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01-27-2011, 01:34 AM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:Your right but i think he might have been talking about the Hatfield kid who came from Phelps and went 2 Virgie. No one is wanting 2 diminsh what the players done at SV im proud of them they are just wondering y Booher was hired with a 11-17 record the following year can u explain that? ATwo words. Hillard. Howard.
01-27-2011, 02:06 AM
Panther Thunder Wrote:Two words. Hillard. Howard.
How does Hillard Howard have enough power 2 get someone hired at a school that had won 3 regional chamionships in row, 2 Region and 1 All A Region Championship? How can 1 man get someone hired even the president cant get new laws (bills) passed the majority of the house has to rule in favor? I dont think the commitee is made up of 1 person.
Rodney Rowe was 76-16 from 99-02 and went 96-26 from 99-03, ok heres his record. 99-00 season 24-6, 00-01 season 27-3, 01-02 season 25-7, 02-03 season 21-10. I think the 00-01 year was a year with alot of talent but they didnt win region.
01-27-2011, 02:20 AM
NEXT Wrote:I knew it was pretty dang good. That's winning at an 82% clip!
Non Valley record 33-40 thats 47% percent and thats counting this years record so far.
01-27-2011, 02:37 AM
Non Valley record 33-40, 45% sorry about that
01-27-2011, 10:38 AM
WOW! Arch Warrior do you two EVER get out of Pike County so that you can stop sippin on SO much Haterade??? I mean I live in eastery KY, but this seems bad. OK, as much as you two probably HATE the guy (because you are probably KenSucky fans) Coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) is one of the best college coaches around right now. He started coaching at Duke during the 1980-81 season. Where did he come from? Army! His record the previous year 9-17!!! HAHAHAHA! So you ask why take a risk on Booher because of his record at Belfry? Why take a risk on Coach K with a losing record the previous year at Army (think outside the box and not just in Pike County). My point exactly!
Then your second argument about was that the best SV team ever and the people that played there made those players want to play at SV. HA! Players now a days DO NOT care about the history of a team. A perfect example...UCLA. That would be just like saying everyone wants to play for UCLA because they have the most titles, the best history, etc. NOOOOOOOOOOOO....they wanted to play for the coach. Wow, what a similar coicidence. Therefore, go drink some more Haterade and look outside of your small county. You can't just take what you are saying and isolate it to this one instance. You must look at examples like Coach K and UCLA and see that wow, Booher really did do something special. He makes teams better and he has 3 championships under his belt. Appreciate Ya!!!
Then your second argument about was that the best SV team ever and the people that played there made those players want to play at SV. HA! Players now a days DO NOT care about the history of a team. A perfect example...UCLA. That would be just like saying everyone wants to play for UCLA because they have the most titles, the best history, etc. NOOOOOOOOOOOO....they wanted to play for the coach. Wow, what a similar coicidence. Therefore, go drink some more Haterade and look outside of your small county. You can't just take what you are saying and isolate it to this one instance. You must look at examples like Coach K and UCLA and see that wow, Booher really did do something special. He makes teams better and he has 3 championships under his belt. Appreciate Ya!!!
01-27-2011, 01:01 PM
HollaBack Wrote:WOW! Arch Warrior do you two EVER get out of Pike County so that you can stop sippin on SO much Haterade??? I mean I live in eastery KY, but this seems bad. OK, as much as you two probably HATE the guy (because you are probably KenSucky fans) Coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) is one of the best college coaches around right now. He started coaching at Duke during the 1980-81 season. Where did he come from? Army! His record the previous year 9-17!!! HAHAHAHA! So you ask why take a risk on Booher because of his record at Belfry? Why take a risk on Coach K with a losing record the previous year at Army (think outside the box and not just in Pike County). My point exactly!
