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Battle of The Mountains Classic
Wayne Co. Wins this tourney
2nsd place Louisa
3rd place Garrard

Louisa lost its 1. stnot game by 12us
Then we beat Cumberland by 8
Immediately after that we beat Garrard by 12
Immediately after that we played Wayne in finals.Tied after 1, down 6payment at half, cut to 4have in 3rda then Wayne ran away with it winning by 18.

They have a nice team.
sorry for the mistakes. Did it with phone. I hate autocomplete.
Lost to Garrard in our first game
As director of bluegrass promotions and the first annual battle in the mountains basketball tournament i would like to thank all teams that participated......louisa, wayne county, cumberland, garrard county, and rosspoint. These five teams have some amazing talent. I would not want to try to single out individuals because i would inevitably leave someone out that deserves recognition. Next, congratulations to wayne county on winning the tournament and louisa for finishing runner-up. These five teams really battled it out over 8 games. With the talent visible from this weekend there is no doubt that the high schools these young men choose to attend will be lucky to have them playing for their respective schools. Some of these players had already played several games over the past week and they certainly left everything on the floor when they competed for the title of champion of the battle in the mountains. Thanks to the coaches for making the tournament a success. Your teams are a reflection of you and things ran very smoothly. Thanks to the fans for their support. Without you this game certainly takes on a different meaning. You should be proud of these young men that represented their schools and i applaud you for the way you conducted yourselves in the stands. Another reflection of how these players played and conducted themselves on the basketball floor. Again, congratulations to all who entered and to wayne county for winning the title. Looking forward to seeing all these young men make big news because there is plenty of basektball talent in the mountains. Hopefully next year we can expand and include more teams that would like to lay claim to being tops in the mountains.

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