! LOL!
When it was at $2.02 in Richmond I was filling up with $10 or $15 if my car was on red.
What are some car out right now that have THE top ratings for gas mileage?

A Camry maybe?

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