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Elizabethtown has 59. 28 of those are freshman, so looking good for the future, but gonna have some depth ?'s this year.
Letcher Central has 53, + or - a few...
Breathitt County Bobcats have around 50.
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:Numbers are overrated....sometimes.

True, Beechwood is a class A school with small #'s but the kids are from all over Boone and Kenton Co's. There all there for academic reasons of course!:hilarious:
Betsy Layne has around 35
hop24 Wrote:True, Beechwood is a class A school with small #'s but the kids are from all over Boone and Kenton Co's. There all there for academic reasons of course!:hilarious:

^Really, And I'm sure you have facts to back this up?

Beechwood is a small school but they always have numbers. i do recall one year in the late 90s they had more players than highlands.
hop24 Wrote:True, Beechwood is a class A school with small #'s but the kids are from all over Boone and Kenton Co's. There all there for academic reasons of course!:hilarious:

And if they are from Boone and Kenton I'm pretty sure they are paying Tuition costs approximately $3400 per year.

Also they have admissions test, Thats what?

"The Principal will review the admissions test results and provide the Superintendent with names of potential students that meet or exceed the "'academic"" expectations required of Beechwood students."

Here from there home page: if you need more?

Football is the biggest money maker in school Athletics but its a slap in face too all the other students that don't play football but also attend for "any other reasons" Whether they live there or pay to go there.
I think Knox has 62 out right now and more to come once school starts
chance_rollin Wrote:^Really, And I'm sure you have facts to back this up?

Beechwood is a small school but they always have numbers. i do recall one year in the late 90s they had more players than highlands.

See for yourself if they have football player(s) from Burlington(Boone Co.) and Independence(Kenton Co.), these are the ones I know about FOR SURE. Volke from last year's class, was from Erlanger. Would love to know more. Like playing Class A football with a 6A territory. Easy to root for the other team.
chance_rollin Wrote:And if they are from Boone and Kenton I'm pretty sure they are paying Tuition costs approximately $3400 per year.

Also they have admissions test, Thats what?

"The Principal will review the admissions test results and provide the Superintendent with names of potential students that meet or exceed the "'academic"" expectations required of Beechwood students."

Here from there home page: if you need more?

Football is the biggest money maker in school Athletics but its a slap in face too all the other students that don't play football but also attend for "any other reasons" Whether they live there or pay to go there.

Nice website! Pass the admission test(legit), principal looks over your football history, crap I mean what a model student you were at your former school( if your good at football and give the school a shot at beating Mayfield, your in). If your a Super-Stud hell they will even give you your own parking space, which at Beechwood is tougher to come by then New York City.
hop24 Wrote:See for yourself if they have football player(s) from Burlington(Boone Co.) and Independence(Kenton Co.), these are the ones I know about FOR SURE. Volke from last year's class, was from Erlanger. Would love to know more. Like playing Class A football with a 6A territory. Easy to root for the other team.

You can say what ever you want, But the fact remain if they are paying too go and the school has room and they pass the test how ever it maybe. Then he can LIVE anywhere in the state. Correct me if I'm wrong kenton county schools have open enrollment with in the County. Why does it matter? It doesn't really. Only if scott, Dixie or Simon Kenton were winner game after game and state year after year. Would we be questioning how many kids come from all over the county and going to one school. And not going to the one down the street from them. Also they too have Tuition paying students If they are coming from outside the County.

Its a person choice where they want to send their Children too school. Whether they live in or pay.

Its only against the rules to openly state your going there for sports Right?

In 2002 Beechwood had only 25 members on its band team. In 2011 it has grow too 120. Basic 20 percent of the school. Should we look into them about how successful they have been since they are on the same level has the football team. Oh because we only worry about football.
Knox has 62 out
hop24 Wrote:Nice website! Pass the admission test(legit), principal looks over your football history, crap I mean what a model student you were at your former school( if your good at football and give the school a shot at beating Mayfield, your in). If your a Super-Stud hell they will even give you your own parking space, which at Beechwood is tougher to come by then New York City.

You are making yourself sound stupid, look at state test scores and you will see the school is at the top for academics. They do not bring in kids just for sports, parents send their kids there to get a great education with the added benefit of good athletics programs.
Don't know the exact number at Mayfield but I know they had to bring in more lockers for the players.
Ashland has between 70-75 out
Belfry had 65 dress out for their team photo.
sstack Wrote:You are making yourself sound stupid, look at state test scores and you will see the school is at the top for academics. They do not bring in kids just for sports, parents send their kids there to get a great education with the added benefit of good athletics programs.

