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Trump wants an AG who'll Fire Mueller
Pretty clear that the tweeting don wants AG Sessions to resign. Hard not to conclude that President Trump wants to find a new AG, one who will fire Mueller and seek to keep the Special Counsel from delving too deeply into Trump world's financial ties and dealings. Surreal.
^^^ I wanted Rudy Giuliani from the get-go.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Pretty clear that the tweeting don wants AG Sessions to resign. Hard not to conclude that President Trump wants to find a new AG, one who will fire Mueller and seek to keep the Special Counsel from delving too deeply into Trump world's financial ties and dealings. Surreal.

Things that make you go--- "Surreal"

1) - Withholding college transcripts and financial aid information. (I'd still like to see that info)

2) - Writing autobiographies of which inexplicably, many facts between the two versions thus far written, conflict with the other. I mean what, was he not there during his own autobiographical events?

3) - Telling any number of acquaintances (who have willingly come forward about it) that you were born in Kenya, but then after much ado and with no attempt by any US official or agency to ascertain if you are a natural citizen, you are nonetheless allowed to hold the office of President anyway.

4) - At some point deep into your presidency, you at long last produce a short form version of a rather generic birth certificate which is a little suspect, but before all that your Grandmother's endorsement is not exactly stellar....

According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.

5) - Standing in the 'Well' of the UN on September 25, 2012, (fully two weeks after the Benghazi attacks of September 11) proclaiming those attacks were the result of an internet video. Then during the 2nd Presidential debate on Oct 16, 2012 changing your story to say (and get by with it) that you had called the Benghazi attacks terrorism in the Rose Garden Address on the matter made on September 12, 2012. Now I'm no Neil Tyson, but I don't need any help with this one. Some part of that series of events is flat out a lie.

6) - Promising sincerely that no money from ObamaCare would go to fund abortions.

"Obamacare will entangle taxpayer funds in abortion coverage offered on the exchanges and force many Americans to pay an abortion surcharge with private dollars."

7) - Promising sincerely that every family of four could expect to see their health insurance premiums fall 2,500 dollars a year thanks to savings from ObamaCare.

In reality, rates have more than doubled, and total out-of-pocket costs for a family of four screamed into the economic stratosphere, and by 2017 were costing the average family of four just over 20,000 dollars.

8) - Black Lives Matter thugs invited more than once to the White House.

9) - Promoting insurrection and anarchy by siding with arsonists and pillagers over law abiding citizens and the police.

10) - Collecting, cataloging and distributing surveillance information about Trump and his campaign to federal intelligence agencies. And then holding your hands up like a BB player that just tomahawked the shooter and tries to play the innocent.

That's just 10 off the top of my head and there are many many more. If Mueller had any intention whatsoever to be in any way impartial, he would never have hired a flight of former Hillary Clinton employees (reportedly, some still on the payroll at the time of their hiring) and big time donors with which to form his investigative team. A team which was formed despite the fact that no federal agency had a scintilla of evidence to suggest that there was any sort of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Ruskies. So let me understand this, the brightest and most enlightened intelligence agencies this world has ever seen are all greenhorns when compared to the imminent though retired and therefore detached Mr Mueller? Surreal.

Subterfuge, as Barack Obama is no longer President.

Firing Sessions for properly recusing himself is further indication that the tweeting don is itchy and is itching to get at Mueller. All the diahrrhea from you, PeeWeeGee, suggests you're a bit edgy as well. We'll see.
^^^None of the things TRT listed concern(ed) you. That's why you have no credibility here. Just another hypocritical liberal sheeple hack. We're still waiting after a year of "we'll see" for one shred of evidence of any wrongdoing.:zzz:
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Subterfuge, as Barack Obama is no longer President.

Firing Sessions for properly recusing himself is further indication that the tweeting don is itchy and is itching to get at Mueller. All the diahrrhea from you, PeeWeeGee, suggests you're a bit edgy as well. We'll see.

