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Republicans — and Democrats — call for Trump to denounce white supremacists
"Did our founding fathers have a different version of the Bible ?"

King James version. Slavery is approved of in the Bible. It is very convenient for liberals to judge past events through the eyes of the present.

As for Urban Sombrero I would prefer my "dirt heritage" to one of filthy liberalism and progresivism anytime.
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:"Did our founding fathers have a different version of the Bible ?"

King James version. Slavery is approved of in the Bible. It is very convenient for liberals to judge past events through the eyes of the present.

As for Urban Sombrero I would prefer my "dirt heritage" to one of filthy liberalism and progresivism anytime.

Of course, Christ rebuffed your words here by telling the woman at the well, and others, that spirit and truth worship from the true temple of God (a human being) is to be valued, not any piece of dirt, whether Jerusalem or Montgomery or Paintsville.

Why, yes, of course, White Man White Man White Man, Jesus just loved treating human beings as chattel. Not. Bozo.
You plainly have not read St. Paul, which is not surprising since one cannot find many liberals that are biblically literate. You are trying to judge practices of then past through a modern lens which is foolish.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The leaders and organizers of BLM did NOT burn, loot, nor riot. MLK Jr. often spoke of the difficulty of maintaining non-violence. In fact, violence often popped up in his staged protests, and amongst his ranks. Yet, say, a Lyndon Johnson meeting with him was not advocation of violence. Similarly, a meeting between the leadership of BLM and President Obama was not as you say. This is a false assertion.

What follows is a response to the bolded only, everything else in your post is total BS.

Right, and neither did Hitler pull a handle on the gas chambers of Auschwitz. 6 million Jews still died.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course, Christ rebuffed your words here by telling the woman at the well, and others, that spirit and truth worship from the true temple of God (a human being) is to be valued, not any piece of dirt, whether Jerusalem or Montgomery or Paintsville.

Why, yes, of course, White Man White Man White Man, Jesus just loved treating human beings as chattel. Not. Bozo.

ekyswvahsfan Wrote:You plainly have not read St. Paul, which is not surprising since one cannot find many liberals that are biblically literate. You are trying to judge practices of then past through a modern lens which is foolish.

Why yes ekyswvahsfan, Sombrero has read Paul. It is in his heretical interpretation, that he spews his lies and heresies.
TheRealThing Wrote:What follows is a response to the bolded only, everything else in your post is total BS.

Right, and neither did Hitler pull a handle on the gas chambers of Auschwitz. 6 million Jews still died.

Note: Barack Obama, on many occasions, plainly, clearly, unequivocally condemned non- peaceful protest. Fact: a constant discussion stream at SCLC meetings in civil rights era was how to deal with that small element of protesters who sought violent confrontation. The only bs, PeeWeeGee, is how blinded by your own plume you are.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Note: Barack Obama, on many occasions, plainly, clearly, unequivocally condemned non- peaceful protest. Fact: a constant discussion stream at SCLC meetings in civil rights era was how to deal with that small element of protesters who sought violent confrontation. The only bs, PeeWeeGee, is how blinded by your own plume you are.

No way you could be that stupid, has to be a case of pathological lying.
TheRealThing Wrote:No way you could be that stupid, has to be a case of pathological lying.

No way your plume blinds you that much. Or does it?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:As to non-violent protest contrasted to rioting and looting, I agree.

As to retreads, I don't know on this one, but as to me, you are incorrect, per usual in this matter.

No I'm not, it took you all of 1 minute to jump to his defense. I'd bet you've pm'd him about what he says already.
TheRealThing Wrote:I may be able to shed a little light. What's amazing to me is when BLM was burning towns to the ground, some more than once, [I]that somehow,[/I] is covered under the 1st Amendment. And you were fine with not prosecuting them for the millions of dollars worth of property damage they wreaked. But now, because it's not a favored minority, you're all aflame to see that these guys get what's coming to them under the law.

Let's get it right and prosecute the whole lot of them. Including BLM members and every last jerk that put a rock through a windshield or a torch to somebody else's property, or walked out of a carry out with a case of vodka and all the cigarettes they could carry. How bout that?

NOTE TO MODS: We got us another retread or dual account.

On the contrary. BLM matter riots, movements or whatever you want to call them are as useless as any other protest. However you didn't answer my question. You evaded it and played the blame game . I asked how you could support nazi and KKK groups in 2017. An entire group preaching for the destruction of other races? For the ones who hide behind religion did they not realize Jesus background and where he is from ?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:No way your plume blinds you that much. Or does it?

