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Legit. Question for zags fan
Please explain the difference between, the players , using their names as well as coaches, an not use the names of users on this board. As. You know these kids are juvionales. Thank you , no harm intended. Again thanks
Good question, and I don't see any harm in it.

The purpose of this site is for open discussion where users can choose to be anonymous.
People can speak more freely without their name, place of work or various affiliations being brought into the fold - so we all operate under that understanding.

As for using names of student-athletes and coaches; this is a discussion board and we are all here because we want to talk about those things. It's no different than your local newspaper or television station posting a story and using their names. Their are some coaches and athletes that get on here and post too.

We do, however, look out for the student-athletes' best interest on here. I've killed several threads where people were only looking to bash a certain athlete or smear their name. If you guys see anyone like that going on, shoot us a message and we will take care of.
That is also very true, but they also post their name,.wheather it be newspaper , T. V. or whatever. Was just curious . Thanks.

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