Bull crap, when he was and all that stuff was going down, you had no problem with any of it. But now, after a full year of investigations going on (6 months of that time being under the direct control of Obama) still no plausible link can be manufactured with which to falsely substantiate the subversive Democrat's Russian collusion lie. And yet you're still on here pushing it like there is concretely established chapter and verse.

You've ignored mountains of evidence to do with the prior administration because you're a rabid lib. But now that your hero is gone, inventing scandals out of thin air is 'proof' enough, to hear you tell it. Why? Because you're looking for any way to oust this legitimately elected President as you pine for the good old days of frothing liberalism. Which of course means that you are perfectly willing to lie your head off to that end.

I'm not edgy but I certainly am observant. I realized some time ago that the timetable for the collapse of society cannot be altered or changed. God already saw those things come to pass and recorded them for us to see. To that end there is a specific set-in-stone date attached, hence my oft return to the 'down the drain analogy.' And thus I have rooted for America's repentance and the turning from liberal governance. That has to an appreciable degree, happened. In evidence to that end over a thousand Democrat seats were lost during the past 8 years, and more to come. But that hasn't meant the remaining liberals still in DC would not mount a major counter offensive, and such is what we are discussing here. The media blitz, the establishment effort to derail the intents of the present administration, the investigations based on air and lies, all of it. You are part of that. While I am part of those who despite liberal rhetoric which declares that America has now changed to become forever liberal, are just as strongly conservative as ever. Ironically, conservatives must not only deal with flaming libs every election, but we must deal with the Dem's 24/7 propaganda effort to declare us converted to the liberal way.

The Scriptures are pretty clear about the time of the end and about the horrors men will have brought upon themselves. You celebrate and advocate for the coming of those horrors from the darkness of your heart and mind. That's why you never get tired of the monkey puke spin you're constantly putting up on here. That's why you're a globalist. That's why you're an evolutionist. And that's why you reject the validity of Scripture. If it's any comfort, I believe you may well live to experience the euphoria of sweeping liberalism leading up to and to include the first half of the Great Tribulation, which revelry of course is the spirit of Antichrist. And all that really is, is man calling all the shots based on his own authority, while ignoring God's kindly, kingly advice. Secular humanism, egalitarian principle if you will, will reign supreme. During those days of unthinkable horror, men will remember this time in which they have cheer led what Dems have called 'moving forward,' which at some point very soon will become a source of eternal torment. But before all that, you will get ample opportunity to repent or celebrate...

Revelation 11:10 (KJV)
10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
⬆ What I advocate for is freedom of conscience, equal justice under the law, a pluralistic and egalitarian society under our Constitution. The reason you zealots lack credibility is you grasp the trunk and march in line with a tweeting don who has not changed one iota from the godless life he's led until now, except for adopting a rhetorical bow to Christianity that has you gushing.

As to the Special Counsel, we'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ What I advocate for is freedom of conscience, equal justice under the law, a pluralistic and egalitarian society under our Constitution. The reason you zealots lack credibility is you grasp the trunk and march in line with a tweeting don who has not changed one iota from the godless life he's led until now, except for adopting a rhetorical bow to Christianity that has you gushing.

As to the Special Counsel, we'll see.

I say you're a broken hearted (over the departure of your hero Obama) socialist subversive, who's only fooling himself and never knows what he's talking about. But don't feel bad, nobody else knows what you're taking about either.
TheRealThing Wrote:I say you're a broken hearted (over the departure of your hero Obama) socialist subversive, who's only fooling himself and never knows what he's talking about. But don't feel bad, nobody else knows what you're taking about either.

Oh, you know, PeeWeeGee, you know. My hero, of course, is Christ. Barack Obama? Not even close. I am talking about a highest common denominator understanding of the Constitution: one where freedom is a gift for all, where justice is a gift to all. You know, the dream of America.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Oh, you know, PeeWeeGee, you know. My hero, of course, is Christ. Barack Obama? Not even close. I am talking about a highest common denominator understanding of the Constitution: one where freedom is a gift for all, where justice is a gift to all. You know, the dream of America.