Then your second argument about was that the best SV team ever and the people that played there made those players want to play at SV. HA! Players now a days DO NOT care about the history of a team. A perfect example...UCLA. That would be just like saying everyone wants to play for UCLA because they have the most titles, the best history, etc. NOOOOOOOOOOOO....they wanted to play for the coach. Wow, what a similar coicidence. Therefore, go drink some more Haterade and look outside of your small county. You can't just take what you are saying and isolate it to this one instance. You must look at examples like Coach K and UCLA and see that wow, Booher really did do something special. He makes teams better and he has 3 championships under his belt. Appreciate Ya!!!
Not hating anyone just stating facts and wondering why Holmes is struggling I guess time will tell if you have to eat your words or not. Did you just compare Coach K who has won mulitple NCAA championships and Olympic Gold Medals to Coach Booher a highschool coach and as far as Coach K having a losing record at Army for 1 back then Duke was terrible at basketball so anyone seemed like a good coach he just turned out to better than they thought. I dont live in pike county by the way but anyways ok kid do you think that if Coach K or Coach Calipari retired today they would have someone replace them with a losing record? Exactly NO WAY! You seen what happened to Gillispie, wake up kid what world are you dreaming in?
01-27-2011, 01:32 PM
Yes I compared Booher to Coach K, and Iâm going to keep on with the Duke theme here because obviously you NEVER check your stats before you post. You have posted like 600 different posts correcting yourself and I am going to correct you again (man I must be one smart KIDDO HAHAHAHAHA)!!! So Duke was nothing before Coach K eh, and ANYONE would have been a good choice? WOW to me it seems that in the 1979-80 season, the year before K arrived, Duke was 24-9 overall. The year before that, they were 22-8. I could keep going, oh wait I will⦠Duke was the NCAA runner-up in 1964 and 1978. They also made the Final Four in 1963 and in 1966. So how in the WORLD can you say that âDuke was terrible at basketball so anyone seemed like a good coach he just turned out to be better than they thought.â OBVIOUSLY you donât do your research and you just keep on sipping your Haterade and then posting. All I am asking of you is 2 things. Please do your research before you post, and stop bashing people on anonymous message boards. To quote one of my favorite songsâ¦
âHow did hatin get started? It started by the jealous people and they get mad over things you have and they things theyâll never have!!!â
âHow did hatin get started? It started by the jealous people and they get mad over things you have and they things theyâll never have!!!â
01-27-2011, 01:47 PM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:How does Hillard Howard have enough power 2 get someone hired at a school that had won 3 regional chamionships in row, 2 Region and 1 All A Region Championship? How can 1 man get someone hired even the president cant get new laws (bills) passed the majority of the house has to rule in favor? I dont think the commitee is made up of 1 person.Hey, you asked the question, I answered it. Don't shoot the messenger.
01-27-2011, 02:14 PM
Jason Booher is a fine coach and person, who happens to be married to Hillard's daughter. Yes HH had to power to get him hired at SVHS. Why he did not win on pond creek? Simple, no talent!
01-27-2011, 03:17 PM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:How does Hillard Howard have enough power 2 get someone hired at a school that had won 3 regional chamionships in row, 2 Region and 1 All A Region Championship? How can 1 man get someone hired even the president cant get new laws (bills) passed the majority of the house has to rule in favor? I dont think the commitee is made up of 1 person.
Rodney Rowe was 76-16 from 99-02 and went 96-26 from 99-03, ok heres his record. 99-00 season 24-6, 00-01 season 27-3, 01-02 season 25-7, 02-03 season 21-10. I think the 00-01 year was a year with alot of talent but they didnt win region.
Are you not like 7 years late on questioning why someone was hired at a school?
01-27-2011, 03:27 PM
HollaBack Wrote:Per KHSAA scoreboard
Henry County
1997-1998 season 4-17 Coach Mike Appleman
1998-1999 season 10-16 Coach Jason Booher
Overall two years before he got there
Overall two years while he was at Henry and Belfry
His teams doubled their win total for those two years. Looks like you should have done your research before commenting like this:rockon:
Henry County went 3- 47 in the two years after he left.
