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South Floyd 88 Breathitt County 73

Congrats Raiders...
nice win for the raiders! now get ready for a good one tomorrow night!
anyone have any stats?
good win for sf, big district game tomorrow though
read in todays FCT that a SFHS player was 33 points away from hittinn the 1000 point club. Can't recall which player it was- but does anyone know how close he came tonight and who it is?
Congrats to the Raiders, Any stats?
good win for the raiders
I havent heard anything as far as stats but ryan Johnson is close to his 1000 pt.
"WOW" Wrote:read in todays FCT that a SFHS player was 33 points away from hittinn the 1000 point club. Can't recall which player it was- but does anyone know how close he came tonight and who it is?
I'm pretty sure it's Ryan Johnson but I don't know how he did tonight.
Ryan Little had 24pts and 11 boards. Ryan Johnson had 12pts and 9 boards.. Justin Slone had 7pts and 11 boards. Ethan Johnson had 26pts and 4 boards.
congrats raiders.. every1 got to play tonight
Ethan Johnson-26 Hell of a game, was hitting his shots tonight
Ryan Little-24 and double digit rebounds not sure how many he got, very good game by the big man, and i liked how he bounced back from that bad shooting night against BL
Ryan Johnson-12 or 16 not really for sure, the radio said 16, he also had 9 assist which put him #2 all time in SF school history, and 8 rebounds....Ryan was put in te hospital today and had to get IV's ran through he body b/c he is sick.
Thats the only stats I have very good win for the raiders big game tomorrow night down in blackcat country
good stats u know not....good luck to the raiders tomorrow against pburg
Congrats Raiders way to play.
Great showing from Ethan Johnson and Ryan Little and a good win for the Raiders.
Congrats South Floyd!
Congrats SF...Great Game for Ethan Johnson with 26pts..Little had 24pts and 11 boards...Justin Slone had 11 boards and 7pts..but the one im most proud of is ryan johnson he had 12 pts i think and 9 assists..12 pts is well below his avg but the kid has been sick all day long he had to leave school early to go to the hospital he had to have an I.V put in him and still played tonight...this shows a true player and a leader. Hope you feel better for tomorrow nights game Ryan.
SF had some very talented players
Congrats Raiders. Good luck against Pburg.
Congrat's Raiders and g/l tonight agianst P-burg!!!
good win for the raiders hope ryan gets to feelin better for tomorrows game against p-burg good luck boys
good win raiders keep it up good luck aginst p,burg
good job raiders. congrats to all of you
Congrats Raiders and good luck agiainist P-burg!

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