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Owsley 77 Magoffin 55
Homecoming win for the Owls.
I will preface this post by saying i normally dont make negative post. However, there comes a time for exception to the rule. The game was tied at half with bad officiating. Then the officials, Keith Hall, Roy Spencer and AJ davis took it up themseleves to make sure Owsley won comfortably. They may have evened the number of fouls called late in 4th but it was not the fouls they called it was what they refused to call on Owsley that was so glaring.

But this win for Owls should be credited directly to Hall, Spencer and Davis because they took the game away from the kids, and darn sure did not follow KHSAA mandate to clean up post play. Three pitful excuses for officals. I know 14th have several good officals, these are definelty not the cream of the crop and they stole this game for Owsley.
I almost forgot. With all the inentional elbows and full blown shoves by Owsely players inside and in post. The officals called two double fouls, both on the point guards fighting for postion, not even that dirty on eithier player. Once again awful officiating.
Agreed. In recent years home cooking has been much less obvious. This game was a throw back to the old days. The visiting team had no chance. Very disappointed in this crew. Might as well have told the Magoffin staff you aren't winning tonight. Should be interesting when Owsley visits Magoffin to see if the 15 th region officials return the favor.
Was not there but if I WAS MAGOFFIN NO MORE 14 REGION GAMES . for the men that cheated these kids your day will come. thats high school basketball and it should not be this way let the kids play. and old men trying to ref that have no life of there on please go home and stay there.
I heard it was pretty bad.
The Owls played tough like a good team does. I was at the game and saw a good physical game with the only intentional foul being called against the Hornets. The comfortable margin came because the better team scored more points.
The intentional foul was called on the hornets. Correct.

The Owsley county player was running down the court in front of the Magoffin player and intentionally stopped right in front of the Magoffin player. The kid couldn't avoid him and there was nothing malicious about the contact. The Owsley player acted liked he had been hit by a truck and flopped.

I actually consider that a heady play if the officials are inept enough to fall for such a trick.

I suspect the owls will find a way to avoid the return trip to Magoffin. If they do come to Magoffin and can repeat the showing, I'll be happy to come on here and eat my words. At this time, I think they are a very mediocre team. They shoot well but they played very thugishly and benefitted from an either the most inept, or purposely unfair, officiating crew I've seen in years.
Wait to they come to magoffin ,I beat the score will not be the same. I see why teams dont want to go down there and play and I beat magoffin want make this mistake again ever. to many people talking about how bad it was ,just admit it and go on you cheated them.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I was at the game. I didn't see any issues with the officiating. Magoffin was bigger than Owsley and went over rthe back after some rebounds. They also didn't shoot the ball very well, and made too many turnovers. It would have helped them to have ran their offense a little better and made better passes against the press. I don't know how many times the Hornets just simply threw passes away, basicly unforced errors.

This whining sounds like a few parents or relatives (some of them newly moderated members) of some of the players have isolated a few calls they didn't agree with and blowed them up to make BGR readers think that was the reason they lost in Booneville. Maybe Owsley has a better team. They also defeated Magoffin in summer play by double digits. They won by 22 last night. Refs don't make that BIG of a difference.

When you go out of region to play there is the possibility you might not get some of the judgement, or 50/50 calls. That's just the nature of the regional setup where postseason tournament officiating is determined by coaches votes inside each of the 16 regions. Refs tend to give the home team the benifit of the doubt on 50/50 calls. I'm sure Owsley realizes that when they go to the 13th or 15th region. It's also happened to them at Magoffin County in years past.

But last night the better team won. Officials can't make that many judgement calls go against one team to equal a 22 point game. As I said earlier, it would have helped the Hornets cause if they had shot the ball a little better, defended, and handled the press more efficiently. Its easy to make excuses.
I may be a new member, but I'm not a parent.

I understand that the home team gets the majority of calls. There was actually a fairly large and statistically valid study on the " home team gets the calls " concept.

