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Question about multiple sports
I recently went to a local football practice and the staff was talking about practicing multiple sports. They practice football for two hours then they go to basketball practice for two hours. I was wondering if this is normal and how many players on each team do this.
Betsy layme has 9 that is playing multiple sports. The boys are getting a lot of work done!
Does anyone wonder why kids don't want to play multiple sports these days?
nky Wrote:Does anyone wonder why kids don't want to play multiple sports these days?
I believe the kids want to play multiple sports but the coaches discourage it. A basketball coach wants you playing all year. Same with soccer and baseball. They are under the impression that somehow this makes a better single sport player. However the schools that have the most success in post season are the ones that have players that only play a sport in season and usually play at least 2 sports and some 3 sports. These players are not burnt out at crunch time. If a player plays all year it becomes just another game. No difference between a state high school tourney or an AAU tourney. Just another game in a never ending season.
I'm all for high school kids being multi-sport athletes. Keeps them active all year. But playing a sport all year round increases the risk of injury and can get boring.

My coaches in high school had a pretty good relationship with each other and knew when it wasn't their season, then it wasn't their athlete.
So does any other school double dip currently?
Personally, i love to see a school be able to have enough kids encouraged to play sports, that hardly any are multi sports players.
I know this isnt possible for the smaller schools around the state, but i hate to see the larger schools have to rely on the same kids to play every sport when there are enough kids to play all sports and focus on one. Dont get me wrong, its perfectly fine for the good athletes to play more than one, but i think a team does better when you have an entire team focused on one sport and be focused on it year round.
My freshmen year of high school I played football, basketball, and ran track(for about a month). I realized if I wanted to make myself a better football player I had to drop the other two sports. They both took away my time from the weight room. After that my other 3 years was nothing but football.
"Kentucky Football needs to be and will be a championship contender in the SEC."- Mitch Barnhart
With smaller schools I believe it is easier to play all 3 sports. With the bigger schools if you do not get in that weight room and work your butt off you will fall behind, my son plays football and baseball and seems to find that it works out pretty good especially since he dont have to go through spring ball. I think football and basketball is a year around sport but I do not agree with the pads for football during the spring, nothing wrong with lifting and running and 7 on 7 but to me the pads is just another risk of injury that will put a kid out for months or possibly for the next season. Remember this is High School and these kids should be having the times of their lifes not just in boot camp for 4 years. Let them have fun and enjoy these few years that they have.
After playing 3 sports (Baseball, Football, Basketball) beginning in the 3rd grade, my son decided to give up one sport his freshman year to allow him to "get a break in between seasons". He gave up basketball, which might have been the sport he enjoyed the most. So, his "Break" that he got was 3 days of baseball conditioning, and 3 days of football conditioning - 6 days a week with no reward. He gave up basketball, which was five days a week and the reward of COMPETING IN GAMES instead of your team-mates for 3 months!

Sports have now become a fulltime endeavor, and the coaches want their athletes to ONLY compete in their sport! Yes, coaches certainly tell their players they support them playing other sports, but that is absolutely not the truth of the matter. The fringe kids, who are not "studs" are told all the time that they need to be at their sports practices in order to get playing time.

And this is not a "Back in my day" comment, but I was a college athlete, who played three sports in High School, who still went fishing, cut the grass, worked odd jobs - basically had the ability to do other things. Today, in order for athletes to compete and stay ahead of the curve, they have to commit their lives to play sports. And the number one comment that I hear is that the "Player wants to do that"! Well, as a coach who has graduated a few classes, I now see that these kids do get burned out and they just quit! Every year, I have a Senior or two, who are fantastic athletes and college material, but by the time the hit their last year, they think they want to move on and play at the next level, then by the time the register for college, they have already given up the dream!

