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What team has the best WR's & TE's?
I think Prestonsburg does they are loaded in this catagory ! To mention some names: Wes Hall, Carman Mains, Chase Martin, Wes Woods, Nathaniel Stephens, and thats just to name a few !
Cant wait to see this crew on the 5th of August Smile
Wes Woods should be the best player on the Prestonsburg team ! He went to D1 camp at UK when Pburg held the passing tournament against North Oldam!
I think Leslie has alot of talent coming back this year. Brian Hubbard is one of the best recievers in the region and Leslie has alot of talent that could of started on last years recieving core. I think Leslie is up there with the best.
Leslie will still pass alot this season just as last years team did. The go to guy is #5 Brian Hubbard he is listed as one of the top recievers in 2A.
After last night the Eagles of Johnson Central had a few good recievers in Meeks and Taylor and a beast in Dials at TE

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