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Tampa's play at the end of the Giants game
Just wanted to see what everybody's opinion of that play was.

To recap for those who didn't see it: New York was up 7 in the final seconds of the game. Tampa had no time-outs and couldn't stop the clock. The Giants try to take a knee and run out the clock. But Tampa's D-line keeps playing and rushes the NY O-line, knocking them backwards into Eli Manning in an attempt to force a fumble. After the game, Giants coach Tom Coughlin was livid, yelling at Bucs coach Greg Schiano.

So what does everybody think? Myself, I think it's much ado about nothing. I fully support the way the Bucs finished the game. They were only down one score, so if they had been able to force the fumble, they could have run it in for a game-tying score. Just because the team that's ahead thinks the game is already over, doesn't mean the team that's behind has to accept it. If there's time on the clock, and you still have a chance to win, then GO FOR IT.

Honestly, I can't see why there's even a debate about this, but a lot of people seem to want to come down on Schiano for what they call a "dirty" or "classless" play. I just don't see how it's dirty if you're trying to win and aren't breaking any rules.

Coughlin needs to shut his old ass up.

TB still had a chance to win the game. So if the Giants were in the superbowl and were in TB's situation, he wouldn't tell them to do that?

Theres good coaches in the NFL who still play the game like its suppose to be played and there guys like Coughlin who are nothing but baby's on everything.


Before you know it, physical contact will be outlawed in football.
I agree. You play to win. As long as nothing dirty is done. If you are still in the game and still have a chance. You play till the final horn sounds.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
LOL, ok, everyone supports YOU PLAY TO WIN and DONT STOP PLAYING UNTIL THE LAST WHISTLE! Well, why in the hell did the Buccaneers not do that same play at the end of the first half when the Giants knelt down to finish the first half. There is an unwritten rule, just like there is in every sport! It is much ado about nothing, but it can't be a double standard! Why isn't everyone raising hell about not going after the ball before halftime?
It's a smart play . Get the ball back and try to win.
Tampa should have done more than to be in that situation towards the end of the game.

In their coach's defense, I believe he would do this at Rutgers and suceeded twice so a fumble is possible but not likely.

In college I can see doing it as every game counts, in the NFL not so much.
Stardust Wrote:LOL, ok, everyone supports YOU PLAY TO WIN and DONT STOP PLAYING UNTIL THE LAST WHISTLE! Well, why in the hell did the Buccaneers not do that same play at the end of the first half when the Giants knelt down to finish the first half. There is an unwritten rule, just like there is in every sport! It is much ado about nothing, but it can't be a double standard! Why isn't everyone raising hell about not going after the ball before halftime?

C'mon Dust. Just because they didn't do it at the end of the first half, doesn't mean it was wrong to do it at the end of the second. Teams don't always run the same plays all the time. A team that's down a TD at the end of the first half probably won't throw a hail mary from their own 20, because it's too risky and they still have another 30 minutes left. But if they're still down a TD at the end of the second half, you can better believe that they will be chucking it up there, no matter how small the chance of it actually working out. What have you got to lose at that point?

As for unwritten rules, that's bull. I've played and helped coach football, and there's no rule, written or not, that says you have to quit when you still have a chance to win. Even if it is a really small chance.

If they're down by more than 8 points, then yeah, it's over. Even if you force a fumble, there's not enough time to tie it up if you trail by more than 1 score. So you let them take a knee and be done. But that wasn't the case here. All they needed was one score, so no, the game was not decided yet.

If the team that's ahead wants to pretend the game is over while taking a knee, that's fine. But don't get mad when the other team makes a LEGAL play because they don't want to concede a game that's still in doubt.

judgementday Wrote:Tampa should have done more than to be in that situation towards the end of the game.

In their coach's defense, I believe he would do this at Rutgers and suceeded twice so a fumble is possible but not likely.

In college I can see doing it as every game counts, in the NFL not so much.

Actually, in the NFL every game counts too. Finishing the year 10-6 versus finishing the year 9-7 can mean the difference between making the playoffs and staying home. And you can't hoist the trophy if you're sitting at home.

One other thing. I saw some pro-Coughlin arguments that tried to bring "sportsmanship" into the discussion. These people were arguing that by taking a knee, the Giants were trying to "not run the score up" and that it would have been a breach of etiquette to try to score again. Sorry, but that doesn't apply here.

