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October 15th
Less than a month a way, how excited are you basketball players out there, and what is the atmosphere like the first day?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Nothing in the world like Oct. 15th.

1st day of practice for coaches and players is as intense as it gets.
cougarpride08 Wrote:Less than a month a way, how excited are you basketball players out there, and what is the atmosphere like the first day?

Scott County on October 15th is a day that some fans all around town make it to the gym to see who has got a jersey! I have never seen a tryout because very time a kid is at open gym in the spring and summer he is at a tryout. So on October 15th open gym ends.The team is picked! That is the day goals of making it to the Sweet Sixteen and winning a State Championship starts. It is one of the best days of the season for the lucky kids that makes the team. In Scott County the kids play basketball all year long. The gym is always open 24/7 a kid can workout anytime. You see a dad passing the ball to his son as the kid works on his shooting. You may see two or three kids in the gym on the weekend working out hard to get ready for October 15. I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am definitely looking forward to it
sadly my school is going to suck so bad they will be looking to win one game.
its going to be a long season for sheldon clark
Can't Wait!!
I'm looking forward to that 14th region basketball!
MVP2 Wrote:I'm looking forward to that 14th region basketball!

you and me both
I am anxiously awaiting basketball all around the state, but especially so here in the 15th.
It is just 9 days away.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
I can't wait. Especially the 14th region! Should be exciting!!

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