You certainly wouldn't know without help, that's certain.
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:"Did our founding fathers have a different version of the Bible ?"

King James version. Slavery is approved of in the Bible. It is very convenient for liberals to judge past events through the eyes of the present.

As for Urban Sombrero I would prefer my "dirt heritage" to one of filthy liberalism and progresivism anytime.

So because the good book said it's ok we should have slaves?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:On the contrary. BLM matter riots, movements or whatever you want to call them are as useless as any other protest. However you didn't answer my question. You evaded it and played the blame game . I asked how you could support nazi and KKK groups in 2017. An entire group preaching for the destruction of other races? For the ones who hide behind religion did they not realize Jesus background and where he is from ?

So which are you, letsgetitright or Wildcat23? And I never needed to avoid a single question you ever asked pal.
TheRealThing Wrote:So which are you, letsgetitright or Wildcat23? And I never needed to avoid a single question you ever asked pal.

Well answer it then. Are you that comfortable with your obvious racism that you so openly admit it. Hide behind Christianity like so many others while thinking the holy land waits on you.
TheRealThing Wrote:So which are you, letsgetitright or Wildcat23? And I never needed to avoid a single question you ever asked pal.

I planned on starting a new account to avoid the moderator scene but it seems you wanted to claim i was someone else. Easier this way.
Having voted for Trump for his Pro Coal stances and international views, it's disheartening to see KKK marches over a Confederate monument as much as it is watching BLM march over a criminal being shot by police. The confederates broke the law and committed treason. What is there to be proud of.
Pick6 Wrote:Have you ever met a liberal that was not radical? The right has it fringe groups like the neo nazis and the KKK, but groups like BLM and antifa are main stream. Remember, Obama supported BLM during the Ferguson riots.

Good point, however I believe the fake Nazis and sheet wearers are left wing.

At no point in this countries history has the republican party done any of the things mentioned on television and late night shows every single night

The eurpoean political spectrum is completely different than the US political spectrum.

I see no difference in the fake Nazis, KKK hoodies, Antifa, BLM, etc.
Theyre all garbage POS that I hope keep killing each off.
Every time the idiots riot, they destroy there own cities, tows, and homes then blame it on the GOP while we sit back, watch, and laugh.

I do think outlets like CNN and MSNBC and their joke of "journalist" are 100% responsible for every drop of blood spilled since the election. No different than Colbert, Maher, Oliver, Etc. The bloods on their hands. They've pushed this false narrative for views and continue to do so. Hopefully the mayhem ends up in there back yard one day.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Having voted for Trump for his Pro Coal stances and international views, it's disheartening to see KKK marches over a Confederate monument as much as it is watching BLM march over a criminal being shot by police. The confederates broke the law and committed treason. What is there to be proud of.

The fake Nazi fan boys are just as bad and MORE pathetic than the BLM rioters and looters.

They have hurt the view of the Trump following undoubtedly, but lets not forget, the average America voter doesn't care about any of this nonsense on TV. He/She cares about the ECONOMY. So far, Trump is kicking ass in that dept. If he can raise wages across the board for Americans while keeping goods low, theres no way he will fall in 2020 to anybody currently in the democratic party.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course, Christ rebuffed your words here by telling the woman at the well, and others, that spirit and truth worship from the true temple of God (a human being) is to be valued, not any piece of dirt, whether Jerusalem or Montgomery or Paintsville.

Why, yes, of course, White Man White Man White Man, Jesus just loved treating human beings as chattel. Not. Bozo.

Do you think you can make a comment just one time without going through the "woman at the well" analogy again? You've just used that one 38 times in the last 2 days. Sheeesh!!
runitupthegut Wrote:the fake nazi fan boys are just as bad and more pathetic than the blm rioters and looters.

They have hurt the view of the trump following undoubtedly, but lets not forget, the average america voter doesn't care about any of this nonsense on tv. He/she cares about the economy. So far, trump is kicking ass in that dept. If he can raise wages across the board for americans while keeping goods low, theres no way he will fall in 2020 to anybody currently in the democratic party.