If Volke wasn't a fine football player would he still go there? The sr. (Justice) that transfered there this year from Dixie, guess he wanted that one year of quality education. :hilarious:
Lynn Camp - 27
Williamsburg - 37
Whitley Co. - 42
Corbin - 62
hop24 Wrote:If Volke wasn't a fine football player would he still go there? The sr. (Justice) that transfered there this year from Dixie, guess he wanted that one year of quality education. :hilarious:

I am not saying all parents make education #1 priority and may send their kids there for sports first, but the school is worried about academics first and wants to remain #1 in education. If the good athletes can pass the entrance exam for academics they will galdly take them ,otherwise they will not take them. They are the toughest school to get in and I believe the only public school that requires an entrance exam thus allowing them to only take kids that are going to keep them at the top academically. Believe me, the high majority of kids are there for academics and the school board knows that, thus they want to keep at the top on state testing. By the way, not a Beechwood fan, just stating the facts.
I heard Highlands has 96 kids this year and this does not include Freshmen.
hop24 Wrote:If Volke wasn't a fine football player would he still go there? The sr. (Justice) that transfered there this year from Dixie, guess he wanted that one year of quality education. :hilarious:

I would guess that Volke is a smart kid or he would not of passed the entrance exam. Do you blame Justice for transfering from Dixie, it is a train wreck there;what better place to transfer to than Beechwood who is great in sports and academics. Did you expect him to transfer to a school with poor state tests scores and poor sports? Thankfully he and his parents have enough sense and $ to go to a good school.Quality education and sports draws kids in, what is wrong with that, parents trying to do what is best for their kids like all parents should.
I think Collins has around 60 this year.
sstack Wrote:I would guess that Volke is a smart kid or he would not of passed the entrance exam. Do you blame Justice for transfering from Dixie, it is a train wreck there;what better place to transfer to than Beechwood who is great in sports and academics. Did you expect him to transfer to a school with poor state tests scores and poor sports? Thankfully he and his parents have enough sense and $ to go to a good school.Quality education and sports draws kids in, what is wrong with that, parents trying to do what is best for their kids like all parents should.

If the education is that superior compared to what he received at Dixie he should not play sports. I mean he must be really behind all the others in his class!!!

If you have admittance tests to enter your school of course you are going to have high test scores.

Does anyone really think they teach different at Dixie as compared to Beechwood or Highlands? No way!!!
mason Wrote:If the education is that superior compared to what he received at Dixie he should not play sports. I mean he must be really behind all the others in his class!!!

If you have admittance tests to enter your school of course you are going to have high test scores.

Does anyone really think they teach different at Dixie as compared to Beechwood or Highlands? No way!!!

Yes they do,just ask teachers who have been to both or students/parents who have been to both! And to make a simple point of how Highlands students are pushed to do better, their grading scale is 95-100 for an A, I know not many if any other school in KY does that (makes all the academic all state athletes from Highlands pretty impressive since they have tougher standards!).
sstack Wrote:I heard Highlands has 96 kids this year and this does not include Freshmen.

They have 91 the last I saw. Be nice too see how many Freshmen move up at the end of the season?
sstack Wrote:[/U]

Yes they do,just ask teachers who have been to both or students/parents who have been to both! And to make a simple point of how Highlands students are pushed to do better, their grading scale is 95-100 for an A, I know not many if any other school in KY does that (makes all the academic all state athletes from Highlands pretty impressive since they have tougher standards!).

I am not aware of any that has a different grading scale or very close. I know some that 94-100 is an A.

So they teach different things at HHS, interesting.

What I am pointing out is that the school is no different, in that they teach what all the others do!!! It is the socio-economics of the school coupled with the "enterance exam" that inflates their numbers.
mason Wrote:I am not aware of any that has a different grading scale or very close. I know some that 94-100 is an A.

So they teach different things at HHS, interesting.

What I am pointing out is that the school is no different, in that they teach what all the others do!!! It is the socio-economics of the school coupled with the "enterance exam" that inflates their numbers.

They do not have entrance exam at HHS, and "socio-economics" play little IMO, the parents in our community demand excellence. I know our kids are taking classes in middle school that most schools do not teach until JR/SR year. Might not be" different things" but teaching earlier and thus allows for increased upper level classes to better prepare for college. A lot of HHS students enter college as sophmore status!

If you are young,I understand you thinking that it can't be different. I to thought that way until I went to college and wittnessed first hand how much better my education was then a lot of KY kids. I had friends from other areas of KY that were top 1 and 2 kids from their class and lets just say they were not the sharpest tools in the shed (great people though). I would say come spend a day at the school and see for your self and then see if you still feel the same way.
Estill County has 43

Frosh - 16

SO - 14

JR - 6

SR - 7 (1 SR is out for Season so 6 SR's)

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