01-27-2011, 03:31 PM
HollaBack Wrote:Yes I compared Booher to Coach K, and Iâm going to keep on with the Duke theme here because obviously you NEVER check your stats before you post. You have posted like 600 different posts correcting yourself and I am going to correct you again (man I must be one smart KIDDO HAHAHAHAHA)!!! So Duke was nothing before Coach K eh, and ANYONE would have been a good choice? WOW to me it seems that in the 1979-80 season, the year before K arrived, Duke was 24-9 overall. The year before that, they were 22-8. I could keep going, oh wait I will⦠Duke was the NCAA runner-up in 1964 and 1978. They also made the Final Four in 1963 and in 1966. So how in the WORLD can you say that âDuke was terrible at basketball so anyone seemed like a good coach he just turned out to be better than they thought.â OBVIOUSLY you donât do your research and you just keep on sipping your Haterade and then posting. All I am asking of you is 2 things. Please do your research before you post, and stop bashing people on anonymous message boards. To quote one of my favorite songsâ¦
âHow did hatin get started? It started by the jealous people and they get mad over things you have and they things theyâll never have!!!â
Listen no disrespect but I dont believe I have to look something up before every post the last time I checked this was America and the first ammendment is freedom of speech,religion,press it doesnt say do research before you freely express yourself, theres your homework kid. Also you say Duke was good before Coach K I say no it's matter of opinion not facts and they definately didn't win anything important before he got there I just remember watching tapes of UK beating the brakes of them in 1978 for our 5th championship. Did you just quote some rapper? and then try to act like those are deep meaningful lyrics please kid listen to real music. But to get back on subject, what do you think is wrong with Holmes (Holla Back) or are they just perfect at 12-7?
01-27-2011, 03:32 PM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:No one is wanting 2 diminsh what the players done at SV im proud of them they are just wondering y Booher was hired with a 11-17 record the following year can u explain that? Also people are just wondering what would have SV really done if these players weren't heldback and placed in the same grade if they stayed in their original class would they have won the state championship? I dont know or would Greg or Rodney won state long before 2010, do you think the 09-10 was the most talented team ever at SV probably not? There was many talented teams in the earlier and mid 2000's and if these players didnt influence and wasnt successful and didn't create the Dynasty at Valley do you think these players would have wanted to go to Valley probably not, but as you know the most talented team doesnt always win it all case and point Kentucky last year by the far the most talented team but they couldnt win it all in the end right?
Who is they? And when did holding back become illegal?
01-27-2011, 08:33 PM
Ok so I've won all of my battles, and this will be my last post on this thread because I will win the war with this one...
Is Holmes perfect with a record of 12-7 currently? Nope, but in the wise words of a former UNC basketball player. There are 3 things that you have to win at basketball: talent, talent, and............talent!!!
Appreciate Ya!!!
Is Holmes perfect with a record of 12-7 currently? Nope, but in the wise words of a former UNC basketball player. There are 3 things that you have to win at basketball: talent, talent, and............talent!!!
Appreciate Ya!!!
01-27-2011, 10:02 PM
OK, here's my take on Jason Booher. I think that a lot of people didn't give him enough credit for Shelby Valley's successes, but some may give him too much credit.
For the naysayers: Jason Booher is a darn good coach. His record at SV speaks for itself, 160-37 during his six years at the helm, and excluding the 05/06 season (his only off-year at SV) his record was a robust 142-24. His record within the 15th region was 93-13, but again excluding the 05/06 season it was an amazing 80-3 (!). In six years, he won a total of five district titles, four regional crowns, two All-A state titles, and of course the 2010 KHSAA state championship.
For those that say the coach had nothing to do with it, I disagree. Yes, SV had some very talented teams, and the 09/10 squad will go down as one of the best mountain teams ever. But was it the most talented team in KY last year? I don't think so. I think other teams like Scott Co., Ballard, and maybe a couple others had more raw talent, but they didn't play as a team the way Valley did. Watching SV last year was like watching a clinic in playing "team" ball, and I think the coach has to get a lot of credit for that. Not just anybody could roll the ball out and the team would've won state, they needed good coaching and with Booher, they got it.