Multiple sports, absolutely! Four hours a day of multiple sports, goofy!
To much football going on right now if you ask me. Perry out there with their helmets on, Hazard out there with helmets on. Doing drills, drills, drills. Then the football players go to summer basketball practice or games. Drill, drill, drill. There isnt no decent summer league baseball for these kids in eastern kentucky anymore. What ever happened to just going to weight lifting and conditioning in the summer for football and basketball? I guess this is why Hazard has won the state championship in football. Wrong, its because the class system is weak in Kentucky. If it was still the 4 class system, Hazard wouldnt ever went to the championship. How well would of Perry done in 4A this year in the 4 class system. They would of been done after week 11. Hazard may of got the the 2nd or 3rd round of the playoffs. Basketball teams are no better now than they were 10 years ago. No better, no worse. I dont know, dont reall care but I think they make the kids do to much SCHOOL RELATED stuff. If you want to go play AAU then go get on a team. I think they should lift and workout for football. Maybe a little 7 on 7 but thats it. I dont know. I do think they ask to much from the kids. Dedication baby, DEDICATION.
It's like a job for kids now! Not something to do for fun and be with your friends.
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The really bad thing is... we work these kids to death at times.. and they take it whole heartedly...they put their all into our respective sport... they run from sport to sport.. some spend 6 to 8 hours a day trying to work hard at multiple sports... We have put them in the position of picking one over another.. and we fault them.. not our "system". Instead of encouragment, we are critical. For what, working their butts off for our schools? I have seen this change over the years. I have been just as guilty as anyone of this. These young men are usually hard working and we have put them in the situation of chosing. You have basketball going year round, football going now, baseball plays spring ball, its never ending... the kids simply are forced to chose.. this wasnt the way it used to be.. it's not the way is should be... kids should be able to play a couple sports in high school.. but the never ending cycle of some sports have made it very difficult..
Just my opinion!
Kids need to be kids and play something every season. Coaches should encourage kids competing as much as possible
iwanted my son just to play football but he wanted to play basketball too.i dintwant to hold him he is staying in good shape for football.he will be a freshman in high school and might get to play some varsity.he will be able to start on his freshman basketball team but wont play jv i dont think.but if he says it keeps football from getting boring.(he is talking about the weight lifting,drills,and he goes to a speed training.i try my best not to push too hard but i know i do.i wish ihad all the answers. just like any dad i want him to be the best he can be.
loneoakflash Wrote:iwanted my son just to play football but he wanted to play basketball too.i dintwant to hold him he is staying in good shape for football.he will be a freshman in high school and might get to play some varsity.he will be able to start on his freshman basketball team but wont play jv i dont think.but if he says it keeps football from getting boring.(he is talking about the weight lifting,drills,and he goes to a speed training.i try my best not to push too hard but i know i do.i wish ihad all the answers. Just like any dad i want him to be the best he can be.

Wouldn't it be FAR BETTER for schools and the kids if ALL high school sports,
on a school team basis, were limited to their own particular season, with a
few weeks practice time leading up to it's start? Just don't allow the schools
and coaches to have ANY team practices, workouts etc. on a team basis out
of season. Allow the kids to devote as much time as they'd like on an
INDVIDUAL basis, to a particulart sport. Go to camps, heck even hire
specialist coaches if they can afford it. But no organized team activity.

That way kids would be able to try to play as many sports as they wished.
and the kids that were devoted to a specific sport could commit to it
as they saw fit. But beig able to play a h.s. sport, wouldn't necessitate a
year round commitment as is de facto becoming the norm.
You can always tell when player has just ended his football season, and it's early in the basketball schedule. When someone drives for a lay up, they just clothes line him!! It seems to take 4 or 5 basketball games to beat out the football in them.
The ones who foul out early in a basketball game have normally just finished their football season.
Granny Bear Wrote:You can always tell when player has just ended his football season, and it's early in the basketball schedule. When someone drives for a lay up, they just clothes line him!! It seems to take 4 or 5 basketball games to beat out the football in them.
The ones who foul out early in a basketball game have normally just finished their football season.

Amen to that Granny Bear. My friends & i talk about that at the begining of every basketball season. You can definitly tell which guys just come off the field lol.

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