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techniqe vs. smash mouth
in your opinion wich do you like?
do you like a team that goes out and lays peapole out puts licks on peapole just abuse the other team run it right up the middle or do you like spread the feild throw short routes go down the feild and just out think the other team.
lets hear it
Which team wins? I think that the team with technique will win 90% of the time so I'll go with them...its all about winning...not going out and hurting the other team.
I agree Beef you have to have technique if you expect to win any ball games, you cant just run around out there and hit the guy right in front of you every play. You have different schemes traps, counters, cutbacks, and options (etc). But If your not going to hit any1 you dont need to be on the field because believe me the defense is going to be out there to punish you for being on offense I take pride in that myself.
I think fundamentals is the key to winning games. However, Its good to have fundamental aggressive players. Players that give 100 percent and sacrifice thier bodies every play.
I prefer to go out and play pure smash mouth football, but like everyone said, the one that plays with Techniques will win a big part of the time.

Hey QQ, who is that in your avatar?
Around this area there is more of a smashmouth mentality . It seems to work has won the last two 2a championships. . But in an overtime situation I would need to a smashmouth team. If you need to come back from 20 points down a techniquewould be the best in that type of situation. As for me I like a combo of the two.
i think an offensive line with more technique is a better line than one that is pure smash mouth...but it dosen't hurt anything to be aggressave to
i think an offensive line with more technique is a better line than one that is pure smash mouth...but it dosen't hurt anything to be aggressave to
There are certain aspects of both that, are good.

smashmouth- you get 100% pure football, hard hitting, flying to the ball, and just plain old no fear D. But with that, comes misread keys, missed tackles, and bad form.

technique-You get smart players, who read the keys, and know good form,

I personally prefer smashmouth, but thats a debatable question.
Smashmouth, run it down your throat football......gotta love it !!!
In my opinion it takes a combination of the two playing styles to put together a solid for picking one i would have to go with technique because your players need to have a mind for the game in knowing how to appraoch the situation there in...but good hard nosed football is fun and can be off in its own ways also.
Coming from a "smashmouth" system & being a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, that is the kind of football I prefer.
As the saying goes, football is 90% mental and 10% physical.

Aggressiveness is always important, but when it comes down to it, I think technique means more.
You give me a team sound in fundamentals first and foremost, then from there I'd prefer them to be a smashmouth style. To be successful on the whole though, you do have to have the option of going vertical down the field with a passing game.
I think that it just all depends on the players you have...wherever the talent is. If you have kids that can be good recievers and have a good quarterback..then technical is your thing...but if u don't have that..then u pretty much have to pound it up the middle.

But you have to consider...the last 2 AA State Championships have been won by a team with no recieving passing short Smashmouth. And they were won against 2 very sound technical teams.
i agree with QQ. if a team is aggresive and fundamentally sound then they will have a good team with good technique who can play smash motuh...

like my answer? lol
Technique by a long shot. If you play smash mouth style you're more prone to getting injured and usually resulting in a head/neck injury.
Beef Wrote:Which team wins? I think that the team with technique will win 90% of the time so I'll go with them...its all about winning...not going out and hurting the other team.
Look at Ironton, pure smashmouth team that has killed any "technique team" I've seen them play. Plus, as a fan of the game I just love watching hard hitting, crazy guys who probably need a rabies shot.

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