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Predictions on 2A Dist.7 and 8
How do the teams in Dist.7 and 8 finish in each District.
District 7

Lexington Christian

District 8

Leslie Co.
Shelby Valley
Betsy Lane
IMO Dist 7 #1 Somerset #2 Middlesboro #3 Danville #4 LCA Dist 8 #1 Prestonsburg #2 Leslie Co. #3 Betsy Lane #4 Shelby Valley
District 7
1. Somerset
2. Danville
3. Middlesboro
4. LCA

District 8
1. Prestonsburg
2. Betsy Layne
3. Shelby Valley
4. Leslie County
District 7

District 8
Leslie co ( i hope leslie win District )
Batsy layne
Shebly valley

District 8 is anybody :Cheerlead
Somerset wins district 7. District 8 is wide open.
Somerset and the rest don't really matter at this point.
mysonis55 Wrote:Somerset and the rest don't really matter at this point.

I know what you are saying. But the rest does matter. It will kinda give me a thought on Who and Where Somerset will Play when play-offs start.
By the looks of this ranking, Somerset looks a strong favorite (barring more injures) to win its 5th region title straight. 2 from 3a and 2 from 2a all ready under their belt.
Region 7 #1 seed would be home until Semis if they make it that far.
What happen to my sleeper teams Middlesboro fans:Cheerlead
We would love to win district, but we will take that kind of a jump. 2nd in district and who knows what can happen in playoffs? We have not won a game in this district, and you guys have us a strong second, I'll take it this year. We lose , 3 starters off this team. Old saying you must crawl before you walk. 18 jrs, Big things happening here. I do see us as a sleeper.
FlippedOut Wrote:We would love to win district, but we will take that kind of a jump. 2nd in district and who knows what can happen in playoffs? We have not won a game in this district, and you guys have us a strong second, I'll take it this year. We lose , 3 starters off this team. Old saying you must crawl before you walk. 18 jrs, Big things happening here. I do see us as a sleeper.

I pick you all before the season started that Middlesboro was my sleeper team and took a lot of heat for making that statement.I haven't gave up yet 100 percent anything can happen in playoff.:Cheerlead
I also picked Middlesboro 2nd in Dist before the start of season. Still think they will be 2nd and have a good chance playing Somerset for a second time in Play-offs.
District 7
District 8
Leslie co
Batsy layne
Shebly valley
Middlesboro has a great junior laden team, Danville has talent and speed at critical positions, LCA brings pressure on every snap that will give opposing offensive teams nuts, and Somerset has a very skilled and talented core of players who know success in this region. Look forward to seeing how the games play out tomorrow night, the real season for district 7 begins in 32 hours!

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