[B Wrote:letsgetitright[/B]]It's truly amazing how some of you can defend Nazi, KKK, and White Supremacy groups marching in our country. Most of you bash and criminalize BLM over there marches. Yet somehow you think KKK groups in 2017 is somehow acceptable? It's not. The confederate flag and monuments honoring the travesties that took place during that time that still stands is baffling. ekyswvahsfan you seem proud to be from a line of slave owners. I am proud of being raised as a gentleman who says mam and holds the door open for women. I however don't brag about owning another human being and calling my ancestors smart for doing so. It seems most of you are somehow defending white supremacy? Could you guys explain that? What is the reasoning ? Don't give me the well BLM DID THIS, we must be better then the others. Is freedom of speech acceptable when its calling for the destruction of another races freedom?

[B Wrote:Wildcatk23[/B]]On the contrary. BLM matter riots, movements or whatever you want to call them are as useless as any other protest. However you didn't answer my question. You evaded it and played the blame game . I asked how you could support nazi and KKK groups in 2017. An entire group preaching for the destruction of other races? For the ones who hide behind religion did they not realize Jesus background and where he is from ?

[B Wrote:Wildcatk23[/B]]I planned on starting a new account to avoid the moderator scene but it seems you wanted to claim i was someone else. Easier this way.

Whatever I thought posting on more than one account under site rules was a no-no, and I evaded exactly nothing. If you can't grasp the answer given, I can accept that but back to your question. This nation wasn't founded on racial biases, it was founded on the rule of law. The arsonists and looters of my mention got away with lawless acts of anarchy, but the worst part is even those actions were fake. Just like the Occupy Main Street was a put-on fake movement inspired by rich lefties who want to push America ever farther to the left. The real reason the so-called protestors showed their rears was because they got things for being out there, drugs, alcohol, money to name a few. Vladimir Lenin referred to those so easily manipulated as 'useful idiots,' and it seems there are always plenty of them hanging around. It's just human nature.

The looters of Ferguson were shown carrying out cases of liquor and cigarettes, but in any case, the vast majority of these guys don't work. They just gripe and get their government provided monthly goodies, and occasionally burn down a business district when opportunity may arise.

My point, people who break the law, black white Asian Mexican Arab whatever, need to be charged and dealt with accordingly. No free passes for anybody such as those given by the Eric Holder run DOJ. And certainly no mises à l’honneur par l’État at the White House in honor of their lawless misdeeds.

Past that, nobody I saw on here defended the KKK or anybody else who was out there doing wrong. But if you want to getitright, you need to recognize that it always takes two sides to start a fight and there were a lot of crazies (apparently) on both sides in Charlottesville. I expect this version of the DOJ will get to the bottom of it all, and the guilty organizers in the background will eventually come to justice. That's the outcome I'm looking for. Make no mistake, white supremacists are an evil threat to our way of life, but so is anybody who uses violence to get what they want. And there are other groups out there who are just as much a threat. Prosecute them all.
Virginia police told to stand down at Charlottesville, now I wonder who might have the power to tell the police of Virginia to stand down? The controversy steeped Governor maybe? We are, IMHO, watching the destruction of this nation unfold right before our very eyes.

"Police were simply doing what they were ordered to do prior to the event. According to the ACLU of Virginia, police said, “We’ll not intervene until given command to do so.” ProPublica reported that state police and National Guardsmen watched for hours without trying to separate the protesters and counter protesters."

1 Timothy 1:9 (KJV)
9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,


“But one of the first and most leading principles on which the commonwealth and the laws are consecrated, is lest the temporary possessors and life-renters in it, unmindful of what they have received from their ancestors, or of what is due to their posterity, should act as if they were the entire masters; that they should not think it amongst their rights to cut off the entail, or commit waste on the inheritance, by destroying at their pleasure the whole original fabric of their society; hazarding to leave to those who come after them, a ruin instead of an habitation - and teaching these successors as little to respect their contrivances, as they had themselves respected the institutions of their forefathers. By this unprincipled facility of changing the state as often, and as much, and in as many ways as there are floating fancies or fashions, the whole chain and continuity of the commonwealth would be broken. No one generation could link with the other. Men would become little better than the flies of summer.”

Elisabeth Warren and the rest of the live for today crowd would love to be in the position of power so that they could make US policy, thank God they're not in that position yet. And despite all the denials, falsely interpreted Scriptural justifications for civil disobedience, and pretenses of brotherly love, the flies of summer are in our day, buzzing loudly. ABTW, is it just me or did anybody else notice that there has NEVER been an occasion in which conservatives were the ones out plundering, burning, assaulting and generally wreaking havoc? No, they're all too busy working to pay their taxes and fund all the public welfare programs so that he unemployed can go about their assault on this Republic.
Bob Seger Wrote:Do you think you can make a comment just one time without going through the "woman at the well" analogy again? You've just used that one 38 times in the last 2 days. Sheeesh!!

