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New Years
To everybody on BGR,

Happy New Year, and WideRight05 would like to wish you all the best for 2012. I hope you are planning not to go wide left, or wide right, but to hit your goals straight down the middle narrow path in 2012. Thinking about goals led me to wanting to make this post. I know everybody has different goals in place for this year. Everybody always wants to look better, feel better, and achieve at levels they have not achieved before. If you guys are up for the challenge, I would like to dedicate this thread to all of our new years resolutions. Being here only a month in a half, I really feel like I've been here five years this group is so close, and I think this would serve as good motivation if we all use this thread to support each other as we achieve our resolutions.

Finally, my piece of advice on New Years resolutions: If you are going to do something, come up with an action plan. When you see a bridge, it always leads from one area to another. Make sure you "build the bridge" to get to your desired destination by writing down how you are going to achieve your goals. This is my first year of new years resolutions ever - but that is one thing I have definitely learned about achieving my goals.

Let me know what you guys think. I think this would serve great to know that we have the support and prayers of each other as we all strive to achieve and achieve big.

^Beautiful man!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Great stuff.
My resolution is to make no resolution. I'm confident that I will be able to see this one through to success.
BGR Resolution:

My new years resolution is to get more green dots..

My overall Resolution:

1. Be a better Christian
2. Be a better Family Member
3. Be a better boyfriend to my beautiful girl
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Aslan Wrote:Broke my New Years resolution in 49 minutes, lmao.

Which was... or do we even want to know? lol
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I suddenly feel motivated. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!!

Let's all have a group hug now!!!

vundy33 Wrote:I suddenly feel motivated. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!!

Let's all have a group hug now!!!


is that a Resolution????
lol, no.
Spud6 Wrote:Which was... or do we even want to know? lol

I made the resolution when I was drunk. I'm not sure what it was, but my friends was keeping track lol.
Aslan Wrote:I made the resolution when I was drunk. I'm not sure what it was, but my friends was keeping track lol.

Mistake #1
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I'll follow on the notes of Spud...

First off, my BGR resolutions:

1. More green dots (I guess that's to do with how often you are liked?)
2. More intelligent posts
3. Bond more with the BGR family

No plan of action for that. I think that speaks for itself. Big Grin

My plans for this year:

1. Healthy Eating: My goal isn't even about weight now. I've always wanted to drop maybe 20 pounds, but now I am just wanting to eat better. I plan to achieve this by eating a vegetable, a fruit, and drinking water with every meal. I will give myself three meals a week where I can eat out, and three times I can have a can of pop during the week (but no carryovers into the next week! Big Grin ). I also plan to exercise 3 times a week, doing my old routine of ten minutes jogging with two 30 second sprint intervals, 5 minutes of ab work, 5 minutes of chest, and ten minutes of arms/legs. I then will do ten more minutes jogging, with two 30 second sprint intervals. This will give me the energy I need to be healthier and happier, and most importantly, keep my body in good shape.

2. More Energy: I feel sluggish a lot throughout the day. In the field of work I'm in, that can't happen. I plan to start eating a good breakfast every morning, as well as going to sleep at an hour early enough to get a good night's rest. I also plan to quit eating after 8:00 p.m. so that I will get a good, deep rest. As in the other resolution, cutting pop to three cans a week will help. If I do this I will achieve maximum performance levels on my job, which is crucial during busy season.

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