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108-3 girls basketball rout raises questions
It's been called unsportsmanlike. It's been called ugly. The question now is whether Christian Heritage (Utah) High, which routed West Ridge (Utah) Academy, 108-3, in a girls basketball game last week, actually did anything wrong by blowing out an overwhelmed opponent.

The stunning scoreline -- from a varsity game in which Christian Heritage reportedly never used a full-court press -- nearly defies belief. As reported in the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune, Christian Heritage scored 28 points per quarter for the first three periods and 24 in the fourth, providing a consistent average of nearly two baskets per minute across the entire game.

The Crusaders shut out West Ridge (pictured above running on to the court for the team's game following the rout) for the first three quarters, and Christian Heritage starter Josi Rydin even racked up a unique triple-double, with exactly 10 points, 10 rebounds and 10 steals.

"I don’t know why the score was that high, or what the point was," Jamie Keefer, West Ridge’s athletic director and a coach for the girls’ team, told the Salt Lake Tribune. "I don’t think it would’ve happened that way if it were the other way around."
I understand the team didn't press or anything...
but to beat someone by 100 points without a shot clock shouldn't happen.
Scoring 100 points in general is tall task in high school basketball.
I'm usually not big on saying people ran the score up...
but this one is a little ridiculous
This is ridiculous!
Yeah, I have always had a problem with this stuff.

Notice that one girl had 10 steals. You can't get 10 steals, if you don't try. I will give them credit that they were consistent, but it also said they consistently scored two baskets per minute. Why can't you hold the ball for the last minute for each quarter? That takes out at LEAST 16 points off the score. That is still an ugly 92-3 but better.

If a team only scores 3, they are pretty bad, a team can't help that. This game was a stomping and probably couldn't have been prevented but the score could have been eased some.

The average score, in my mind, for a girls game is like 58-50 or 65-60, etc... If they scored 60, it still would have been 60-3.

What a tough spot to be as a coach, you can't ask your players to take it easy. If you get them in that mind-set, they wont be able to close out games against competitive teams, right? They might slack up and not finish.

Also, you have to give your best every night, but maybe as a coach you change strategy to a conservative offensive and defense to ease the blow.

In conclusion, I don't know what I would do.
LWC Wrote:Yeah, I have always had a problem with this stuff.

Notice that one girl had 10 steals. You can't get 10 steals, if you don't try. I will give them credit that they were consistent, but it also said they consistently scored two baskets per minute. Why can't you hold the ball for the last minute for each quarter? That takes out at LEAST 16 points off the score. That is still an ugly 92-3 but better.

If a team only scores 3, they are pretty bad, a team can't help that. This game was a stomping and probably couldn't have been prevented but the score could have been eased some.

The average score, in my mind, for a girls game is like 58-50 or 65-60, etc... If they scored 60, it still would have been 60-3.

What a tough spot to be as a coach, you can't ask your players to take it easy. If you get them in that mind-set, they wont be able to close out games against competitive teams, right? They might slack up and not finish.

Also, you have to give your best every night, but maybe as a coach you change strategy to a conservative offensive and defense to ease the blow.

In conclusion, I don't know what I would do.

I just say you play it out with your third string and tell them to play zone on defense and no pressing in the back court.
There is no reason to beat a team 108-3. I don't care if they played the worst team in the country there is no reason to win by 105. If I were the coach, I would dress some of the freshman and JV players knowing it would likely be a blowout. Once the lead got out to 20-30 I would start working on things that my team struggles with. The starters would play 2 quarters max. A good way to eat up the clock is by running the motion offense. Zone defense would also help eat up the clock. I would tell the girls if they got the rebound to slow it down and run the offense, even if they could get an easy layup. Instead of the score being 108-3 it might be more like 60-10. You wouldn't completely embarass the other team and you get to work on things and give other players some game experience.
108-3 is a little crazy..but teach your team to play some defense.
How about instead of blaming the winning team why not ask the losing team why they play?
They should just go play AAU ball or disband the program or forfeit if there seriously that bad.
Sit Down!!!!
Teams that are that horrible shouldn't play, that's what they get. For example Riverside gets destroyed in pretty much evey sport, they should quit play all of these county schools and stick to playing other Religious schools like Mt. Carmel or Oakdale.
We have this same exact story every single year and it is always girls basketball. Are females really unsportsMANlike????? Smile
There should not have been any quitting, slowing down, or taking it easy. They did exactly what they should have and completely crushed an embarrassed the other team. Its not like this was a WNBA team playing a gradeschool team (although the score suggests otherwise lol). This does two things: 1. It completely increases the confidence of the winning team and makes them believe in their abilities on the floor. Confidence will lead to many good things in life for them. And 2. For the losing team, the team completely embarrassed infront of everyone, it should light a fire underneath the TRUE competetors on the team. It will make them practice harder, practice longer, try harder, and never give up. The true players on the team will play to never be embarrassed like that again. It brings out the winners and is a true test of character.
This is of course just my opinion guys. Thats what I do when i lose at something, i strive to not get beat again. I dont cry about the loss and say the other player or team should have took it easy on me. I refuse to believe anyone is better then me.
I agree with Runitupthegut..

It's a game, someone is going to lose.. Obviously the 3 point team needs help.. Getting beat that badly in unacceptable IMO. They should disband that team or do some recruiting or something. That is just terrible. Either way you look at it, the game would have been a blow out. 3 points in a game is just terrible.
No one should disband a High School basketball team because they aren't good enough.
Everyone who wants to play should have the opportunity to do so.
This isn't professional sports, where these girls get money and are expected to perform.
These girls are probably just playing for fun and for pride. IMO the thought of saying "you girls aren't good enough so we aren't going to have a team anymore" is utterly heartless and ridiculous.
zaga_fan Wrote:No one should disband a High School basketball team because they aren't good enough.
Everyone who wants to play should have the opportunity to do so.
This isn't professional sports, where these girls get money and are expected to perform.
These girls are probably just playing for fun and for pride. IMO the thought of saying "you girls aren't good enough so we aren't going to have a team anymore" is utterly heartless and ridiculous.

Agreed. But at the same time, the other schools shouldnt take it easy on them either. Personally someone taking it easy on me is more disrespectful then blowing me out of the water.
The big question is why were these two teams even playing each other. Should have turned into a JV/Frosh game if anything.
can you say "district game"?
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:Teams that are that horrible shouldn't play, that's what they get. For example Riverside gets destroyed in pretty much evey sport, they should quit play all of these county schools and stick to playing other Religious schools like Mt. Carmel or Oakdale.

Exactly. :Thumbs:

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