News flash, you don't get to reject the portions of the Bible you don't like and still be saved. It doesn't work that way even if you are a card carrying La-La Lander.

And whatever you're talking about I frankly could care less. Your thoughts are absurdly random, to wit, you can't stick even loosely to the premise of your own thread starter. So you ride in and highjack your own thread. :hilarious:

Mueller's investigative intrusions at present are reportedly far broader than his commission. He's after the President and his family and I don't blame DJT one bit for his expressed ire. I hate it for Sessions because he is a great Senator whose presence in Chambers is sorely missed. But Sessions recused himself and now Rosenstein is recusing himself. Mueller's marauding intrusions are therefore unfettered by the law or common sense.

If I was Trump Sessions would be out, as bad as I would hate it for him. I'd appoint a new acting AG to elbow the pencil necked (and recused) Rosenstein out of the way, and one too who would make sure Mueller followed the dictates of his commission and nothing further. I probably would not fire Mueller, but he'd darn sure stick to investigating Russia's attempts to influence the past election and keep his big beak out of the rest. How stupid would it be if President Trump were to allow establishment driven criticisms of his dealings with his own AG, to stop the federal government from having some form of oversight in this vitally important matter? I'd do it, and it would be sooner than later. A witch hunt is one thing, but an autonomous witch hunt is as unprecedented as it would be un-American.
Trump should stop criticizing members of his own administration in the liberal media. It makes no sense. He has made some bad hiring decisions but Sessions is far from the worst and the way that he has publicly humiliated Sessions will make hiring a decent replacement very difficult, IMO.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump should stop criticizing members of his own administration in the liberal media. It makes no sense. He has made some bad hiring decisions but Sessions is far from the worst and the way that he has publicly humiliated Sessions will make hiring a decent replacement very difficult, IMO.

I don't think there is any question that you are exactly right about this, and frankly, I think Sessions is one of this nation's top public servants. Serious question here; how would you say we can get Mueller under control given all the recusals going on? Because other than that little problem Sessions is a very good AG.
I pray to God Donald fires Sessions and Mueller
TheRealThing Wrote:I don't think there is any question that you are exactly right about this, and frankly, I think Sessions is one of this nation's top public servants. Serious question here; how would you say we can get Mueller under control given all the recusals going on? Because other than that little problem Sessions is a very good AG.
The whole Russian investigation is bogus, but Session was a key part of Trump's campaign. Sessions was right to recuse himself under the circumstances, but cleaning house at the Justice Department, the IRS, and State Department should have been top priorities for Trump. A competent Chief of Staff would have had a hit list full of Obama's criminal syndicate members ready on inauguration day. There was no excuse for the #2 guy at DoJ appointing Mueller.

If Trump does nothing to make things worse during the rest of his term, I will consider it a successful presidency - but so far his hiring decisions and management style have been sorely lacking. I don't think that he could have made a much worse hiring decision than making Priebus his Chief of Staff.

The biggest service that Trump has done so far is demonstrating that the GOP establishment almost as sleazy and dishonest as the Democratic establishment politicians. It is now crystal clear that all but a few conservative Republican Congressional candidates lied repeatedly when they pledged to work to repeal Obamacare. 2018 is shaping up as a political bloodbath for the GOP and although they will blame Trump for their losses, the GOP leadership in both the Senate and House will deserve far more blame.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The whole Russian investigation is bogus, but Session was a key part of Trump's campaign. Sessions was right to recuse himself under the circumstances, but cleaning house at the Justice Department, the IRS, and State Department should have been top priorities for Trump. A competent Chief of Staff would have had a hit list full of Obama's criminal syndicate members ready on inauguration day. There was no excuse for the #2 guy at DoJ appointing Mueller.

If Trump does nothing to make things worse during the rest of his term, I will consider it a successful presidency - but so far his hiring decisions and management style have been sorely lacking. I don't think that he could have made a much worse hiring decision than making Priebus his Chief of Staff.

