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Bullitt Central at Henry County 9/23
Who wins and Why?
Bullitt Central. Henry just doesn't have the right coaching chemistry to get it done. The natives are restless in Henry County.
fbcoachnoitall Wrote:Bullitt Central. Henry just doesn't have the right coaching chemistry to get it done. The natives are restless in Henry County.

The natives have every reason to worry. Ive already heard many parents threatening to get a mob and run Spencer out of the county.

bullit central wins
fbcoachnoitall Wrote:Bullitt Central. Henry just doesn't have the right coaching chemistry to get it done. The natives are restless in Henry County.

Chemistry? Gotta have coaches to have chemistry. They just now hired two more midseason. Up to that point, it was only three. So how is it chemistry?
This was the best way to word what I wanted to say without disrespecting the coaching staff in place.
The natives! This is hilarious. I knew this was going to happen at Henry, glad my son is graduated and gone. You guys had a lot of good coaches either there or under your noses and you passed them all over to get this guy, and the administration hangs him out to dry by refusing to hire assistants as teachers. Natives can get restless all they want ship has sailed the damage has been done and it will be a few years before we get back on track regardless of who is at the helm. I been to one game this year and it was emberassing. Martin left for a better gig, then engstrand, who do you think is gonna come and stay around?
The natives should just leave well enough alone....give the new coach a chance I garuntee he can not win with a bunch on Naysayers..... All things take time, Henry has never been a consistent winner, in its history, there are no titles on the wall there, a few good teams over the years but all of em went home. and never two really good years back to back. Not sure what everyone was expecting this year. Who knows its a team game and previous success has nothing to do with the present.... I Hope the people at Henry County can get this thing back on track as soon as possible. But it may take sometime.
Bullitt Central 35-0.
whats-it-2u Wrote:The natives should just leave well enough alone....give the new coach a chance I garuntee he can not win with a bunch on Naysayers..... All things take time, Henry has never been a consistent winner, in its history, there are no titles on the wall there, a few good teams over the years but all of em went home. and never two really good years back to back. Not sure what everyone was expecting this year. Who knows its a team game and previous success has nothing to do with the present.... I Hope the people at Henry County can get this thing back on track as soon as possible. But it may take sometime.

:Thumbs: wish the football team had more of this support.
Young Henry Man Wrote::Thumbs: wish the football team had more of this support.

Kids At Herny Needs To Keep Thier heads Up It Will Get Better
Bullitt Central wins. Henry County is struggling this season.
This coaching staff doesnt know how to use what solid players they have. They should be sitting at 3-2. We weren't expecting anything more than a mediocre season. The athletic director at HC based his coaching decision based on who he could get the cheapest.
BeReal Wrote:This coaching staff doesnt know how to use what solid players they have. They should be sitting at 3-2. We weren't expecting anything more than a mediocre season. The athletic director at HC based his coaching decision based on who he could get the cheapest.

And your solution is to get on a massage board. Nice. Support your son and tell him to do his best. The worst thing you could do is get on a message board and question his coach.
BeReal, always has great things to say about those in Henry County on the coaching staff, I think he was the one that bad mouthed the last staff, at least some of them. He seems to be someone who does not support anyone.
I believe that everyone should lighten up on Coach Spencer.
The man has been dealt a bad hand.
1) The Lyndon Johnson situation is very hard on everyone involed with the program
2) No assistant coaches
3) Alot and major injuries to key players on the team
4) No locals will play Henry Co (their choice and mistake)

I believe that everyone should leave this man alone this year and then see what happens.
Old Henry Man Wrote:I believe that everyone should lighten up on Coach Spencer.
The man has been dealt a bad hand.
1) The Lyndon Johnson situation is very hard on everyone involed with the program
2) No assistant coaches
3) Alot and major injuries to key players on the team
4) No locals will play Henry Co (their choice and mistake)

I believe that everyone should leave this man alone this year and then see what happens.

owen play henry next year at the grant county bowl
I agree. Coach Spencer was thrown into a situation where it's going to take some time to build a quality program...So just give the man some time to get things going.

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