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Barry Bonds rookie card....
I saw this on another website and thought i would post a pic of barry bonds rookie card with the pirates....look at the difference between then and now. He HAD to have been on roids.......Smile Smile Smile
:lmao: thats a good
:boosign: That is really NOT funny.
IMO, it is not funny to laugh at the problem of starving children around the world.
fox sports Wrote::boosign: That is really NOT funny.
IMO, it is not funny to laugh at the problem of starving children around the world.
I agree completely.

And even if you were going by his legitimate rookie card, that would still be a very weak argument to saying he was on steroids.
fox sports Wrote::boosign: That is really NOT funny.
IMO, it is not funny to laugh at the problem of starving children around the world.

Come now it was all in fun. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. It was a clever move and I found myself chuckling.
Smile Smile Good one.
O come know you all atleast had a little chuckle....
I don't think he meant any harm in posting that picture. It's sad that kids are starving, but he didnt mean to point on that starving child as he meant to just poke fun at Barry Bonds, and yes 98NCCAlum the arguement is strong from Barry Bonds' rookie season to now. 40 year old men don't get their biggest and and strongest and that point of the career and hit over 70 homers without something going on. It's common sense.
Thank you Alfus.....
alfus21 Wrote:I don't think he meant any harm in posting that picture. It's sad that kids are starving, but he didnt mean to point on that starving child as he meant to just poke fun at Barry Bonds, and yes 98NCCAlum the arguement is strong from Barry Bonds' rookie season to now. 40 year old men don't get their biggest and and strongest and that point of the career and hit over 70 homers without something going on. It's common sense.
so you don't think you gain weight asyou get older? Hilarious.
98NCCalum Wrote:so you don't think you gain weight asyou get older? Hilarious.

Yeah you gain weight, but not muscle mass, and you sure don't start to hit the ball farther as you get older. Explain how he couldn't hit that many homeruns until he was 40 and why all old guys don't do that. Hilarious. Confusedhh:
alfus21 Wrote:Yeah you gain weight, but not muscle mass, and you sure don't start to hit the ball farther as you get older. Explain how he couldn't hit that many homeruns until he was 40 and why all old guys don't do that. Hilarious. Confusedhh:

Yeh 98...Care to elaborate? If he was "that good", then why didnt he hit 73 home runs when he was 30, right in the prime of his career??
anyways.. i saw his cover of SI.. and i swear to god i thought it was tubby smith...
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
fox sports Wrote::boosign: That is really NOT funny.
IMO, it is not funny to laugh at the problem of starving children around the world.

I agree 100%. Not a good thread at all.
fox sports Wrote::boosign: That is really NOT funny.
IMO, it is not funny to laugh at the problem of starving children around the world.
We were not laughing at the starving children...geeze lighten up a little...I got your back
BurntTires Wrote:We were not laughing at the starving children...geeze lighten up a little...I got your back
You, and everyone else can "have his back", but this was a very immature post in my, and some other peoples opinions.
Some thought it was funny...others thought it was inappropriate...
So you lighten up a little bit, it's a posters opinion...everything is not about "having someone's back".
fox sports Wrote:You, and everyone else can "have his back", but this was a very immature post in my, and some other peoples opinions.
Some thought it was funny...others thought it was inappropriate...
So you lighten up a little bit, it's a posters opinion...everything is not about "having someone's back".
The I got your back comment was all in fun also....Rolleyes
BurntTires Wrote:The I got your back comment was all in fun also....Rolleyes
I think it was pretty good.

I dont care though. Steriods will not help you hit a curveball.
corndog23 Wrote:Yeh 98...Care to elaborate? If he was "that good", then why didnt he hit 73 home runs when he was 30, right in the prime of his career??
If you could read you'd see I said, I have no doubt that Barry took steroids. But using the fact that he's gotten bigger as he's gotten fatter as he's gotten older as proof is ludicrous.
fox sports Wrote:You, and everyone else can "have his back", but this was a very immature post in my, and some other peoples opinions.
Some thought it was funny...others thought it was inappropriate...
So you lighten up a little bit, it's a posters opinion...everything is not about "having someone's back".
Immature huh....It would be immature if we were poking fun at starving children. IN NO WAY was that the case.....YOU need to lighten up and not get your feelings hurt so easily....
98NCCalum Wrote:If you could read you'd see I said, I have no doubt that Barry took steroids. But using the fact that he's gotten bigger as he's gotten fatter as he's gotten older as proof is ludicrous.

I can read just fine, and never saw where you said that you had no doubt he was on the juice. Not just "bigger" 98, more muscular, stronger, and hitting the ball farther. You dont break the bat on a pitch and still hit it out at the age of 40 like he did that year. He gained weight, but it wasnt all fat...
You along with almost everyone else on here refuse to bring any kind of fact to the table then just agree with someone else as a means of proving you are right.

Sad really.

Facts kids. Facts. Get em, learn em, say em, type em.
Nobody in the ENTIRE world has "facts" to prove Barry Bonds of being on roids! If they did, then he wouldnt be in baseball anymore.....You 98, need to get em, learn em, say em, type em.
98NCCalum Wrote:You along with almost everyone else on here refuse to bring any kind of fact to the table then just agree with someone else as a means of proving you are right.

Sad really.

Facts kids. Facts. Get em, learn em, say em, type em.

I always bring facts to the table when it's a possibility....If you dispute that then you must know read much of what I say. I'll go with my feelings on a subject regardless if people agree with me or not. Where are your facts on this issue? The fact that you honestly think Barry Bonds has just gotten fatter and that helps people hit homeruns then I know a lot of fat 40 year old guys that should be in the majors. He gained muscle mass and bad speed at the age of 40. 99% of MLB players do not gain muscle and speed at that age. What's sad is that you steered off-subject like this, just to make yourself feel big and mighty once again, although you have brought no more to the table than anybody else.

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