First and foremost, the Giants taking a knee was not an act of sportsmanship. Taking a knee on the 1 yard line at the end of the game when you're already up 3 TD's, that's showing good sportsmanship by not running up the score. The Giants were not in that situation, though. They were simply trying to close out a game that was not decided yet, with the safest play possible: the kneel-down.

Sure, they could have tried to score again, and if they can, more power to them. But I'm sure Tampa would have loved it if they had run another regular play, more of a chance of a fumble or interception that could give the Bucs another chance to win. The kneel-down is actually a smart football play in the Giants' situation, very little chance of a turnover. But don't confuse a smart football play with a gesture of sportsmanship.

Jerry Jones thinks NFL should outlaw Kneel-Downs
Strikeout King Wrote:Jerry Jones thinks NFL should outlaw Kneel-Downs

It is my understanding that at one point kneeling was frowned upon. I am not a fan of kneeling and/or being able to run up to the line and spike the ball.
Stardust Wrote:LOL, ok, everyone supports YOU PLAY TO WIN and DONT STOP PLAYING UNTIL THE LAST WHISTLE! Well, why in the hell did the Buccaneers not do that same play at the end of the first half when the Giants knelt down to finish the first half. There is an unwritten rule, just like there is in every sport! It is much ado about nothing, but it can't be a double standard! Why isn't everyone raising hell about not going after the ball before halftime?

At halftime the school of thought is - let's simply take this one to the locker room and come out and win this in the second half. I know you seem to frown on anyone having an opinion other than you...
but to compare trying to force a fumble on kneel downs while you're down one score with time running out and NOT trying to do the same thing at halftime are two completely different situations and I doubt very many people share your sentiment.
zaga_fan Wrote:At halftime the school of thought is - let's simply take this one to the locker room and come out and win this in the second half. I know you seem to frown on anyone having an opinion other than you...
but to compare trying to force a fumble on kneel downs while you're down one score with time running out and NOT trying to do the same thing at halftime are two completely different situations and I doubt very many people share your sentiment.

Ah boys!!! (My all time favorite bgr quote btw).
Just because your opponent wants to quit before the games over doesn't mean YOU have to.
I like the Kneel-Down. If your team's up at the closing seconds of the game you can just kneel down instead of running up and trying to get a play off and risking a chance of turning the ball over and letting the other team take advantage.
Wouldn't be a problem if the scrub refs hadn't called Mike Williams' catch incomplete. He braces for contact, it's a friggin' catch.
It wasn't a big deal in the first half because we still had 30 minutes of football left.

Its a different story when its the last play of the game.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It wasn't a big deal in the first half because we still had 30 minutes of football left.

Its a different story when its the last play of the game.

How dare you defy the great Stardust!!!!!!!!
I dont have a problem with it, but i did read an article about what happened (and watched the game). In the article Eli said he told the Tampa D when he was walking to the line "hey guys we are taking a knee". He said he did it to let the Tampa D know his line was not going to be fireing off.

You can still look at it 2 ways.
1. Let's just stand here and let them take the knee and not risk an injury, or
2. Let's bust his ass & try and cause a fumble to give our offense a chance. He just told us they are not fireing off.

Does the fact that Eli told Tampa's D they where taking a knee before the play change anyone's opinion??
Strikeout King Wrote:I like the Kneel-Down. If your team's up at the closing seconds of the game you can just kneel down instead of running up and trying to get a play off and risking a chance of turning the ball over and letting the other team take advantage.

I agree SK. I have no problem with the kneel down, but just because you choose to go to the victory formation, it doesn't mean the other team has to quit. You should be ready for them to fire off the line and not get mad because they do so.
zaga_fan Wrote:How dare you defy the great Stardust!!!!!!!!

Im still waiting for it......:moon:
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:I dont have a problem with it, but i did read an article about what happened (and watched the game). In the article Eli said he told the Tampa D when he was walking to the line "hey guys we are taking a knee". He said he did it to let the Tampa D know his line was not going to be fireing off.

You can still look at it 2 ways.
1. Let's just stand here and let them take the knee and not risk an injury, or
2. Let's bust his ass & try and cause a fumble to give our offense a chance. He just told us they are not fireing off.

Does the fact that Eli told Tampa's D they where taking a knee before the play change anyone's opinion??

I am pretty sure prior to him saying that, the defense was already instructed to go after the ball.
judgementday Wrote:I am pretty sure prior to him saying that, the defense was already instructed to go after the ball.

Guarantee it.

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