The biggest service that Trump has done so far is demonstrating that the GOP establishment almost as sleazy and dishonest as the Democratic establishment politicians. It is now crystal clear that all but a few conservative Republican Congressional candidates lied repeatedly when they pledged to work to repeal Obamacare. 2018 is shaping up as a political bloodbath for the GOP and although they will blame Trump for their losses, the GOP leadership in both the Senate and House will deserve far more blame.

I never understood why Priebus got the job anyway, he always seemed to be a bit of a doofus. But this is the first time in history a special counsel was appointed absent the recommendation of a federal agency. In other words, after a yearlong investigation which featured the FBI offering to pay for opposition research, there's still no evidence; Even of the manufactured variety. It's being said that Mueller's running amok, and with Rosenstein refusing to provide oversight, he's widened the investigation so broadly that the original premise of Russian election meddling is no longer the focus. Somebody has to ride herd on this guy but who does that when both the AG and the Deputy are recused?
TheRealThing Wrote:I never understood why Priebus got the job anyway, he always seemed to be a bit of a doofus. But this is the first time in history a special counsel was appointed absent the recommendation of a federal agency. In other words, after a yearlong investigation which featured the FBI offering to pay for opposition research, there's still no evidence; Even of the manufactured variety. It's being said that Mueller's running amok, and with Rosenstein refusing to provide oversight, he's widened the investigation so broadly that the original premise of Russian election meddling is no longer the focus. Somebody has to ride herd on this guy but who does that when both the AG and the Deputy are recused?

If I rember correct didn't Bill's own attorney general appointed the special prosecutor for whitewater and we all know that was a witch hunt just imagine how much dirt Donald has in his closet this has just started if Donald has nothing to hide why is he trying to stop the investigation?
vector Wrote:If I rember correct didn't Bill's own attorney general appointed the special prosecutor for whitewater and we all know that was a witch hunt just imagine how much dirt Donald has in his closet this has just started if Donald has nothing to hide why is he trying to stop the investigation?
Of course you don't "rember correct." Nothing new there.
TheRealThing Wrote:I never understood why Priebus got the job anyway, he always seemed to be a bit of a doofus. But this is the first time in history a special counsel was appointed absent the recommendation of a federal agency. In other words, after a yearlong investigation which featured the FBI offering to pay for opposition research, there's still no evidence; Even of the manufactured variety. It's being said that Mueller's running amok, and with Rosenstein refusing to provide oversight, he's widened the investigation so broadly that the original premise of Russian election meddling is no longer the focus. Somebody has to ride herd on this guy but who does that when both the AG and the Deputy are recused?

Hoot Gibson Wrote:Of course you don't "rember correct." Nothing new there.

Hooter Hooter Hooter I believe you are up to your neck in Donald's A$$ might have a chance pulling you out

And the sad thing about the impeachment of Bill for having an affair was the Republicans leading the impeachment was also having affairs or covering up for molesting young boys I believe one of them just got released from jail for trying to cover up molesting young boys and the guy leading the investigation Ken Star was fired as president of Baylor University for covering up sexual assault by the football team
vector Wrote:Hooter Hooter Hooter I believe you are up to your neck in Donald's A$$ might have a chance pulling you out

And the sad thing about the impeachment of Bill for having an affair was the Republicans leading the impeachment was also having affairs or covering up for molesting young boys I believe one of them just got released from jail for trying to cover up molesting young boys and the guy leading the investigation Ken Star was fired as president of Baylor University for covering up sexual assault by the football team
The line between the loyal opposition and the blatantly anti-American liberals is not so fine, and you are squarely on the side of the latter. Ken Starr was selected by a three judge panel to investigate Clinton.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The line between the loyal opposition and the blatantly anti-American liberals is not so fine, and you are squarely on the side of the latter. Ken Starr was selected by a three judge panel to investigate Clinton.

