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What Can You Do For Your Country?
Fifty three years ago on a cold day in January, 1961, JFK made this immortal proclamation; "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

In my view, the only way Americans can stave off a disastrous loss of individual freedoms in the immediate future, is to disrupt the current advantage liberals hold in the federal government. The mid-terms of 2014 therefore present an historic opportunity for voters in the life of their nation. One thing is for sure, if the Dems hold the Senate, we will surely see amnesty and the continued erosion of our Armed Services, which will be forced to sit back and watch their budgets subjected to being syphoned off and sent away in checks to people who are here illegally.

Your Vice President---
“You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they’re already American citizens,” Mr. Biden said during a Thursday address to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, The Hill reported. “These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view.”

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A lot of money is being spent to fill the air waves with anything but the truth. But, I am confident that the majority of Americans know what the truth is down in their heart. And FTR, just going on looks, even though McConnell is rather wart ridden to be sure, Allison is not that big of an improvement, LOL. And IMO, represents the guarantee of one more rubber stamp for the cause of liberalism. We Americans suffer from the same misconception as did passengers on the Titanic. Both wrongly believed their ship's were unsinkable. The US Ship of State is very much like the Titanic, the 17 going on 22 trillion dollars worth of debt and a dwindling military represent a far greater threat than is being admitted to by the man sitting the captain's chair, who dismisses the 'damp' carpeting on the lower decks.

So, what can we do for our country this election season? For once we can put country over party and, stop voting to protect government handouts.

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