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VCR Does anyone still use one, at all?
I do mostly to watch football games my friends send me on vhs.:rockon:
It has been years. Besides the Disney movies that we bought when the kids were little, we have gotten rid of all other VHS tapes. For home movies, we have copied those over to DVD.
I'll use vhs when I'm watching and breaking down game film not on hudl. Some coaches set up the dvd weird and when you want to rewind or fast forward, it takes you to the next chapter.
Stardust Wrote:It has been years. Besides the Disney movies that we bought when the kids were little, we have gotten rid of all other VHS tapes. For home movies, we have copied those over to DVD.

I still use one. What's dvd?????????? :biggrin:
A parishioner recorded the first Lindsey Wilson College football game in over 80 years for me. I need to get it put over to DVD. I do not even own a VCR. If I did, that would be the only reason why.

Oh also, I have some of my matches on VCR. I need to get those copied as well.
VCR's will always live because of football tapes.
oh yes
I even have a laser disk player
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:VCR's will always live because of football tapes.

Hunh? All the programs that I know of today use DVD's. Do they still use VHS in EKY?
or 16mm
Stardust Wrote:Hunh? All the programs that I know of today use DVD's. Do they still use VHS in EKY?

Of course.

I would about bet money that there are more teams in EKY, probably the whole state that use VHS still for taping games.

I know Whitley has the big tall stand that sets in the end zone that tapes games for digital use as well.

I think a lot of teams in EKY still together and swap vhs tapes for game film.
Ive been in quiet a few coaches offices this year. I see more dvd bundles then anything. My guess would of been that all programs are digital now. Id say at least 75% do.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Of course.

I would about bet money that there are more teams in EKY, probably the whole state that use VHS still for taping games.

I know Whitley has the big tall stand that sets in the end zone that tapes games for digital use as well.

I think a lot of teams in EKY still together and swap vhs tapes for game film.

I'd bet beans that there are MORE DVD game films, by a wide margin - throughout the state. The things that can be done with DVD's versus VHS has made DVD technology not a "Nicety" but a "Must". Hell, even the Middle School teams in NKY only traded DVD's. I just can't imagine anyone using tapes now. They were using DVD's at our school before my son got to HS, and that was five years ago!

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