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6a State wake up call!!!!!

Good one on number 1 there other rb/wr
Nice clips West. Like seeing football from the western part of the state.
hop24 Wrote:Anyone have access to there roster with height and weights?

Try this.
Mayfieldsportsfan Wrote:

Try this.

Well this was a good read I found that took plaace after they played mayfield...

Oh and I belive my perdictions of 56-14 was even wrong...lmao.. final was 63- 30.. with a rolling clock an jv time.. and graves played a hell of a game prob one of their better ones for #10 in 5a. anybody's thoughts..?
I bet they get mentioned in the polls this week.
They should.. lol
I just noticed in the BGR rankings they have them listed behind Mayfield, Caldwell and Henderson Co. I don't think that is the case right now.
Looking forward to seeing them and Henderson squaring off in the playoffs.
Ya how good is henderson...
I see they beat tilghman by 13. Gonna say mccracken by at least three ..
mysonis55 Wrote:First off, if you read my post I said I would take McCracken over any but the top two teams in 6a. I stand by that statement. The last time that I checked, BG is not in 6a. They are 5a. Next, I didn't say anything about Caldwell being a great program for years to come. I said this year they will be state champs. Watch and see if it don't happen. I don't quiet understand why that would bother anyone. It isn't like I am a lifetime Caldwell fan. We play them this year, just like most, and I certainly will not be pulling for them then. I will however pull for them in all the other games. I will also pull for McCracken. You guys will see soon enough just what I am talking about. The soph qb is a freak, wait a minute that should be FREAK. I haven't seen any players like him in so long that I can't remember. He throws like Sindelar but is faster, much faster. He also is the type that will go into a crowd with 8-10 boys hitting him and he will somehow spin of juk and come out for a touchdown. Then the big, shifty, very fast #1 running back will burn you when you start to think that it is all about the qb. Then you have some really good receivers. I will also say that I don't even know if we would have a shot at beating them now. We played them at the right time. The PT game is a rivalry game and anything can happen in those types of games. Boys, before you doubt me, please, please just check them out. I am not making this crap up. The qb for McCracken will be Mr Football the year after Sindelar. Sindelar gets it next year and then him.

Well two things here, you said any team but the top two in 6a, I take that to mean any team in the state other than the 2 best teams 6a. If thats not what you meant my next thing would be that the 3rd and 4th best teams in 6a are probably just as good or better than anyone else in the state not named Bowling Green.

Look guys I know Mayfield eeked out a 1 point victory over them, and you want them to be really good to make Mayfield look that much better, but I just dont think its the case. Time will tell.....
The Mayfield game has nothing to do with it. I have said several times that I think they are better than us now. I am glad we played them early. Read what I said and you will understand what I think.
The latest polls have McCracken at 11. Maybe someone somewhere is starting to think about them. They will be top 5 before season is over.
Season will end before they make it that far in rankings.. they might make the top ten at a max #7
No they will be higher. That is once everyone sees the results of the Henderson Co game. They will lay it on Hendo.
After henderson they only have one game untill playoffs .. in the next two weeks they may hit top ten status.. maybe to #9. Then henderson may push them two spots but no more imo..
You may be right if they just win. I think they will make a statement win though. I think that will draw some attention.

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