Now for the other camp: Booher isn't a miracle worker. His first year at SV, he had good talent, but still couldn't get them over the hump at Rupp as his 04/05 team got blasted in the first round of the Sweet Sixteen. He also stumbled quite a bit during the 05/06 season, which was a transition year between the Tackett/Friend/Kiser class to the Justice/Hatfield/Newsome group. When the talent level dropped a bit, Booher had his worst season at SV, going 18-13.
In addition, I would guess that if Booher had stayed at SV, he would be struggling through a rebuilding year just as Greg Newsome is doing. It's to be expected when you lose that much talent in one year, and Booher wouldn't have been able to do much better than Newsome is doing, if at all.
Bottom line is this: Booher is a very good coach, but even the best coaches need talented players to win.
For the naysayers: Jason Booher is a darn good coach. His record at SV speaks for itself, 160-37 during his six years at the helm, and excluding the 05/06 season (his only off-year at SV) his record was a robust 142-24. His record within the 15th region was 93-13, but again excluding the 05/06 season it was an amazing 80-3 (!). In six years, he won a total of five district titles, four regional crowns, two All-A state titles, and of course the 2010 KHSAA state championship.
For those that say the coach had nothing to do with it, I disagree. Yes, SV had some very talented teams, and the 09/10 squad will go down as one of the best mountain teams ever. But was it the most talented team in KY last year? I don't think so. I think other teams like Scott Co., Ballard, and maybe a couple others had more raw talent, but they didn't play as a team the way Valley did. Watching SV last year was like watching a clinic in playing "team" ball, and I think the coach has to get a lot of credit for that. Not just anybody could roll the ball out and the team would've won state, they needed good coaching and with Booher, they got it.
Now for the other camp: Booher isn't a miracle worker. His first year at SV, he had good talent, but still couldn't get them over the hump at Rupp as his 04/05 team got blasted in the first round of the Sweet Sixteen. He also stumbled quite a bit during the 05/06 season, which was a transition year between the Tackett/Friend/Kiser class to the Justice/Hatfield/Newsome group. When the talent level dropped a bit, Booher had his worst season at SV, going 18-13.
In addition, I would guess that if Booher had stayed at SV, he would be struggling through a rebuilding year just as Greg Newsome is doing. It's to be expected when you lose that much talent in one year, and Booher wouldn't have been able to do much better than Newsome is doing, if at all.
Bottom line is this: Booher is a very good coach, but even the best coaches need talented players to win.
01-28-2011, 07:38 AM
More Cowbell Wrote:OK, here's my take on Jason Booher. I think that a lot of people didn't give him enough credit for Shelby Valley's successes, but some may give him too much credit.
For the naysayers: Jason Booher is a darn good coach. His record at SV speaks for itself, 160-37 during his six years at the helm, and excluding the 05/06 season (his only off-year at SV) his record was a robust 142-24. His record within the 15th region was 93-13, but again excluding the 05/06 season it was an amazing 80-3 (!). In six years, he won a total of five district titles, four regional crowns, two All-A state titles, and of course the 2010 KHSAA state championship.
For those that say the coach had nothing to do with it, I disagree. Yes, SV had some very talented teams, and the 09/10 squad will go down as one of the best mountain teams ever. But was it the most talented team in KY last year? I don't think so. I think other teams like Scott Co., Ballard, and maybe a couple others had more raw talent, but they didn't play as a team the way Valley did. Watching SV last year was like watching a clinic in playing "team" ball, and I think the coach has to get a lot of credit for that. Not just anybody could roll the ball out and the team would've won state, they needed good coaching and with Booher, they got it.
Now for the other camp: Booher isn't a miracle worker. His first year at SV, he had good talent, but still couldn't get them over the hump at Rupp as his 04/05 team got blasted in the first round of the Sweet Sixteen. He also stumbled quite a bit during the 05/06 season, which was a transition year between the Tackett/Friend/Kiser class to the Justice/Hatfield/Newsome group. When the talent level dropped a bit, Booher had his worst season at SV, going 18-13.
In addition, I would guess that if Booher had stayed at SV, he would be struggling through a rebuilding year just as Greg Newsome is doing. It's to be expected when you lose that much talent in one year, and Booher wouldn't have been able to do much better than Newsome is doing, if at all.
