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David Letterman to Rachel Maddow: Obama Lied
I am sure that Letterman will still remain a hard core liberal Obama supporter, but even he admits that Obama has well earned his Liar in Chief title.

Be sure to watch the video:
HA! That figures. Even Letterman says so. Good find Seger.

On a side note, check out the bottom where they have Obama "winning" in the polls. Then they have their own poll for people at the bottom, which Romney is winning by 20% right now.
Maddow might beat the crap out of him.....

She has a pretty big set on her...
We know he is a liar. And that is no recent revelation, he has lied at least since ObamaCare was foisted upon the people of this nation. I say foisted because it will affect only working folks, they are the ones who will pay and pay. The rich can afford health care and the poor always got it free anyway. The shame of it is that the media won't air the truth. In a twist of ultimate irony, the vast right wing conspiracy spoken of by Hillary Clinton that never was, turns out to be a vast left wing conspiracy that actually is, is. By this time, Obama and anybody with their eyes open, realizes he is nearly bullet proof and the liberals are trying to highjack this land with the help of the mother of all propaganda organizations, the so-called free press.

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