Magoffin was the bigger team sure. Does no good when you can hack, grab, push and beat. The Pitts Kidd wasn't going to have much of an impact. That had been determined prior to the game.

Make no mistake, Magoffin couldn't win. When you play a team that sets that many moving screens and one is never called, you're in trouble. When the post defender is allowed to push the low post guys out 15 feet, you're in trouble. When the lead official is worried about the fans and telling the head coach of the visiting team that he needs to tell his fans to quit questioning the calls, you're in trouble. When they have as many troopers and Barney Fife deputies at the game as real fans, you're in trouble.

Did Magoffin miss some shots? Yes, they did. Quite a few of them in close. I'm not arguing that didn't impact the deficit amount. Magoffin's play turned a 10 point loss into a 22 point loss. The kids gave up a bit. They realized what was going on.

I'm not an excuse maker. Don't believe in blaming officials but last night was obvious. Magoffin was the homecoming sacrificial lamb. They certainly made it worse on themselves by getting frustrated. Magoffin is a young team and a lot of the kids haven't experienced a good ol cheat job. Now they have.
Let me go on to say this. Magoffin played very poorly in the loss to Powell to start the season. Lost big. Definitely wasn't the officiating that caused that one. 14th regional officials and they did a very fair job. Lost to JCHS, looked scared to death. No excuses. Bounced back and beat Lawrence County AT Lawrence. Lost to a great Knot Central team. Then beat a very good Pikeville team at Pikeville.

This was the 6th game of the season. It was the first game were I heard any complaining about the officiating.

There was an old man that I spoke to at the game. We discussed the last time Magoffin played in Owsley. A team I played on had beaten the Owsley team featuring Moose Moore in 1990. I bet it's longer than that before the Hornets return.

On the plus side. They did give the kids pizzas. That was a nice gesture. The principal seemed a nice guy and the fans were cordial.

Also, perhaps I was too hard in my original assessment of the Owsley team. They had some very nice players. Shoot the ball well. It's certainly not a disgrace to lose to them, especially in their place. They'll do we'll this year.

I will look forward to their trip to Magoffin.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:I was at the game. I didn't see any issues with the officiating. Magoffin was bigger than Owsley and went over rthe back after some rebounds. They also didn't shoot the ball very well, and made too many turnovers. It would have helped them to have ran their offense a little better and made better passes against the press. I don't know how many times the Hornets just simply threw passes away, basicly unforced errors.

This whining sounds like a few parents or relatives (some of them newly moderated members) of some of the players have isolated a few calls they didn't agree with and blowed them up to make BGR readers think that was the reason they lost in Booneville. Maybe Owsley has a better team. They also defeated Magoffin in summer play by double digits. They won by 22 last night. Refs don't make that BIG of a difference.

When you go out of region to play there is the possibility you might not get some of the judgement, or 50/50 calls. That's just the nature of the regional setup where postseason tournament officiating is determined by coaches votes inside each of the 16 regions. Refs tend to give the home team the benifit of the doubt on 50/50 calls. I'm sure Owsley realizes that when they go to the 13th or 15th region. It's also happened to them at Magoffin County in years past.

But last night the better team won. Officials can't make that many judgement calls go against one team to equal a 22 point game. As I said earlier, it would have helped the Hornets cause if they had shot the ball a little better, defended, and handled the press more efficiently. Its easy to make excuses.