Bottom line is this: Booher is a very good coach, but even the best coaches need talented players to win.
Very fair, but in this case it's more about establishing your system. I'd argue that the talent that came into Holmes this season is nearly as talented as any team Booher has coached. He does not have the PG that he had over the past few seasons, but he has guys that can completely dominate a game in the paint as well as from a press. No matter how talented the SV teams were, the length and athleticism that is at Holmes right now should have given him a chance to put together the best pressing defense he has had the chance to coach. These are the same players that have PLAYED in high school championship games, they didn't just show up this year. But, I argue that any new coach has a period of time to both adjust to the players and vice-versa.
01-28-2011, 10:23 AM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:How does Hillard Howard have enough power 2 get someone hired at a school that had won 3 regional chamionships in row, 2 Region and 1 All A Region Championship? How can 1 man get someone hired even the president cant get new laws (bills) passed the majority of the house has to rule in favor? I dont think the commitee is made up of 1 person.
Rodney Rowe was 76-16 from 99-02 and went 96-26 from 99-03, ok heres his record. 99-00 season 24-6, 00-01 season 27-3, 01-02 season 25-7, 02-03 season 21-10. I think the 00-01 year was a year with alot of talent but they didnt win region.
LOL,, please do not compare Rodney to Booher. Yes Booher got the job because of Hillard, just as Hillard got his son the Football Job. The son did not suceed because he was not a good coach but the son-in-law did because he was. To win championships you have to be a good coach and have alot of talent. Thus Rodneys Record and Boohers Record and championships. Same Reason Calipari has never one a championship,, he has always had the ability to recruit the most talented, he always has a super record but no title. Records are on the talent, championships are on the coaches. Please dont ever bring the Rowes into a coaching debate, cause my oppinion that is if Greg can win 5 games this year with Rods brother as an assistant, then greg proves to me that he is a great coach. Guarantee if Randy Davis stayed it would have been a different story with their record now. But anyway,, works out better for those of us wearing the maroon this year!! LOL
01-28-2011, 02:36 PM
Did you expect him to come and and dominate the 9th region. Holmes simply isn't as good this year as their past few teams have been. It happens!! They will be alright. They aren't struggling like CovCath imo.
01-28-2011, 02:51 PM
From observing Shelby Valley from afar the past 2-3 years, the "Bench Coach" during the games I watched is now in charge at The Valley
01-29-2011, 03:00 AM
DortonWildcat5 Wrote:Which transfer was it that made the team what it was? Was it Ramey who was the 6th man and was supposedly not good enough to play at Pikeville, or Hatfield who was in the SV system since the 7th grade? Many want to try to diminish what was accomplished at SV, but besides Ramey every kid there played middle school ball for either Dorton or Virgie. Yes, SV had a lot of talent, but not any coach could have won the state with that team. How many people actually believed SV would win state before it actually happened? I read so many times on here over the years that they were good, but overrated. Coach Booher and the team fit together well. I can't say how great an Xs and Os coach that Booher was because I wasn't on the bench, but I can say he was a great coach in many other areas. He is one of the most organized high school coaches I have seen around here in a long time. He was also very good at preparation. Many of the SV faithful (including me) will be forever grateful to Coach Booher for what he did at SV. He had a lot of talent, but he did a great job of getting all those star players to buy in to the TEAM first mentality. Many of those kids could have gone to Pikeville or Pike Central and been THE star.
Now, I think we could both agree that those kids had a "team first" mentality long before Booher came along. I believe some are disgruntled because they feel Booher was doing more self-promoting than anything. Otherwise, why would he leave after winning the state title? Because he new the talent wasn't going to be there. So he abandoned ship! He could have worked some things out and gotten the same sweet deal he ended up with at Holmes.
01-29-2011, 04:06 AM
kentuckynole Wrote:Who is they? And when did holding back become illegal?
