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Wisdom Teeth
My wisdom teeth are coming in and they hurt. Ouch. I'm going to the dentist on Thursday before I leave. Shew.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Good luck I had one to breatk off last Thursday and they had to cut it out in sections. They worked on me for over 2 hours. It didnt hurt me to bad then but it hurt later. It still is tender and hurts at certain times.
i bled for 2 days on my last one.. but the first 3 weren't too bad cause they stitched it up.. but if you are having them pulled right before you leave, then you will probably be miserable on your vacation
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Mine hurt like hell and I waited a while before I went to the dentist, then when I finally went they said they would only have to pull them since they were in. So I got all 4 of them pulled the same day, the only thing that hurt was the shots and how sore your mouth/jaw gets and you can't open it.
Good luck.....
I had mine cut out... and I almost died... they had to break my jaws to get them... i had to go to the ER about 6 days after I had them cut out to get an IV because I was dehydrated
I had to get surgery in my mouth anyways so they just said hey while we're in here we might as well take out his wisdom teeth. Didn't hurt at all for me after.

Why do they call them wisdom teeth??? I couldn't read or write with them in and still can't!!
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I had mine cut out I think two years ago it wasn't too bad I slept for two days.
I had all four of mine cut out, it wasn't that bad. But like a week or two later i was wondering if my mouth would ever get better. I had them cut out on a Friday and that Monday I was back in football practice full swing.
blackcat thats me, after Ive had them cut out for a lil over a week and it still hurts I have began to wonder if it will ever get better its just real tender and stuff.
:yikes: No worries they will get better in about two weeks but in the mead it hurts like [email=h@#L]h@#L[/email]. Cali if you are going on vacation you need to be carful because if you get to hot or over do it they will most bleed and it will take them longer to heal. Good luck!
Well I went to the dentist yesterday instead of thursday and they are referring me to somewhere in Pikeville. I'll have to have them cut out sometime this summer. They're like growing in crooked and the dentist said I'd definitely have to have them out. Sad
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
i hope they will be easy to get to and they won't have to break your jaws to get to them because it sucks

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