Poll: Do you think will keep all his promises?
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Do you think Obama will fufill his promises?
Your thoughts.
No. But neither would Mccain. It's a sad fact, but we live in times in which misleading people is commonplace, especially in politics.
No. I never think any politician will live up to their promises.
I don't think he will at all. He will however have an outstanding excuse.
Per history, we know all the rules but can't play the game. A three armed beast makes for dicey and delicate waters. Compromise is a must in most all matters if one wants anything done. Judges, legislators, commissions, panels...a thousand voices clamoring for a piece of the pie. Obama will try very hard to get his agenda through. On some things, he will succeed. On others, he will not. The director claps the board and says, "Roll 'em."
thecavemaster Wrote:Per history, we know all the rules but can't play the game. A three armed beast makes for dicey and delicate waters. Compromise is a must in most all matters if one wants anything done. Judges, legislators, commissions, panels...a thousand voices clamoring for a piece of the pie. Obama will try very hard to get his agenda through. On some things, he will succeed. On others, he will not. The director claps the board and says, "Roll 'em."

Actually he should have to make very few concessions, and it will mostly be things added to his bills. The dems have full unchecked power. They have an agenda that is in step with Obama's. I mean he did vote with the Dems 97% of the time. Noone in that party will dare challenge him with all the public support he has. Any changes will be of his own doing. Quit trying to make excuses for him in advance. You know as well as I do he can get through whatever he wants when he comes into office.
I just hope he follows through on his promise to close guantanamo. What we've done to those poor, innocent enemy combatants who were shooting at our troops is a shame and I'm glad Obama and the liberals are making their welfare a top priority.
Beetle01 Wrote:Actually he should have to make very few concessions, and it will mostly be things added to his bills. The dems have full unchecked power. They have an agenda that is in step with Obama's. I mean he did vote with the Dems 97% of the time. Noone in that party will dare challenge him with all the public support he has. Any changes will be of his own doing. Quit trying to make excuses for him in advance. You know as well as I do he can get through whatever he wants when he comes into office.

I disagree. In my memory, the "blank check" to the President is not granted. Too many egos, too many "pet" ideas and projects. Read JFK's Profiles in Courage to glimpse the complexities, the necessary compromises that encompass drafting and passing and implementing legislation/policy. I am not speaking excuses...I am speaking tested, proven reality.
Nope, he promised too much change and in a system that has stopped caring fro the interests of the people. I don't see him or anyone helping out the American people. If Jesus Christ himself were elected, probably be a republican, he couldn't get anything done. Our government just doesn't work anymore, the system has failed and there needs to be major governmental change before we can have change for the people. i'm not saying a new one, but we need to fix the one we've got.
"jesus" if he exists, would be neither republican or democrat: "my kingdom is not of this world...if it were my "peeps" would fight for it" (loose translation). "jesus" (if he existed) was a revolutionary thinker, and was executed as such. He is the example of what happens in this world to a truly righteous man.
thecavemaster Wrote:"jesus" if he exists, would be neither republican or democrat: "my kingdom is not of this world...if it were my "peeps" would fight for it" (loose translation). "jesus" (if he existed) was a revolutionary thinker, and was executed as such. He is the example of what happens in this world to a truly righteous man.

I really am hoping you did not just try to comapre Jesus and Obama. If so youre going to lose whatever respect I had for you to begin with. Which actually is alot because you stick to what you believe in.
Beetle01 Wrote:I really am hoping you did not just try to comapre Jesus and Obama. If so youre going to lose whatever respect I had for you to begin with. Which actually is alot because you stick to what you believe in.

No, no..."jesus" not a 'pub or 'dem... but a revolutionary looking beyond "this present world order." He wouldn't jibe much either way.
thecavemaster Wrote:No, no..."jesus" not a 'pub or 'dem... but a revolutionary looking beyond "this present world order." He wouldn't jibe much either way.

I'm not one to try and speculate what Jesus would do in a political sense. To even try to do so to me seems like Blasphemy. He and his father have laid out for us their plans. We should do our best to abide buy those plans and live a lifestyle, and run a govt as we think they would want US to.

Jesus would not need political parties, as he will be King for eternity.
Beetle01 Wrote:I'm not one to try and speculate what Jesus would do in a political sense. To even try to do so to me seems like Blasphemy. He and his father have laid out for us their plans. We should do our best to abide buy those plans and live a lifestyle, and run a govt as we think they would want US to.

Jesus would not need political parties, as he will be King for eternity.

"...render to Caesar, render to god" (Stepping back from argument, as if his concern was elsewhere).

"...who made me Judge in such matters..." (Refusal to enter into a civil dispute between brothers...again, stepping back and away from such matters as if his concern was elsewhere).

I could list more, but will allow above to suffice for now.
I think it will be very difficult for him to fulfill every promise he made within a 4-year term. This country is a mess, on a number of levels, and it will take a long time to fix. Neither Obama nor McCain would be able to do it in 4 years. But I do think he will begin to work towards his promises, and we will see some sort of progress.

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