I would expect you to feel that way. However, when you have Owsely supporters apologize after game for the way you been treated it shows that it was bad. And At least three differenct Owsley fans done just that. Magoffin never played this team before, definetly not in the summer. i would just liked to have seen fair game and then if they won would never had said word. Powell beat Magoffin fair and square, magoffin played awful against Powell and they beat us. Not the case in Owsley, the officals took control of this game and made sure owsley would win. It is that simple.
Whatever the Magoffin fans feel about last night's game, it still doesn't compare with the last time I remember an Owsley team playing the Hornets at Magoffin. Theyve probably played there since then but his is the one i remember. Its been a long time, probably back in the '80's, but it still sticks in my memory. The refs were a father and son pair by the name of Butcher. I think one of them was later a superintendent somewhere. Well, from the beginning they started calling walks and fouls, etc on Owsley until our entire team was in foul trouble. They called a T on the head coach. Warned an assisstant coach that he would leave the gym if he opened his mouth again. Even with all that going on the Owls was ahead at the half by 2 points. But.....when the teams came back out to start the second half the Magoffin official scorekeeper said he had Magoffin ahead 2 points in his book. Seems he had forgot to write a couple of Owsley baskets down. It didn't matter that our scorebook matched the scoreboard, or that the stat sheets from not only Owsley but also Magoffin matched the scoreboard. The refs took 4 points off from Owsley and changed the score to a Magoffin being in front by 2. Needless to say we could have used our points becausel we lost by either 1 or 2 points.
But......we understood we were out of region, in the course of a season sometimes things like that happen, took our loss and went on back to Booneville.
I'm sure the a Magoffin fans felt in their heart that that game was an excellent officiated game. I and other Owsley fans had a different opinion about how it was called, and the negligence with the pencil on the the scorekeepers part.
I suppose we all sometimes look through are own goggles shaded in the colors of our home schools. When the Owls come to Salyersville later this season I'm sure we will have a few fans that don't agree with the officiating. It happens.
Cry me a river. Yes Owsley will be making a trip to Saylersville later this season and the Hornets will get their chance to turn the table. It is my experience that the better team will usually win if BOTH teams play well. The Hornets looked to me last night like a young team with potenial. If anything this should be a good thing for them, they should take away the fact that some games get physical and you have to step up the intensity level, something they didnt seem like they could do. The previous post that called the Owls thugish is almost hilarious. I've seen Magoffin County play in the past years. That is the title I would have given most of their teams. The Owls went to Hazard the night before and lost by a big margin. We were tied at the 1st quarter, only behind by 6 ot 7 at the half but were outscored in the 3rd by 19. A deficit that could not be overcome. Was it a fair called game? Two of our players fouled out. The refs did the typical catch up calls at the end when it was too late. Was Hazard the better team, yes. Are they a 30 point better team, no. Did we expect anything less going to Hazard, no Do we expect anything less going to Magoffin County, no. Unfortunately, that's the way the ball bounces.
I am a Hazard fan and have been to all their games over the past few years. In my opinion, the officiating has gotten worse over the years. Sometimes it is better than other times, but it does seem to be very bad this year.

I guess you're right. I should stop complaining. That is " just the way it is ". Shouldn't be but it is.

I have no doubt you're telling the truth about Hazard. Thats kinda my point. The 14th is notorious for incidents like last night. IMHO the only place in the 15th that comes close is Sheldon Clark. Used to be like that at the old McDowell school and some of the other smaller Floyd and Pike schools.

I stand by my thugish comment though. When one of a teams players is mouthing off to the opposing coach that looks very bad and is very poor sportsmanship.

As far as the game getting physical. Well your right in a sense. Magoffin didn't match the physical play. However, it's a point of emphasis this year to remove that aspect of the game. The bloodbaths under the basket and the hand checking out front we're supposed to be stopped. You are reinforcing my argument here. The officials let the game get out of hand early. Then tried to clean it up when Magoffin tried to " match " the owls. Kinda convenient I think.

Anyway, no more crying from me. I've stated my position and I feel quite justified in my stance.

Good luck to the Owls this year. Really enjoyed meeting the fans and came away impressed with the administration.

I wish Magoffin County the best this year also. My stepdaughter played for years in the 15th Region so our family still supports those teams as well as the 14th. As for the clean-up this year, so far it has been an epic fail from what I have seen. More players have come out the the game with injuries and bloody body parts because the refs have let the game get out of control. I do not like to see any player showing bad sportmanship whether it is from our team or another team. I respect your right to an opinion, but we really do have a good group of boys who work hard both on and off the court. I'm sure you feel the same way about the Magoffin County team. Good luck to both teams this year!!!!

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