Who is they? players on last years SV team that were held back, starting with Elisha held back (1 year) but thats doesnt mean I have anything against him actually were friends but also A. Hatfield (2 years) T. Newsome (2 years) Ty. Newsome (2 years) that's all im going 2 say u asked I named. No it's not illegal but it should be im not a believer in holding kids back I think its morally wrong do you really think someone 19-20 years old doesnt have a major advantage against 14-15 year old freshmans? Come on u know abortion isn't illegal either but that doesn't mean it isn't morally wrong and should'nt be illegal! Anways update Holmes won on the 27th by 7 against Cooper who is 7-12. I want to know WHY DAVID HENLEY left Holmes can anyone tell me the reason? Was he fired or did he leave on his own freewill?
01-29-2011, 04:22 AM
More Cowbell Wrote:OK, here's my take on Jason Booher. I think that a lot of people didn't give him enough credit for Shelby Valley's successes, but some may give him too much credit.
For the naysayers: Jason Booher is a darn good coach. His record at SV speaks for itself, 160-37 during his six years at the helm, and excluding the 05/06 season (his only off-year at SV) his record was a robust 142-24. His record within the 15th region was 93-13, but again excluding the 05/06 season it was an amazing 80-3 (!). In six years, he won a total of five district titles, four regional crowns, two All-A state titles, and of course the 2010 KHSAA state championship.
For those that say the coach had nothing to do with it, I disagree. Yes, SV had some very talented teams, and the 09/10 squad will go down as one of the best mountain teams ever. But was it the most talented team in KY last year? I don't think so. I think other teams like Scott Co., Ballard, and maybe a couple others had more raw talent, but they didn't play as a team the way Valley did. Watching SV last year was like watching a clinic in playing "team" ball, and I think the coach has to get a lot of credit for that. Not just anybody could roll the ball out and the team would've won state, they needed good coaching and with Booher, they got it.
Now for the other camp: Booher isn't a miracle worker. His first year at SV, he had good talent, but still couldn't get them over the hump at Rupp as his 04/05 team got blasted in the first round of the Sweet Sixteen. He also stumbled quite a bit during the 05/06 season, which was a transition year between the Tackett/Friend/Kiser class to the Justice/Hatfield/Newsome group. When the talent level dropped a bit, Booher had his worst season at SV, going 18-13.
In addition, I would guess that if Booher had stayed at SV, he would be struggling through a rebuilding year just as Greg Newsome is doing. It's to be expected when you lose that much talent in one year, and Booher wouldn't have been able to do much better than Newsome is doing, if at all.
Bottom line is this: Booher is a very good coach, but even the best coaches need talented players to win.
OK all im saying is how much COACHING does a group of players that have played together for years and years really need they are basically family? Shoot I played with a group for years too and im 29 and I can tell you we didn't need much coaching after so many years together we knew what the other one was going to do before they did it understand now? I'm really proud of the players but do you really think that players that have played together for 6-8 years together needs much COACHING? I would say they could play anyone and the outcome wouldn't be much different no matter who the Coach was right?
01-29-2011, 04:37 AM
Holmes vs Scott this afternoon at 3:30
01-29-2011, 04:47 AM
More Cowbell Wrote:OK, here's my take on Jason Booher. I think that a lot of people didn't give him enough credit for Shelby Valley's successes, but some may give him too much credit.
For the naysayers: Jason Booher is a darn good coach. His record at SV speaks for itself, 160-37 during his six years at the helm, and excluding the 05/06 season (his only off-year at SV) his record was a robust 142-24. His record within the 15th region was 93-13, but again excluding the 05/06 season it was an amazing 80-3 (!). In six years, he won a total of five district titles, four regional crowns, two All-A state titles, and of course the 2010 KHSAA state championship.
For those that say the coach had nothing to do with it, I disagree. Yes, SV had some very talented teams, and the 09/10 squad will go down as one of the best mountain teams ever. But was it the most talented team in KY last year? I don't think so. I think other teams like Scott Co., Ballard, and maybe a couple others had more raw talent, but they didn't play as a team the way Valley did. Watching SV last year was like watching a clinic in playing "team" ball, and I think the coach has to get a lot of credit for that. Not just anybody could roll the ball out and the team would've won state, they needed good coaching and with Booher, they got it.