Now Hooter didn't the whitewater investigation started with Bill's own attorney general Janet Reno appointing a special prosecutor Robert Fiske who was praised by the republicans in Congeress until after 6 months and NO evidence of wrongdoing
This sounds just like what is going on today by Donald's OWN party you see the republicans didn't like the results of Fiske final report so they started another investigation with Star the special prosecutor and he came to the same conclusion that there was NO evidence then he went another direction went after Bill's extra marriage affairs
Is history repeating itself?
Donald had better hope the republicans keep control of the house in 2018 or Donald will be impeached

Maybe my memory is better than what you give me credited for
vector Wrote:Now Hooter didn't the whitewater investigation started with Bill's own attorney general Janet Reno appointing a special prosecutor Robert Fiske who was praised by the republicans in Congeress until after 6 months and NO evidence of wrongdoing
This sounds just like what is going on today by Donald's OWN party you see the republicans didn't like the results of Fiske final report so they started another investigation with Star the special prosecutor and he came to the same conclusion that there was NO evidence then he went another direction went after Bill's extra marriage affairs
Is history repeating itself?
Donald had better hope the republicans keep control of the house in 2018 or Donald will be impeached

Maybe my memory is better than what you give me credited for

And maybe you've gotten so used to living in denial your memory is actually much worse than you think it is?

The Castle Grande transactions were crimes’

Hillary Clinton ‘destroyed’ her personal records

A case of ‘possible obstruction’ of justice

Sources say redacted portions of memoranda contain a draft indictment of Mrs. Clinton
Never-before-published prosecution memos from April 1998 say Clinton’s ‘sworn statements to the RTC, the FDIC, the Senate and the House of Representatives and to OIC … reflected and embodied materially inaccurate stories’

A 4/10/98 OIC memo uses terms ‘crime(s),’ ‘criminal,’ ‘fraudulent,’ ‘misrepresented,’ ‘inaccurate,’ ‘deceive,’ ‘mislead,’ ‘misstatement,’ and ‘concealed’ 27 times in 20 pages to describe actions by Clinton and Whitewater associates

(Washington, DC) January 28, 2016 –

" 'Judicial Watch' today released 246 pages of previously undisclosed Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) internal memos revealing extensive details about the investigation of Hillary Rodham Clinton for possible criminal charges involving her activities in the Whitewater/Castle Grande fraudulent land transaction scandal. The memos are “statements of the case” against Hillary Clinton and Webster Lee “Webb” Hubbell, Hillary Clinton’s former law partner and former Associate Attorney General in the Clinton Justice Department. Ultimately, the memos show that prosecutors declined to prosecute Clinton because of the difficulty of persuading a jury to convict a public figure as widely known as Clinton. (Links to the full set of documents are below.)"
LINK to view documents---

Now this is Judicial Watch we're talking about here, not a bunch of political hacks that sit in some back room like rabid chipmunks writing for Mother Jones with crumpled up Cheetos bags and Twinkie wrappers laying all over the place. Don't think you can come on here with that weak baloney and not be called for it. There are tons of evidence of wrongdoing.

The Ken Starr/Bill Clinton episode is ancient history, politically speaking.

Special Counsel Mueller is investigating Russian meddling, collusion, and fonancial ties to Russian financiers close to Putin, and possibly lenders and collaboraters in Trump's corporation. We'll see.
Sounds like a good plan to me...Sessions won't do his job and Mueller should have already been fired. I hope Don goes forward, quickly.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
The Ken Starr/Bill Clinton episode is ancient history, politically speaking.

Special Counsel Mueller is investigating Russian meddling, collusion, and fonancial ties to Russian financiers close to Putin, and possibly lenders and collaboraters in Trump's corporation. We'll see.

Wrong again, the same people who were being investigated back then, were still vying for the Presidency a mere 6 months ago. Remember? And you're still vapor locked over the glorious outcome. :biglmao: ABTW, you left out Whitewater.

We'll see, keep dreaming. It's all you got.

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