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Paducah Tilghman 35 Murray 21
Mysonis55 you said Murray by 2 or 3 touchdown win by Murray in your predictions I'm beginning to think you know nothing about any other team except for mayfield. Confusednicker:
64SUR Wrote:Mysonis55 you said Murray by 2 or 3 touchdown win by Murray in your predictions I'm beginning to think you know nothing about any other team except for mayfield. Confusednicker:

So did several others:Clap:
truebluefan89 Wrote:So did several others:Clap:

I picked Paducah 42-38 in my predictions truebluefan89. I stopped listen to mysonis55 a long time ago. But he does know mayfield football for sure.....Confusednicker:
I'm really shocked by this one. But Murray is pretty one deminsional and PT has a great D coordinator. That must have been the difference. I'm sorry for steering you wrong 64. Of course this could be one of those sleeper things that Murray does to fool everyone heading into the playoffs. Look at the past couple years. It's kinda like they play opossum with Caldwell that way.
Dr. Jekyle PT showed up last night. This is a very good win. Hopefully Mr. Hyde PT goes into hibernation.
Murray is overrated, probably because they played Mayfield close. It was arguably the worst special teams coaching display I have seen in 40 years of watching prep football. PT had one great half after Murray recovers 2 onside kicks and scores and nearly runs another kickoff back. PT scoreless in the second half.
I think Murray must have played opossum. I do always support PT. But, there is no way Murray lays an egg like that. They are trying to deceive someone in the future.
PT has quietly been playing some very good football this year, especially the past few weeks.. I'm not sure if they can handle Caldwell, but, I think they could surprise E'Town in the playoffs..
I hope so. I would love to see PT vs Caldwell again.
I was there, the first 2 pooch kicks caught PT flatfooted. Murray wore down after the first couple series. The 2nd half nobody did much.
Yeah, Murray must have been playing possum. That's it. No other way to explain the score.
mysonis55 Wrote:I think Murray must have played opossum. I do always support PT. But, there is no way Murray lays an egg like that. They are trying to deceive someone in the future.

Please explain, I have never heard of a HS team intentionally throwing a game before.
Was there some big Vegas money on the spread or something?
I'm just looking at recent past history. 2 years ago, Caldwell County blitz's Murray in regular season. Then they play in playoffs and Murray seemingly comes out of nowhere to reverse it. Last year Caldwell blitz's Murray in first matchup. Then in playoffs the reversal again. I think their coach tries to be a little sneaky near playoff time. That's all I'm trying to say. I'm certainly not trying to knock PT. You guys have to know that. My gosh, how many times over the past 2 years have I taken it on the chin for backing PT. I just see a pattern and I don't want our bunch getting complacent.
I know that you have taken up for us, but not many have, So I just wanted it to be clear that we just completely out-played Murray.
And it is completely fine with me that no one is expecting expecting anything out of us.
We started out on a high note with a big win over MC, which now many think is an "anomaly". Horse-poo, we had a gameplan and executed it to a T. MC put all their eggs in Hughes basket and we dedicated our linebackers to spying on him all night, anybody who was at that game will tell you he never left the backfield without being touched.

Next, Central Hardin came in and flat manhandled us, which began the exposing of our suspect defense.

Next Mayfield came in, we played with them part of the game, but our defense and some critical mistakes in the second half which Mayfield immediately capatalized on put that one out of reach.

After that we handled Graves, and Madisonville.

Next we headed up to Caldwell, the game start out as a shootout, and it seems both offenses are very good and neither D is making a stop.
8 seconds into the 2nd quarter, we lose our starting QB, --8 seconds--
Even then we keep it a 1 score game until late. Our backup QB, who had no prior starts makes a couple of critical mistakes, which end up costing us dearly. At that point on, everyone who did not see the game believes Caldwell is the greatest thing since sliced bread and PT has no chance.
Most of the Caldwell faithful do realize that the loss of the starting QB played a major role in the outcome. I am not implying we would have one, because it is a hypothetical, but I think Caldwell knows not to expect a cakewalk if we meet up again.

Since those games PT has changed its defense, and gone away from the 3 man front, which I believe was the main reason the good running teams were gashing us up front. It looked better, but it was hard to judge against Trigg, Union and Fort Campbell.

Which brings us to the Murray game- Senior night- I hate those because it always seems to put everyone in a daze. We open up the game with a freshman trying to field a pooch kick over the shoulder, which he promptly fumbles and Murray recovers and while we are still reeling from our bloody lip proceeds to punch it in the endzone.
Murray proceeds to pooch it to us again, and recover yet again. They march it down to the 4 yard line and not wanting to go down 14 we decide to wake up. we come up with a big fourth and goal stop on the 2 yard line. From there the offense took over and marched it 98 yards for a score, tie game.
Murray comes back with a nice return drive and big broken assignment pass play to burn us for about 60 yards, and marches into the endzone. The PT offense comes back and scores again, tie game again 14-14.
Murray comes back on offense but this time the PT defense holds, Pt gets the ball back and scores again. PT scored 5 times in five possessions after the initial 3 and out. Did I mention our offense is doing alright? Sayveon MCEwen, sr RB has about 1000 yards rushing for the season is averaging a salty 15.5 yards per carry.
The second half was pretty vanilla, Murray had a couple of nice drives to open the second half and PT stopped all but one of them. PT seemed to go away from their first half running game but I figure the coach was working on other things with a comfortable lead.
All in all PT has came a long way, Murray was a good team, and PT proved they ARE improved by beating them.

Geez, I have been pecking and venting on this computer for too long-I'm out!!!
Very informative trueblue. I look forward to some good football over the next few weeks.

That E-town v. PT game 2nd rd will be a dandy.
mysonis55 Wrote:I think Murray must have played opossum. I do always support PT. But, there is no way Murray lays an egg like that. They are trying to deceive someone in the future.

55 I think you are basing your opinion of PT's strength on the Mayfield game. Not trying to take anything away from your team but PT did not play well against MF and they are a much better team on both sides of the ball than they looked that night.
Having watched the PT Murray game I can assure you that Murray was not playing possum. Why would they pooch kick on their first two kickoffs if they were playing possum? Murray came out very fired up and ready to play and there is no way they were trying to give us the game.
I guess that and the fact that we played Murray without Bright. That could give me the illusion that Murray is much better than they really are. Of course we always had that lingering though in the back of our minds, how could they lose to Graves Co.
Did you have Bright when McCracken beat you? Oh wait, you blamed that loss on McCracken's sideline video replays
Where did that come from? Yes, we had Bright. We missed 3 field goals and dropped a pass in the end zone. He was also there when we kicked PT's butt.

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