Now for the other camp: Booher isn't a miracle worker. His first year at SV, he had good talent, but still couldn't get them over the hump at Rupp as his 04/05 team got blasted in the first round of the Sweet Sixteen. He also stumbled quite a bit during the 05/06 season, which was a transition year between the Tackett/Friend/Kiser class to the Justice/Hatfield/Newsome group. When the talent level dropped a bit, Booher had his worst season at SV, going 18-13.
In addition, I would guess that if Booher had stayed at SV, he would be struggling through a rebuilding year just as Greg Newsome is doing. It's to be expected when you lose that much talent in one year, and Booher wouldn't have been able to do much better than Newsome is doing, if at all.
Bottom line is this: Booher is a very good coach, but even the best coaches need talented players to win.
I believe Sir that Booher supposely during the 04-06 time period had many talented players that quit or some say was run off, I can't remember all the players right now, he had 2 good guards that quit/dismissed I believe Kiser was 1 and the back up PG too the same year I can't remember his name that was suppose to start for the 05/06 team and I know the 05/06 class won the Pike County Championship their 8th grade year because I remember watching them playing Johnson Central freshman-senior year and remember watching the 05-06 REGIONAL CHAMOINSHIP GAME and someone told me and that they was missing some starters from that class that they had quit/dimissed. But if anyone knows anymore about this please tell us more names and more information. I'm from Paintsville so I don't have all the info that some pike countians might have.
01-29-2011, 10:59 PM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:If I was guessing I would say they are going 2 finish with double digit losses probably 10 or 11 they still have tough games ahead facing Scott,Dixie Heights,Boone County,Newport Catholic Central,Ballard and Simon Kenton.
You mean the same Scott team that Holmes beat by 32 today??

01-29-2011, 11:04 PM
The Arch Warrior Wrote:Who is they? players on last years SV team that were held back, starting with Elisha held back (1 year) but thats doesnt mean I have anything against him actually were friends but also A. Hatfield (2 years) T. Newsome (2 years) Ty. Newsome (2 years) that's all im going 2 say u asked I named. No it's not illegal but it should be im not a believer in holding kids back I think its morally wrong do you really think someone 19-20 years old doesnt have a major advantage against 14-15 year old freshmans? Come on u know abortion isn't illegal either but that doesn't mean it isn't morally wrong and should'nt be illegal! Anways update Holmes won on the 27th by 7 against Cooper who is 7-12. I want to know WHY DAVID HENLEY left Holmes can anyone tell me the reason? Was he fired or did he leave on his own freewill?
Henley left so he could spend more time with his family. He said himself he wouldn't have left Holmes if it wasn't for a "perfect situation."
He is an admin at North Oldham high school, his wife works at the middle school, and his son is in the elementary school there...all three being on the same campus which was one of the biggest reasons he took that job. Much easier for him to see his son and wife. It had nothing to do with the kids or Holmes' program. Trust me. Henley has had offers from MUCH BIGGER programs throughout the years and turned them down to stay at Holmes.
01-29-2011, 11:31 PM
I think it's now time for me to chime in on this situation.
1. Coach Booher's system is the reason that Holmes is where they are right now. For those criticizing the coach because they've lost 7 games, realize this: They have three losses by a combined 4 points, lost to top 5 Ballard by 4, lost to Ryle by 10 despite going 4-18 from the free throw line, and had tough losses to top 15 Moore, and the #4 team in Cincy, Princeton. It's not like his team isn't being competitive.
2. Holmes lost 4 players over the summer due to transfer, two of which are starting at Cov Holy Cross, has had two kids quit early in the season because a lack of playing time, had a top 10 9th region player kicked off the team for off the court issues, and lost their senior pg to a season ending injury but yet you ask anyone in nky and they still consider Holmes a 9th region contender. Considering those circumstances, I'd say Booher is doing just fine with the hand he's been dealt.
