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DOGG the Bounty Hunter, Locked Up
Has anyone else heard this? Apparently after busting all the guys over on the islands for failing to appear in court, he done the same thing back in Mexico in 2003. News reports say he basically kidnapped a serial rapist to bring him back to the states because Mexican authorities wouldn't allow him to take him across the border. He was to appear in court, now 3 years later he, his son, and brother are all in the pokie. Just thought it was kind of odd, I hope he gets out, no one can take down the hard core criminals with just a can of mace like he does.
yea DOGG is hardcore IMO...he use to be in prision before the show thats why he cant carry a gun...
I had heard something about this but not that in depth. I hope they get out. He helps a lot of crime from taking place.
Yea BC75 did you know the prision at Wheelwright only keeps females now, and the prisioners are from Hawaii and Kentucky thats the only 2 states DONT ask why but thats how it is lol...and some women in there are ones that DOGG captured pretty interesting IMO
That is pretty neat football05. You should go over there and ask one of them out Smile. As for Dog, this is a shame that he got arrested for going and getting a rapist out of Mexico. Beth seemed pretty upset about it on MSNBC the other day talking about it, as she should be. I'm pretty sure Leyland, and Tim were arrested with him. Hope they get out soon, and put this behind him.
Let Dog Go!!!!
He is out on bond now... bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico is why they arrested him... guess he better check the laws better next time lol
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

Yeah, but he caught a criminal and brought them back to the US didn't he?? Poor thing.. trying to do right and got caught!!!
There is a special on AE tonight at 10:00 if you all want to see it.
From what I heard about it was that the person inquestion that he brought to the US was an heir to a LARGE company worldwide. The Mexican government did not care what this guy did because his operations are inMexico and he pays the people to work for him. Government turning their head on this one..... Dog should have taken him to his "DOG AND PONY SHOW" Or is it just the Donkey Show?????
Yea I lived in California for some time..... this show still happens.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Money shouldn't play a role if the person was "wanted".... Yeah, Dog maybe shouldn't have went into Mexico but at least it put a little drama on the boob tube!!! LOLOL....
Dog did what was right and if you fail to see that, shame on you. Andrew Luster, they guy he caught, was on trial in the US for 87 cases of rape. 87!! he was about to be convicted and he suddenly dissapeared. Dog got a tip he was in Mexico, so, being the great man he is, Dog went an got that SOB. I hope he doesnt have to go to a Mexican prison, he will die for sure...
I hope not either (Mexican prison).... He (Dog) was in the situtation of being a menace himself and straightened himself out and does TONS of good... I enjoy watching the show and seeing him in action. I don't blame him for going after this guy.... As I said before... MONEY should NOT be an option when he is accused of something this drastic... Dog did the right thing!!!
football05 Wrote:Yea BC75 did you know the prision at Wheelwright only keeps females now, and the prisioners are from Hawaii and Kentucky thats the only 2 states DONT ask why but thats how it is lol...and some women in there are ones that DOGG captured pretty interesting IMO

Yea man I knew that. Have you ever been to that prison? It's nice. They have at least two places that I remember to lift weights, a softball field, horse shoes, basketball courts, and a put-put golf course. They live pretty good from what I have saw.
One of the guy's victims that Dog took down is starting a foundation to help the financial costs of keeping him out of jail. Last night on the episode Dog said he did fear that if he was locked up for the possible 4 years in the Mexican slammer that he thought he would die. I think the US just needs to stand up for whats right and not allow it to happen.
There was a special about this on last night. Dog's family talked on it. Really glad that they captured Andrew Luster. He was heir to the Max Factor makeup coporation Deviloligist. I understand that bounty hunting is illegal that but it is a shame to lock up great people that try so hard to make the nation a better place. I really hope that they get all of them out because they are in GREAT danger being in their with people that they have sent away.

Football, that's something that I didn't know. Really cool.

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