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Favorite Era of Wrestling Figures
While doing some much needed garage cleaning this past week, I ran across my large collection of old WWF/WCW/NWA wrestling figures and rings.

And the memories that ran threw my head..... words can not describe. Waking up on Christmas morning to see Santa had brought the newest LJN Hulk Hogan figure or saving up grass cutting money to buy the newest Hasbro Sling'Em Fling'Em ring.

I probably have 10-15 LJN figures that I didn't destroy when I was younger, about 20+ Hasbro figures and about 60-70 JAKKS figures. Not to mention the ECW and NWA/WCW figures that I didn't even bother to look at.

After the little trip down memory lane..... To answer my own question, it has to be the old WWF LJN Wrestling Superstars. Best design, best color and paint jobs, most realistic, larger than most action figures and they cam with the little poster as well. I remember getting to go to Toys-R-Us with mom and dad and just standing there, looking at the figures in amazement. Telling dad what moves each person done in the ring, who was a good guy.... and who was my favorite.

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