3. These kids have never been allowed to press and run the way Booher lets them. His style has made Holmes able to play with anyone in the state. (Lost by 7 to Scott Co in game like scrimmage and by 4 to Ballard) Jaleel Gray now has colleges looking at him because of Booher's style and kids like to play for him.
4. There are 8 or so guys that see the floor for Holmes. 2 seniors (Gray, Hayes), 3 juniors (Knox, Rice, Amison), and 3 sophomores (Palmer, Peterson, Coston). At the beginning of the year both Coston and Amison rarely saw the floor. Booher has developed these guys throughout the season and built confidence within themselves and now they are key contributors. With Rice, Knox, Amison, Palmer, Peterson, and Coston next year, Holmes will be a legit threat to go to Rupp and make some noise. Holmes is still extremely young and inexperienced.
5. Lastly, I think some of you aren't looking at the big picture. Jason Booher is doing more for these kids than just basketball. He is instilling character and teaching these boys how to be men. He is using his own personal life experiences to try and teach his players and others around him of the everyday pressures that are present in a teenage life such as drugs and alcohol. Elisha Justice said it best when he said "the faith that man has is unreal and I'm thankful to have had him as a coach..."
I highly recommend anyone bashing him to read the following article then get back to me about why this man is such a great guy and a great fit for the Holmes community.
Give it time and Booher will have Holmes back to a basketball powerhouse. My prediction is they will be back to Rupp within the next three years.
1. Coach Booher's system is the reason that Holmes is where they are right now. For those criticizing the coach because they've lost 7 games, realize this: They have three losses by a combined 4 points, lost to top 5 Ballard by 4, lost to Ryle by 10 despite going 4-18 from the free throw line, and had tough losses to top 15 Moore, and the #4 team in Cincy, Princeton. It's not like his team isn't being competitive.
2. Holmes lost 4 players over the summer due to transfer, two of which are starting at Cov Holy Cross, has had two kids quit early in the season because a lack of playing time, had a top 10 9th region player kicked off the team for off the court issues, and lost their senior pg to a season ending injury but yet you ask anyone in nky and they still consider Holmes a 9th region contender. Considering those circumstances, I'd say Booher is doing just fine with the hand he's been dealt.
3. These kids have never been allowed to press and run the way Booher lets them. His style has made Holmes able to play with anyone in the state. (Lost by 7 to Scott Co in game like scrimmage and by 4 to Ballard) Jaleel Gray now has colleges looking at him because of Booher's style and kids like to play for him.
4. There are 8 or so guys that see the floor for Holmes. 2 seniors (Gray, Hayes), 3 juniors (Knox, Rice, Amison), and 3 sophomores (Palmer, Peterson, Coston). At the beginning of the year both Coston and Amison rarely saw the floor. Booher has developed these guys throughout the season and built confidence within themselves and now they are key contributors. With Rice, Knox, Amison, Palmer, Peterson, and Coston next year, Holmes will be a legit threat to go to Rupp and make some noise. Holmes is still extremely young and inexperienced.
5. Lastly, I think some of you aren't looking at the big picture. Jason Booher is doing more for these kids than just basketball. He is instilling character and teaching these boys how to be men. He is using his own personal life experiences to try and teach his players and others around him of the everyday pressures that are present in a teenage life such as drugs and alcohol. Elisha Justice said it best when he said "the faith that man has is unreal and I'm thankful to have had him as a coach..."
I highly recommend anyone bashing him to read the following article then get back to me about why this man is such a great guy and a great fit for the Holmes community.
Give it time and Booher will have Holmes back to a basketball powerhouse. My prediction is they will be back to Rupp within the next three years.
02-03-2011, 12:32 AM
I got some information of one of my friends he said that Seth Kiser, Michael Bartley and Gary Thomas was some of the players that was missing from the end of 05 season to the 06 season, so 05-06 team was missing 2 starters (seniors) that he said had been playing together for years. Anyways Holmes has won 3 straight beating Dixie Heights during the strecth who is the top ranked team in the Region. I guess time will only tell how they do when they play tough teams like Boone County, Newport Catholic Central, Ballard, and Simon Kenton.
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