Ah, exaggeration unto hyperbolic distortion...Boob Sugar, page 21, paragraph 6, subsection ©

How about a Welsh woman who rang a bell?
TheRealThing Wrote:Virginia police told to stand down at Charlottesville, now I wonder who might have the power to tell the police of Virginia to stand down? The controversy steeped Governor maybe? We are, IMHO, watching the destruction of this nation unfold right before our very eyes.

"Police were simply doing what they were ordered to do prior to the event. According to the ACLU of Virginia, police said, “We’ll not intervene until given command to do so.” ProPublica reported that state police and National Guardsmen watched for hours without trying to separate the protesters and counter protesters."

1 Timothy 1:9 (KJV)
9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,


“But one of the first and most leading principles on which the commonwealth and the laws are consecrated, is lest the temporary possessors and life-renters in it, unmindful of what they have received from their ancestors, or of what is due to their posterity, should act as if they were the entire masters; that they should not think it amongst their rights to cut off the entail, or commit waste on the inheritance, by destroying at their pleasure the whole original fabric of their society; hazarding to leave to those who come after them, a ruin instead of an habitation - and teaching these successors as little to respect their contrivances, as they had themselves respected the institutions of their forefathers. By this unprincipled facility of changing the state as often, and as much, and in as many ways as there are floating fancies or fashions, the whole chain and continuity of the commonwealth would be broken. No one generation could link with the other. Men would become little better than the flies of summer.”

Elisabeth Warren and the rest of the live for today crowd would love to be in the position of power so that they could make US policy, thank God they're not in that position yet. And despite all the denials, falsely interpreted Scriptural justifications for civil disobedience, and pretenses of brotherly love, the flies of summer are in our day, buzzing loudly. ABTW, is it just me or did anybody else notice that there has NEVER been an occasion in which conservatives were the ones out plundering, burning, assaulting and generally wreaking havoc? No, they're all too busy working to pay their taxes and fund all the public welfare programs so that he unemployed can go about their assault on this Republic.

By the way, ⬆ this is an interesting and good post to read, but would it not also be true to say that the conservative movement includes "we'd rather not have them fellers" like McVeigh and Nichols, and the militias, and the white supremacists? Similarly, true progressives have "we'd rather not have them fellers" like looters and police car torchers and shout'em downers. One does not highlight injustice by committing unjust, unlawful acts. We agree any and every time on that. In fact, the peaceful, passive resistance marchers of MLK Jr.'s SCLC were a powerful witness to the injustice as they were hosed and attacked by dogs and police batons.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:By the way, ⬆ this is an interesting and good post to read, but would it not also be true to say that the conservative movement includes "we'd rather not have them fellers" like McVeigh and Nichols, and the militias, and the white supremacists? Similarly, true progressives have "we'd rather not have them fellers" like looters and police car torchers and shout'em downers. One does not highlight injustice by committing unjust, unlawful acts. We agree any and every time on that. In fact, the peaceful, passive resistance marchers of MLK Jr.'s SCLC were a powerful witness to the injustice as they were hosed and attacked by dogs and police batons.

Thanks for that respectfully kind dodge. We've not seen the likes of MLK marches since MLK, quit likening today's anarchy with MLK.
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:"Did our founding fathers have a different version of the Bible ?"

King James version. Slavery is approved of in the Bible. It is very convenient for liberals to judge past events through the eyes of the present.

As for Urban Sombrero I would prefer my "dirt heritage" to one of filthy liberalism and progresivism anytime.

You have replaced Runitupthebut as the biggest Dumbas$ on this site
vector Wrote:You have replaced Runitupthebut as the biggest Dumbas$ on this site
You are being much too modest. When it comes to dumbassery, you are in a class of your own. :1:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are being much too modest. When it comes to dumbassery, you are in a class of your own. :1:

He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:16)

Of all the people on this site Hooter you called Donald out at the start but I am afraid you have drunk the Kool-Aid
TheRealThing Wrote:Thanks for that respectfully kind dodge. We've not seen the likes of MLK marches since MLK, quit likening today's anarchy with MLK.

I would refer you to LET THE TRUMPET SOUND, and you could read for yourself how King agonized over agitators and advocates of violence within the SCLC ranks. Or, "A Knock at Midnight," but I suspect that would be pointless.

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