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What if this happened good idea or bad?
Ok for some time i have been wondering say that a team is down by a touch down and oh i dont know 70 yards away from the endzone. 1 second left on the clock and they strike a big play this guy is gone no doubt about it noone within 30 yards of him then a player from the opposing bench runs outand tackles him on the 25 yardline. What happens? They cant give the kid a touchdown can they i think they would just have to replay the play with a 15 yard penalty. Is this a good idea if true because its very unlikely tere going to score again and even though you loose a player for a couple of games you still win this one. Any thoughts about this situation that would probably never happen?Confusedhithappe
This happened a long time ago in the NFL I believe, and I think the rule stated is a touchdown is awarded to the offensive team.
It has happened in HS too. It is a touchdown.
It happened in the book Bleachers by John Grisham, only it was a one of the staff of the team, I'm not really sure what it was but really funny part of the book. They gave the touch down to the offensive team.

I'm sure if this happened in real life however the same thing would have happened.
Interesting scenario.
Well if the guy is open and no one around him and a player comes out of the bench should be a touchdown!
I think it would to the discretion of the official. If he felt there was no way he was going to get caught, I believe he'd rule it a TD. If there were people in the area that MAY have had a chance to the make the play, I believe they would be penalized 15 yards on top of where he was downed by the illegal players.
I read the book bleahcers n must have missed that part great book though ill have to read it again. But i think it should def be a touchdown just kind of wanted to see what everyone else would think. But im not sure it would be a bad idea to try it haha. Maybe have a 5th stringer ready to get into the game lol.
WOW that probly would cause a fight if it was a heated rivalry game......and needless to say the other guy better watch out for his self after he did that...
that would be reall really gay!!!!!!!!!!!
If a player or coach would show such poor sportmanship they should be banned from High School sports. Interesting idea, but should NOT be tolerated.
this happened along time ago at the old wheelwright high school but it was a fan that tackled the player and wheelwright didnt get a touchdown and they lost
if it happend to sf there would be a fight if they didnt count it....lololololololololol.......
really though what if the kid running the ball happen to fall and fumble before the fan got to him and the opposing team go it and ran for a touch down then what???????
I think if any person comes out on the field and the person is going down field, I don't care if anyone is around they should award the TD to the offensive team beacuse Noone really knows what would happen if that fan/player/staff haden't ran out onto the field they don't know if anyone would have stopped him.

and in the book Coach Rake started awarding a Rabbit award for the most devisateing hit during the season. Great book I say read it agian.
It is considered a touchdown!
its a touchdown. And a lifetime of humiliation for the idiot who tackles him.
i have never really thought of this

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