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Nascar Made Simple
Ive never been a fan of "points"

Why not make it to where whoever wins the most races wins it all?
I know Nascar ratings are hurting and the points system sets up a big ratins finish for the end of the year by having points and the chase.

However, Stewart has won 4 races in the chase.
Edwards has won none.
I find it inconceivable that Edwards deserves anything.

Also, a question for Nascar fans, if Stewart or Edwards win this last race do they get enough points to automatically win?
I like the points system. With the points, you have to race well consistently. Why should a driver be rewarded for winning 8 races but crashing out of 10 others? Race well all season long and win.

However, I do believe that wins need to be given a larger points bonus. I believe that a win should give 10-15 automatic points. If you lead the most laps and win the race you should get 15-20 total bonus points. I have seen way to much conservative driving at the front of the tracks. Give drivers a reason to want to take the risk to win. Playing it safe and finishing 3rd instead of going for 1st only loses a driver 10 points, (15 if they have not lead a lap, chances are if they are 3rd, they have lead at least one lap). Why take a chance if you will only gain 10? Be smart and safe and take a 3rd place finish.

That is why a little bit bigger bonus should be given for a win.

With Edwards and Stewart, the chase is VERY close. I believe if Tony Stewart finishes 2 spots ahead of Carl Edwards then he wins the Chase. That is assuming they are even in the bonus points category. As we speak Carl is in 2nd and Tony is in 9th (Stewart's pit crew is atrocious!) That means Carl would win it if he hangs on.
But if you make it to wear the most wins clinches it then you'll really see some drivers driving hard for the win.
A lot more crashes makes it a lot more exciting.

Also, going by points, does that mean a driver can go all year long without winning a race and can still win the championship?
That would be retarded considering a guy with no wins, but finished consistently within the top 10 could win it.
I do think that wins should count for more. You are right, I see many guys just drive cautiously at the end of races to secure position, not victory.
Because this way, you don't have to be consistent. The way the points are now, you have to remain consistent.
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I would rather see a guy have 20 top 10's than win 5 races and finish 30th in every other race. I agree that more emphasis needs to be put on wins, but even ball-sports require you to be consistent. A golfer can finish top 10 many times and never win, but still be a multi-millionaire and be a highly ranked golfer in the world.
With the way it currently sets, would one of these two win it all if they simply won this race?
No. If Tony won, Carl would have to finish 4th or 5th or something like that. Maybe even closer. It is VERY close and very good drama, lol.
Not according to the announcers.

If Stweart wins, he wins it all.
The only way Edwards would pass him up is if he passed him back up.

Stewart currently leads in points
It is now tied in points, winner takes all pretty much
WOW! Great race! One of the best I have seen in a long time.

1 point lead! WOW!
^Now tied. You're right. I have been pausing it to explain racing to my wife lol.
Can Edwards catch him?
Edwards leaves him in the straight but Edwards gains in the corners
The way it should be, the 2 best this season #1 and #2 in the race and the 1st and 2nd fastest cars.
I guarantee that NASCAR gains fans after this race.
Edwards needs a caution, quickly. They are close but not close enough for an open-track pass.
Ive never been much on Nascar but ive like Stewart since he drove the pontiac home depot car.
I hope a caution dont come out
Could one of Edwards teammates run his car into the wall so a caution could come out? lol
Just saying..
^I was thinking it. A safe crash/spin out would be a huge help but it is always dangerous.

Drivers have admitted it before.
Edwards has REALLY gained ground. WOW!
Congrats to Tony Stewart! Carl Edwards is my favorite driver but I do like Tony Stewart as well. He is my papaw's favorite driver.

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