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Breathitt County 12 - Prestonsburg 7
Breathitt County...12
From what I listened to on the radio it sounded as if both Defenses were dominant. A few of the fans from Breathitt acted as if they had a horrible d but it appears not.
Sounds like a defensive game, or just a bad night offensively for both.

Best of luck to P'Burg
BlackcatFootball Wrote:From what I listened to on the radio it sounded as if both Defenses were dominant. A few of the fans from Breathitt acted as if they had a horrible d but it appears not.
From what I was by someone at the game, Breathitt really did not pass the ball very much. They are practicing the running game so that they will have a balanced attack come playoff time. I knew Breathitt had the talant to have a good defense, but did not know if they had the heart. Tonight they showed they had heart. I was also told that Prestonsburg was very scrappy and in usual Blackcat style, they forced a lot of fumbles because they tried to strip the ball on just about every tackle. Good game by both teams, both coupld have won, and played hard enough to win, but there can be only one winner, and tonight it was Breathitt....Good job Bobcats.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

I heard Breathitt was doing alot of chopblocking tonight.
I heard tonight that some of the students of Prestonsburg flipped the bleacher or bleachers over at Breathitt, and I would like to apologize on behalf of the Prestonsburg High School for those students actions. Please dont hold against any of our fans, players or most students.
i thought breathitt would win, but not this close.
I thought the score would be much higher...Congrats Bobcats, from what I heard the Fugate brothers had a huge night.
i just have 1 thing to say.... both teams played a great game and the calls were pretty good until pburg scored and got the momentum, then it got a little bad....i mean it got to the point were they called a hurdling penalty on pburg's QB b/c both his feet left the ground...and im leavin this msg at that
Good game, and it was a nice atmosphere. Breathitt did chop block alot, and shook up some blackcat linemen. The thing that killed the Blackcats tonight was how good the bobcats line is. The bobcats have an awesome offense, but it seemed like they were running the same plays over and over. Congrats to the Bobcats and keep your heads up Blackcats you played great tonight.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:I heard Breathitt was doing alot of chopblocking tonight.
Oh please!
Twitter: @tc_analytics

TheBrahmaBull Wrote:Oh please!

Oh please?
Congrats to the Bobcats on the win. Blackcats will regroup and continue to improve and show it next week against Bath Co.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:I heard Breathitt was doing alot of chopblocking tonight.

That's the pot calling the kettle black.
Almost every team chop blocks just get over it ever game i played my senior year in highschool i got chopped almost every play of every game except belfry cause they had no reason to.
I thought it was a great game. There were a few calls that didnt go Pburg's way but you cant expect to get those calls when your on the road in someone's bowl game. The call against Bobby Hughes was terrible and it came at a crucial part of the game. Pburg will regroup and begin conference play next week, and I am predicting an undefeated district record for the Blackcats this year. I know all the Shelby valley fans are going to read this and started talkin smack but that is just my opinion.
This was a great game by both teams and was a great defensive game. IMO P-burg could have won if it wasnt for a few bad calls made especially after pburg scored the touchdown. I would have like to have seen this game played about mid-season im sure the outcome would have been totally different with pburg on top. But congrats to Breathitt and keep your heads up blackcats its just the 2nd game.
the p burg students act that way every game whats new?
great game bobcats
I just wanted to apologize for the way some of our fans acted by flippin the bleachers over that was disrespectful and uncalled for!! But our parents did make them flip them back over, and I say they will be punished for their actions when we return to school Tuesday.
blackcat_36 Wrote:I just wanted to apologize for the way some of our fans acted by flippin the bleachers over that was disrespectful and uncalled for!! But our parents did make them flip them back over, and I say they will be punished for their actions when we return to school Tuesday.

Good post and nice to see someone step-up when things get out of hand. Wink
Congrats Breathitt! Sounds like a good defensive game!
BlackcatFootball Wrote:I heard tonight that some of the students of Prestonsburg flipped the bleacher or bleachers over at Breathitt, and I would like to apologize on behalf of the Prestonsburg High School for those students actions. Please dont hold against any of our fans, players or most students.
If Breathitt Co has the same visitors bleachers they had in 2002 that would be an improvement.
DevilsWin Wrote:If Breathitt Co has the same visitors bleachers they had in 2002 that would be an improvement.
I agree totally. They are supposed to be filling in the gap between the gas station and the field and building some stands on the visitor side, but who knows when that will happen. The bleachers are very old and need to be replaced, but there is no excuse for behavior like that. The Blackcats have a good team and good fans, the actions of a few troublemakers does not change my view of the people/fans in Prestonsburg as a whole. I like Prestonsburg and respect their team and the people that come from there.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

I knew this would be a war, Always is when the two play.
Breathitt is good but Pburg will not lay down for Breathitt.
Wow, a lot closer than I expected. P-Burg must be even better than I thought they were.

I don't see any threat to them within their own district.

I listened to the whole game and was on the edge of the couch throughout the broadcast. It was really nip and tuck the whole way. I think Breathitt Co. ended up with around 6 turnovers for the game, but their defense was able bail out their offense. Both teams seem to be better than anticipated this year. Good luck to both teams for the remainder of the season.
I didn't go to the game but I have been to Breathitt County a few times and there were bad calls against the other teams then...
but congrats to Breathitt and good luck this week Prestonsburg!
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

Sound like a very great game to watch. I dont agree with the call about Hurdling by Pburg, but oh well. Congrats to both teams for playing your heart out.Good luck friday

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